"Tartu Semiotics Library" ("Tartu Semiootika Raamatukogu") on Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastuse väljaantav rahvusvaheline semiootikaalane raamatusari, milles avaldatakse monograafiaid, käsiraamatuid, sõnastikke, õpikuid ja artiklikogumikke.[1][2]
Sarja asutasid 1998. aastal Peeter Torop, Mihhail Lotman ja Kalevi Kull.[2]
Sarjas ilmunud raamatud
- 1. V. V. Ivanov, J. M. Lotman, A. M. Pjatigorski, V. N. Toporov, B. A. Uspenskij, "Тезисы к семиотическому изучению культур = Theses on the semiotic study of cultures = Kultuurisemiootika teesid", 1998. ISBN 998540064X
- 2. "Материалы к словарю терминов тартуско-московской семиотической школы = Tartu-Moskva semiootikakoolkonna mõistesõnastik = Conceptual dictionary of the Tartu-Moscow semiotic school ". Ed. Jan Levchenko, Silvi Salupere, 1999. ISBN 9985564456
- 3. Claus Emmeche, Kalevi Kull, Frederik Stjernfelt, "Reading Hoffmeyer, rethinking biology", 2002. ISBN 9985566327
- 4. John Deely, "Basics of semiotics = Semiootika alused", 4th ed., 2005. ISBN 9949110866 (eraldi eesti- ja ingliskeelse väljaandena 2009)
- 5. Marina Grishakova, "The models of space, time and vision in V. Nabokov's fiction: narrative strategies and cultural frames", Ed. Silvi Salupere, 2006. ISBN 9949113067, 9789949113064. (Teine, parandatud väljaanne, 2012, on tasuta kättesaadav veebis)[3], [4]
- 6. Peet Lepik, "Universaalidest Juri Lotmani semiootika kontekstis", Ed. Silvi Salupere, 2007. ISBN 9789949117871
- 7. Peet Lepik, "Universals in the context of Juri Lotman's semiotics", Ed. Silvi Salupere, 2008. ISBN 9789949118311
- 8. Charbel Niño El-Hani, João Queiroz, Claus Emmeche, "Genes, information, and semiosis", 2009. ISBN 9789949190386
- 9. Anti Randviir, "Ruumisemiootika: tähendusliku maailma kaardistamine = Semiotics of space: mapping the meaningful world", Ed. Silvi Salupere, 2010. ISBN 9789949193981
- 10. "A more developed sign: interpreting the work of Jesper Hoffmeyer". Ed. Donald Favareau, Paul Cobley, Kalevi Kull, 2012. ISBN 9789949199457[5]
- 11. "Gatherings in biosemiotics". Ed. Silver Rattasepp, Tyler Bennett, 2012. ISBN 9789949320486
- 12. Floyd Merrell, "Meaning making: it's what we do; it's who we are", 2013. ISBN 9789949323111
- 13. "Beginnings of the semiotics of culture". Ed. Silvi Salupere, Peeter Torop, Kalevi Kull, 2013. ISBN 9789949323234
- 14. Marcel Danesi, Mariana Bockarova, "Mathematics as a modeling system: a semiotic approach", 2014. ISBN 9789949326105.
- 15. Dinda L. Gorlée, "From translation to transduction: the glassy essence of intersemiosis", 2015. ISBN 9789949329892.
- 16. "Concepts for Semiotics". Ed. Claudio Julio Rodríguez Higuera, Tyler James Bennett, 2016. ISBN 9789949772582.
- 17. Douglas Robinson, "Semiotranslating Peirce", 2016. ISBN 9789949772476.
- 18. Timo Maran, Morten Tønnessen, Kristin Armstrong Oma, Laura Kiiroja, Riin Magnus, Nelly Mäekivi, Silver Rattasepp, Paul Thibault, Kadri Tüür, "Animal Umwelten in a Changing world: Zoosemiotic Perspectives", 2016. ISBN 9789949772803
- 19. "Co-operative Engagements in Intertwined Semiosis: Essays in Honour of Charles Goodwin". Ed. Donald Favareau, 2018. ISBN 9789949776887
- 20. Gatherings in Biosemiotics XX. Eds. Lacková, Ľudmila; Rodríguez H., Claudio J.; Kull, Kalevi, 2020.
- 21. Maria Tymoczko, Neuroscience and Translation, 2021.
- 22. Giorgio Prodi, The Material Bases of Meaning, 2021.
- 23. (Re)considering Jakobson. Eds. Elin Sütiste; Remo Gramigna, Jonathan Griffin, Silvi Salupere, 2021.
- 24. Concepts for Semiotics II. Eds. Kõvamees, Erik; Miyamoto, Oscar; Randviir, Anti, 2023.
Vaata ka
- ↑ Kull, Kalevi; Salupere, Silvi; Lepik, Eva 2022. Book series on semiotics in the world and Tartu Semiotics Library. Sign Systems Studies 50(4): 538–545.
- ↑ 2,0 2,1 "Tartu Semiotics Library Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastuse saidil". Vaadatud 9. mail 2024.
- ↑ http://www.oapen.org/search?identifier=421498
- ↑ See raamat avatud juurdepääsuga raamatute andmebaasis DOAB (Directory of Open Access Books)
- ↑ See raamat avatud juurdepääsuga raamatute andmebaasis DOAB (Directory of Open Access Books)