icônes temp en attente de suppression :
+ {{db-author}} ou {{db-author|raison}} == demander supprimer mes images/pages, insérer vers le début
+ {{ping|utilisateur}} == avertir utilisateur (de poste qui suit).
+ wp interdit une référence à une image externe (bien que possible avec mediawiki)
mes icônes
noms seulement (inutile d'afficher les images ici)
contested icons v3
80x80-red-lime-anim.gif = Gov't/main_rebels
80x80-red-yellow-anim.gif = gov't/kurds
80x80-red-grey-anim.gif = gov't/al-Nusra
80x80-red-black-anim.gif = gov't/ISIS
80x80-lime-yellow-anim.gif = main_rebels/kurds
80x80-lime-grey-anim.gif = main_rebels/al-Nusra
80x80-lime-black-anim.gif = main_rebels/ISIS
80x80-yellow-grey-anim.gif = kurds/al-Nusra
80x80-yellow-black-anim.gif = kurds/ISIS
80x80-red-lime-yellow-anim.gif = 3-way
besieged icons 2014 July/Aug - intro
There is a test map at Module:Syrian Civil War detailed map/sandbox,
displayable by the sandbox link from the edit mode of the main map.
Note that, like besieged circle dots, they must be applied before the concerned dot to avoid blocking links.
The lime and yellow icons are slightly darker than the dot icons, to be more visible.
For north use the format
{ lat = "39.999", long = "39.999", mark = "Map-arc-NN-colour.svg", marksize = "9" },
where the marksize is about 3 bigger than the main dot it precedes.
Replace NN with values from the table below for other directions.
Reminders :
1) As for larger dots, put the arcs and circles before the main position icon. Otherwise it will block the link and mouseover display associated with the main icon.
2) The icon file name must start with an upper case letter in modules. (Unlike templates)
3) Use 3 decimal places for the latitude and longitude. That corresponds to roughly 100m (about half a city block), which is about all the accuracy useful for the map.
semi-circles for "besieged-one-side"
Pour les autres directions, NE . EE . SE . SS . SW . WW . NW en place de NN pour nord.
Map-arcNN-red.svg = regime
Map-arcNN-lime.svg = rebels
Map-arcNN-yellow.svg = kurds
Map-arcNN-black.svg = ISIS
circles for surrounded
One advantage of using these instead of larger dots is that lime and yellow are slightly darker, for more visibility on the map. Depending on the size difference, there could also be a slight separation between the main dot and the circle.
Map-circle-red.svg = regime
Map-circle-lime.svg = rebels
Map-circle-yellow.svg = kurds
Map-circle-black.svg = ISIS
i need your help,i have formed a maroon color dot,in prepartion for it to represent the turkish intervention on the syrian map,the problem is i don't how to make the contested icon for it,here is the maroon icon https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Location_dot_Maroon(1).svg Alhanuty (talk) 17:28, 23 July 2015 (UTC)
+ extension:variables pas dans wp
- wp ne veux pas l'installer, à cause de l'objection de certains contributeurs importants.
+ table des lieux = User:André437/Cities and Towns
+ sauvegarde de la page initiale = User:André437/Syrian civil war 2011 - cities and towns - history
+ map sandbox (all users) Module:Syrian_Civil_War_detailed_map/sandbox
Lua error in Module:Location_map/multi at line 235: Module:Syrian Civil War overview map returned boolean, table expected.