Current Organic Chemistry is a scientific review journal summarizing progress in the fields of asymmetric synthesis, organo-metallic chemistry, bioorganic chemistry, heterocyclic chemistry, natural product chemistry and analytical methods in organic chemistry. The journal is currently being edited by Dr. György Keglevich.
Indexing information
Current Organic Chemistry is indexed in the following databases:
- British Library
- Cabell's Directory
- Chemical Abstracts Service/SciFinder
- Chemistry Citation Index
- ChemWeb
- CNKI Scholar
- Current Contents/Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences
- Dimensions
- Engineering Village/Chimica
- ERA 2018
- Genamics JournalSeek
- Google Scholar
- InCites
- Index Copernicus
- J-Gate
- Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition
- JournalTOCs
- MediaFinder-Standard Periodical Directory
- PubsHub
- Research Alert
- Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch)
- Scilit
- Scopus
- Suweco CZ
- TOC Premier
- Ulrich's Periodicals Directory