
I've compiled a table using the redirects up for discussion at Wikipedia:Redirects for discussion/Log/2017 March 2#Emoticon or Emoji?, and listed the official definition according to Emojipedia. I've also given a suggested article based off this definition (or sometimes based off common use when the definition doesn't help, see the notes). When I have more than one article listed, I'd support a retarget to any of the articles listed, although I have them ranked by preference (I'd prefer the first article listed over the second, etc.). Finally, I've got a link to the Emojipedia article so you can see what the emoji looks like across platforms and other relevant information. I'd ask for any comments regarding the table to be made below instead of at the nomination itself, as I'd like to prevent a WP:TRAINWRECK if at all possible. I'm definitely open to other suggestions, it could be the case that a more relevant article is present that I wasn't able to locate. -- Tavix (talk) 20:30, 8 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

  • @Tavix: I guess I should probably add more rationale about why I tried to keep the discussion linked above for just "retargeting to emoji". As you are probably aware, there are several other emoji redirects that currently exist on the English Wikipedia that I didn't nominate. I only nominated the ones that currently target Emoticon or Emoji. For example, though I nominated 😈 and it currently targets Emoticon (and you are recommending that it targets Devil), a related emoji, 👿, currently targets Imp. I was, more or less, hoping that a baseline can be established for these redirects, then similar ones can be nominated in groups later so that they may become synchronized if they currently are not synchronized. Steel1943 (talk) 19:30, 9 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]
The related emoji is called imp, so that one is fine. I'm trying to get the obvious ones out of the way here, so the not so obvious ones can be discussed individually. Otherwise, since there's already been a discussion, I can't, for example, boldly retarget ANGRY FACE to Anger, even though that seems obvious (to me). -- Tavix (talk) 19:42, 9 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]
@Tavix: Wow, crazy that one is know as Imp ... since on my device, both Emojis appear as identical purple smileys, but one with a smile (devil) and one with a frown (imp). Either way, I'll add a related comment to the RFD. Steel1943 (talk) 19:46, 9 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Yeah, I remembered that from reading the Emojipedia article for SMILING FACE WITH HORNS, which mentions In Apple’s artwork, this appears purple, and nearly identical to the Imp emoji. (You must be on an iDevice!) -- Tavix (talk) 19:57, 9 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]
@Tavix: Oh no, you've discovered my secret! 😂 Steel1943 (talk) 20:00, 9 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Table of emoji

Emoji Definition Article(s) Notes Ref
👩‍👩‍👦 FAMILY: WOMAN, WOMAN, BOY Family [1]
😀 GRINNING FACE Smile GrinningSmile [2]
😂 FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY Joy, LOL, Laughter Tears of Joy is a disambiguation page [4]
😢 CRYING FACE Crying [5]
🙀 WEARY CAT FACE Fatigue (medical) WearinessFatigue (medical) [6]
😅 SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH & COLD SWEAT Exercise, Perspiration From common usage [8]
😇 SMILING FACE WITH HALO Angel, Halo (religious iconography) also known as "angel", and it's normally used in that context [10]
😈 SMILING FACE WITH HORNS Devil also known as "devil" [11]
😉 WINKING FACE Wink [12]
😋 FACE SAVORING DELICIOUS FOOD Savoring, Hunger (motivational state) it can also be used to indicate a "silly happiness", but I decided to stick with the definition [13]
😌 RELIEVED FACE Relief (emotion) [14]
😐 NEUTRAL FACE Apathy, Straight face [15]
😑 EXPRESSIONLESS FACE Apathy, Straight face [16]
😒 UNAMUSED FACE Amusement I'm unamused with my suggestion; the only thing I can come up with are antonyms [17]
😓 FACE WITH COLD SWEAT Perspiration [18]
😔 PENSIVE FACE Sadness [19]
😕 CONFUSED FACE Confusion [20]
😖 CONFOUNDED FACE Confusion [21]
😛 FACE WITH STUCK-OUT TONGUE Tongue#Gestures [22]
😜 FACE WITH STUCK-OUT TONGUE & WINKING EYE Silliness, Tongue#Gestures, Wink using the official definition would be an WP:XY situation, so I went with colloquial usage as my preferred [23]
😞 DISAPPOINTED FACE Disappointment [25]
😟 WORRIED FACE Worry [26]
😠 ANGRY FACE Anger [27]
😡 POUTING FACE Anger, Pout Usually displayed the same way as ANGRY FACE, but reddish [28]
😣 PERSEVERING FACE Perseveration [29]
😤 FACE WITH STEAM FROM NOSE Frustration using the colloquial definition [30]
😥 DISAPPOINTED BUT RELIEVED FACE Disappointment, psychological stress I didn't include relief (emotion) due to a lack of article.
However, I've added psychological stress due to colloquial usage.
😧 ANGUISHED FACE Anguish [33]
😨 FEARFUL FACE Fear [34]
😩 WEARY FACE Fatigue (medical) WearinessFatigue (medical) [35]
😪 SLEEPY FACE Somnolence, Fatigue (medical), Sleep [36]
😫 TIRED FACE Fatigue (medical), Somnolence, Sleep [37]
😬 GRIMACING FACE Grimace It's a dab, but it offers the definition. There's not an article on the facial expression. [38]
😮 FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH Surprise (emotion) From common usage [39]
😯 HUSHED FACE Surprise (emotion) Very similar to FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH [40]
😰 FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH & COLD SWEAT Worry From common usage [41]
😲 ASTONISHED FACE Surprise (emotion) AstonishmentSurprise (emotion) [42]
😳 FLUSHED FACE Flushing (physiology) [43]
😴 SLEEPING FACE Sleep [44]
😵 DIZZY FACE Dizziness [45]
😶 FACE WITHOUT MOUTH Silence From common usage [46]
😷 FACE WITH MEDICAL MASK Surgical mask [47]
😹 CAT FACE WITH TEARS OF JOY Joy, LOL, Laughter [48]
😽 KISSING CAT FACE WITH CLOSED EYES Kiss See also: Wikipedia:Redirects for discussion/Log/2017 March 1#😚 [50]
😿 CRYING CAT FACE Crying [51]
🙃 UPSIDE-DOWN FACE Smile, Upside Down Generally ambiguous. Upside Down is a dab, and I couldn't find a good article that covers the concept.
It uses SLIGHTLY SMILING FACE, but upside-down, which is why I'm recommending Smile.
🙅 PERSON GESTURING NO Yes and no [55]
🙆 PERSON GESTURING OK OK (gesture), OK [56]
🙇 PERSON BOWING Bowing [57]
🙋 PERSON RAISING HAND <article to be created> I'm in genuine shock that I can't find an article on this. It's not even in List of gestures. [58]
🙌 RAISING HANDS Praise, Hallelujah From common usage [59]
🙎 PERSON POUTING Pout It's a dab, but it offers the definition. There's not an article on the facial expression. [61]


Hmm, Talk:👩‍👩‍👦 seems to be protected from creation. I'm wondering if a helpful admin could step in and create it with the statutory rfd notice? Maybe something along these lines: {{old rfd|date = 2 March 2017|action = retarget|page = 2017 March 2#Emoticon or Emoji?|result = '''provisionally retarget to [[Emoji]]''' without prejudice [[Wikipedia talk:Redirects for discussion/Log/2017 March 2|against retargeting to an article about the specific concept represented]]}} Thanks! – Uanfala (talk) 18:58, 22 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

@Uanfala: No problem! That's very interesting though, the note says "note that single-character titles are permitted by the title whitelist" which means that the system is interpreting the emoji as more than one character? -- Tavix (talk) 19:27, 22 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Ah, so that's why. It comes up on my emoji-unfriendly system as a sequence of three symbols: 👩‍ 👩‍ 👦. – Uanfala (talk) 19:38, 22 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]
It is actually a sequence of five symbols, two of which are the invisible zero-width joiner. Many emoji use the ZWJ, encoding a single picture with multiple code points. Gorobay (talk) 20:13, 22 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Ah, I just read Emoji#Joining and it all makes sense now. I've just put in a request to amend the blacklist or whitelist so we can avoid this problem in the future. -- Tavix (talk) 00:47, 23 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]
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