Dengue fever
RNA interference
Social history of viruses
Introduction to viruses
Total pages in content type is 7
Total pages in content type is 4
Good articles
2007 Bernard Matthews H5N1 outbreak
2009 swine flu pandemic
Bat virome
COVID-19 pandemic
Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations
Common cold
Coughs and sneezes spread diseases
Disease X
Elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus
HIV/AIDS in Malawi
Hammer-headed bat
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis E
Host (biology)
Kivu Ebola epidemic
Playa de Oro virus
Spanish flu
Western African Ebola epidemic
What Lies Below (Fringe)
Wikipedia and the COVID-19 pandemic
Total pages in content type is 32
Former good articles
Canine parvovirus
Foot-and-mouth disease
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1
Edward Jenner
Yellow fever
Total pages in content type is 9
Did you know? articles
... that the 1957–1958 influenza pandemic killed at least one million people worldwide? (2020-05-11)
... that during the 1967 outbreak of foot and mouth disease in the United Kingdom, around 430,000 animals were slaughtered? (2009-08-28)
... that in 2007, the first Australian outbreak of equine influenza caused a nationwide ban on horse racing? (2007-09-02)
... that the 2013 dengue outbreak is one of the worst outbreaks of the disease in Singapore to date? (2013-06-15)
... that COVID-19 lockdown restrictions caused a 37-percent increase in infections of dengue fever in Singapore's 2020 outbreak? (2022-07-19)
... that Adenovirus serotype 14 is an emerging virus, related to the common cold, that has recently caused 10 deaths in the United States, including at least one healthy young adult? (2007-11-20)
... that agnoprotein (pictured) is found in two polyomaviruses that can cause human disease, JC virus and BK virus? (2016-08-22)
... that the Alternanthera mosaic virus, a type of Potexvirus, has been misdiagnosed as the closely-related Papaya mosaic virus? (2009-01-18)
... that the American Society for Virology, the first independent scientific society specifically for virologists, was founded only 34 years ago? (2015-06-09)
... that public health authorities are still not exactly sure how Alaskapox virus, a recently discovered relative of Monkeypox virus, has spread to humans from animals? (2022-07-19)
... that Bourbon virus (pictured), discovered in 2014 from a man who died after tick bites, is the first thogotovirus to be associated with human disease in the Western hemisphere? (2015-04-17)
... that due to its similarity to the coronavirus pandemic, Warner Bros.' second most successful film of 2020 so far is 2011's Contagion? (2020-03-27)
... that after suspected coronavirus patients in Maharashtra, India, started fleeing hospitals, the government directed officials to stamp the left hand of those quarantined at home using indelible ink? (2020-04-16)
... that a man suspected of carrying coronavirus in Nepal ran away from the hospital? (2020-03-18)
... that residents of Rankin Inlet, Nunavut, blocked access to a local goldmine over fears of COVID-19, even though Nunavut had no confirmed cases? (2020-05-29)
... that "Catch It, Bin It, Kill It" (poster shown), a slogan first used in 2007, has been revived to fight the 2020 coronavirus pandemic in the United Kingdom? (2020-04-04)
... that the CEO of CEPI, a key organisation in the race to develop a vaccine for COVID-19, has called the disease "the most frightening" that he has ever encountered in his career? (2020-03-31)
... that coccolithovirus, a giant double-stranded DNA virus, has 472 protein-coding genes, and is the largest known marine virus by genome? (2006-06-02)
... that coughs and sneezes spread diseases (poster shown)? (2020-05-02)
... that a novel virus may be implicated in its parasitic wasp host turning the spotted lady beetle into a "zombie bodyguard"? (2015-02-18)
... that experts on the World Health Organization's emergency committee believe that COVID-19 could be the first Disease X? (2020-04-07)
... that vaccine coverage at schools around the Disneyland Resort was too low for herd immunity when measles broke out in 2014? (2022-03-07)
... that double-stranded RNA viruses cause everything from gastroenteritis in young children to bluetongue disease in livestock? (2007-11-27)
... that COVID-19 vaccine scientist Paul Duprex got his start in microbiology by experimenting with his high-school classmates' spit? (2022-01-07)
Elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus (article's talk page missing blurb) (2006-05-16)
... that the old adage "feed a cold, starve a fever" was first published in a 1574 dictionary? (2023-03-02)
... that professor Neil Ferguson and his team believe that significantly more people in China have been infected with the 2019 novel coronavirus than has been reported? (2020-03-11)
... that Franquet's Epauletted Fruit Bat (pictured) is one of three fruit-eating bats found to be a reservoir for Ebola virus in the wild? (2011-06-01)
... that research by Dr. Harold Ginsberg on adenoviruses led to the development of gene therapy, in which modified versions of viruses can be used to implant healthy versions of genes to treat disease? (2010-08-22)
... that the groundnut rosette virus, which causes serious damage to peanut crops in Africa, is spread by the groundnut aphid? (2015-02-22)
... that HPgV-2 is the second human pegivirus ever discovered? (2018-02-07)
... that the hairpin ribozyme is an RNA that can encode genetic information and catalyze biological reactions? (2010-09-25)
... that virologist Harald zur Hausen is recipient of both the Gairdner Foundation International Award and the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2008? (2008-10-13)
... that China is the only country in the world to have a licensed vaccine for hepatitis E? (2019-09-09)
... that before the Hershey–Chase experiment confirmed the role of DNA, scientists believed that genes were carried by proteins? (2011-04-08)
... that humans and horses are dead-end hosts for the West Nile virus? (2018-04-10)
... that in a 1997 Alaskan expedition, pathologist Johan Hultin retrieved samples of the 1918 influenza virus from the lungs of flu victims preserved by permafrost? (2009-05-06)
... that the human bocavirus is the fourth most commonly found virus in samples collected from the respiratory system? (2008-11-23)
... that 95% of adults have been infected by human herpesvirus 7, a virus that can cause influenza-like illness and seizures but normally causes no symptoms? (2010-08-25)
... that during the COVID-19 pandemic, Polish police requested criminals to stop all criminal activities until further notice? (2020-06-07)
... that during the COVID-19 pandemic, United Nations secretary-general António Guterres called for a global domestic violence "ceasefire"? (2020-06-15)
... that although Indian cassava mosaic virus does indeed infect cassava crops in India, the actual origin of the virus is unknown? (2019-01-11)
... that the 2018–2020 Kivu Ebola epidemic was the Democratic Republic of the Congo's 10th and longest Ebola outbreak and the second largest in the world after the outbreak in West Africa? (2021-03-26)
... that the Kunjin virus, which can be transmitted by mosquitoes and may cause encephalitis in humans, is named for an Indigenous Australian clan living near where the virus was first isolated? (2009-08-16)
... that according to (RED), providing health-restoring antiretroviral drugs to HIV positive people in Africa, as described in the documentary The Lazarus Effect, costs US$0.40 per person per day? (2010-08-18)
... that the outbreak of Ebola in Bundibugyo District in Uganda in 2007 was caused by a novel strain of the Ebola virus? (2009-12-02)
... that because photomicrographs of Longan witches broom-associated virus were not published, the virus was not initially accepted as the cause of the eponymous disease? (2019-12-12)
... that LdMNPV's EGT gene is responsible for the infected larvae's 'zombie-like' behavior? (2012-10-04)
... that the vaccine MVA-B has been found to create a resistance to HIV in 90% of the Phase I testers? (2011-10-11)
... that although measles was declared eradicated from the United States in 2000, more than 500 people there have been diagnosed with the disease so far in 2019? (2019-05-18)
... that a novel human polyomavirus is associated with Merkel cell carcinoma, a rare and highly aggressive form of skin cancer? (2008-04-13)
... that the Mokola virus is a relative of the rabies virus and was first isolated in tree shrews? (2005-07-28)
... that murine polyomavirus (pictured) is an oncovirus that causes tumors in newborn mice? (2015-08-02)
... that Governor Andrew Cuomo, who was initially praised for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in New York, is now implicated in a scandal related to it? (2021-03-17)
... that Shetlander Johnnie Notions, a physician with no formal medical background, developed a smallpox inoculation that successfully immunised thousands of people before Jenner's vaccine was available? (2019-12-28)
... that Melahat Okuyan, a Turkish female microbiologist and AIDS activist, once proposed the establishment of male brothels for homosexuals and cross-dressers in order to improve public health? (2017-10-21)
... that a Bird Flu pre-pandemic vaccine called Pandemrix is the first to be approved by the EU for the inoculation of populations in the early stages of a bird flu pandemic? (2008-06-30)
... that death due to the Parapoxvirus is one of the main reasons for the decline of the number of Red squirrels on the British Isles? (2005-03-21)
... that Trinidadian virologist Dr. Joseph Lennox Pawan M.B.E. was the first person to show that rabies could be spread by vampire bats to other animals and humans? (2011-04-05)
... that studies in phage ecology indicate that viruses may be the most abundant organisms on Earth? (2006-09-10)
... that the phage group was an informal network of biologists centered around Max Delbrück that contributed heavily to the origins of molecular biology? (2007-05-10)
... that the genetically modified plum C5 is the only Prunus species resistant to the devastating plant disease plum pox? (2005-07-09)
... that polio eradication efforts in Pakistan were hampered by a vaccination campaign conducted by the CIA as cover in the search for Osama bin Laden? (2012-06-03)
... that there are two known Polyomaviruses which infect humans? (2004-07-01)
... that a quaranjavirus that can infect humans was discovered in 1953, but it took 60 years to classify it? (2015-03-30)
... that the p19 protein (dimer pictured) evolved in an arms race between plants and viruses? (2017-01-08)
... that Infectious Salmon Anaemia is a viral disease of Atlantic Salmon which affects fish farms in Canada, Norway, and Scotland? (2005-05-17)
... that in 1978, populations of the gulf sea star in the Gulf of California were devastated by starfish wasting disease and had not fully recovered twenty years later? (2013-11-24)
... that Robert Shope, described as a "walking encyclopaedia" of arboviruses, discovered more novel viruses than anyone previously? (2016-03-18)
... that the stripes on tulips (examples pictured) that caused tulip mania were probably caused by a virus, but this was unknown to science at the time? (2010-12-08)
... that in addition to infecting squashes, the squash mosaic virus also infects melons? (2013-10-31)
... that virologist Stephen Straus, first head of the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, said he did not use alternative medicine? (2016-09-27)
... that the T4 rII experimental system enabled biologist Seymour Benzer to map a gene down to the level of one or two base pairs before the invention of DNA sequencing? (2009-02-13)
... that transmission of COVID-19 is known to occur through respiratory droplets, contaminated surfaces, kissing, and aerosol-generating medical procedures? (2020-08-31)
... that viral vector vaccines currently in use include four COVID-19 vaccines and two Ebola vaccines? (2021-04-26)
... that Virology is the first English-language journal to focus on viruses? (2013-02-22)
... that the Visna virus, a retrovirus that causes encephalitis and chronic pneumonitis in sheep, is used as a model system for HIV infection? (2009-02-11)
... that during the West African Ebola virus epidemic as many as 15 different vaccines were in development? (2016-11-17)
... that a COVID-19 outbreak at the White House infected at least 35 people, including the President, First Lady, three senators, and a governor? (2020-10-08)
... that in 2020, COVID-19–related articles across all Wikipedias received more than 579 million pageviews? (2023-05-01)
... that the recently discovered Zamilon virophage (pictured) casts doubt on the concept of virophages? (2016-03-22)
Total pages in content type is 82
AntigenicShift HiRes
Child with Smallpox Bangladesh
Ebola Virus - Electron Micrograph
MRNA vaccines against the coronavirus
Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
SARS-CoV-2 scanning electron microscope image
Total pages in content type is 7
2009 swine flu pandemic (1969-12-31)
2013–2014 chikungunya outbreak (2014-05-05)
2018 Équateur province Ebola outbreak (2018-05-20)
2023–2025 mpox epidemic (2024-08-16)
2019 Bihar encephalitis outbreak (2019-06-19)
COVID-19 (2020-03-11)
COVID-19 lockdowns in Italy (2020-03-09)
COVID-19 pandemic (2020-01-20)
List of deaths due to COVID-19 (2020-03-29)
Dengue fever (2004-02-24)
Ebola (2010-05-30)
Ebola virus epidemic in Liberia (2015-05-10)
Anthony Epstein (2024-02-13)
Harald zur Hausen (2023-06-02)
HIV (2009-08-05)
Johan Hultin (2022-01-29)
Kivu Ebola epidemic (2018-11-13)
MERS outbreak (2014-06-06)
2022–2023 mpox outbreak (2022-07-23)
Pandemic (2020-03-11)
Pandoravirus (2013-07-20)
Phage display (2018-10-04)
Polio eradication (2014-03-28)
Rinderpest (2010-10-14)
Rubella (2015-05-01)
2019 Samoa measles outbreak (2019-12-09)
Simian immunodeficiency virus (2010-09-18)
Swine influenza (2009-04-25)
Western African Ebola epidemic (2016-01-14)
Yellow fever (2009-11-25)
Zika virus (2016-01-24)
2015–16 Zika virus epidemic (2016-02-01)
Total pages in content type is 32
Main page featured articles
- Macfarlane Burnet (2009-01-06)
- Dengue fever (2011-08-05)
- HIV/AIDS (2006-06-15)
- Influenza (2007-01-01)
- Polio (2008-08-22)
- RNA interference (2011-11-25)
- Rotavirus (2008-04-07)
- SARS (2004-12-20)
- Social history of viruses (2013-08-18)
- Virus (2009-10-05)
- Introduction to viruses (2012-10-21)
Total pages in content type is 11
AntigenicShift HiRes (2011-05-19)
Child with Smallpox Bangladesh (2013-10-26)
Ebola Virus - Electron Micrograph (2020-03-26)
MRNA vaccines against the coronavirus (2021-10-21)
Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (2021-09-03)
Phage (2020-05-24)
SARS-CoV-2 scanning electron microscope image (2022-02-22)
Total pages in content type is 7
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