// NOTICE: Formatter's functionality is now almost entirely included in [[Wikipedia:AutoEd]]'s "Formatter" preset. You may
// use whichever you want, although AutoEd is more actively maintained and more open to customization.
//Wikipedia:WikiProject User scripts | Scripts
function format() {
var txt = document.editform.wpTextbox1;
txt.value = catFixer(txt.value);
txt.value = entities(txt.value);
txt.value = fixheadings(txt.value);
txt.value = fixsyntax(txt.value);
txt.value = linkfixer(txt.value, false);
//txt.value = imagefixer(txt.value);
txt.value = whitespace(txt.value);
txt.value = linksimplifyer(txt.value);
txt.value = trim(txt.value);
function whitespace(str){
str = str.replace(/\t/g, " ");
str = str.replace(/^ ? ? \n/gm, "\n");
str = str.replace(/(\n\n)\n+/g, "$1");
str = str.replace(/== ? ?\n\n==/g, "==\n==");
str = str.replace(/\n\n(\* ?\[?http)/g, "\n$1");
str = str.replace(/^ ? ? \n/gm, "\n");
str = str.replace(/\n\n\*/g, "\n*");
str = str.replace(/[ \t][ \t]+/g, " ");
str = str.replace(/([=\n]\n)\n+/g, "$1");
str = str.replace(/ \n/g, "\n");
//* bullet points
str = str.replace(/^([\*#]+) /gm, "$1");
str = str.replace(/^([\*#]+)/gm, "$1 ");
str = str.replace(/^(={1,4}) ?(.*?) ?(={1,4})$/gm, "$1$2$3");
//dash — spacing
str = str.replace(/ ?(–|–|–|–|–) ?/g, "$1");
str = str.replace(/ ?(—|—|—|—|—) ?/g, "$1");
str = str.replace(/([^1-9])(—|—|—|—|—|–|–|–|–|–)([^1-9])/g, "$1 $2 $3");
return trim(str);
function entities(str){
//str = str.replace(//g, "");
str = str.replace(/–|–|–/g, "–");
str = str.replace(/—|—|—/g, "—");
// str = str.replace(/(cm| m|km|mi)<sup>2</sup>/g, "$1²");
str = str.replace(/²/g, "²");
str = str.replace(/°/g, "°");
return trim(str);
//Fix ==See also== and similar section common errors.
function fixheadings(str)
if( !str.match(/= ?See also ?=/) )
str = str.replace(/(== ?)(see also:?|also see:?)( ?==)/gi, "$1See also$3");
str = str.replace(/(== ?)(external links?:?|outside links?|web ?links?:?|exterior links?:?)( ?==)/gi, "$1External links$3");
str = str.replace(/(== ?)(references?:?)( ?==)/gi, "$1References$3");
str = str.replace(/(== ?)(sources?:?)( ?==)/gi, "$1Sources$3");
str = str.replace(/(== ?)(further readings?:?)( ?==)/gi, "$1Further reading$3");
return str;
function catFixer(str){
str = str.replace(/\[\[ ?[Cc]ategory ?: ?/g, "[[Category:");
return trim(str);
//fixes many common syntax problems
function fixsyntax(str)
//replace html with wiki syntax
if( !str.match(/'<\/?[ib]>|<\/?[ib]>'/gi) )
str = str.replace(/<i>(.*?)<\/i>/gi, "''$1''");
str = str.replace(/<b>(.*?)<\/b>/gi, "'''$1'''");
str = str.replace(/<br\/>/gi, "<br />");
str = str.replace(/<br>/gi, "<br />");
return trim(str);
//formats links in standard fashion
function linkfixer(str, checkImages)
str = str.replace(/\]\[/g, "] [");
var m = str.match(/\[?\[[^\]]*?\]\]?/g);
if (m)
for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i++)
var x = m[i].toString();
var y = x;
//internal links only
if ( !y.match(/^\[?\[http:\/\//i) && !y.match(/^\[?\[image:/i) )
if (y.indexOf(":") == -1 && y.substr(0,3) != "[[_" && y.indexOf("|_") == -1)
if (y.indexOf("|") == -1)
y = y.replace(/_/g, " ");
y = y.replace( y.substr(0, y.indexOf("|")), y.substr(0, y.indexOf("|")).replace(/_/g, " "));
y = y.replace(/ ?\| ?/, "|").replace("|]]", "| ]]");
str = str.replace(x, y);
//repair bad internal links
str = str.replace(/\[\[ ?([^\]]*?) ?\]\]/g, "[[$1]]");
str = str.replace(/\[\[([^\]]*?)( |_)#([^\]]*?)\]\]/g, "[[$1#$3]]");
//repair bad external links
str = str.replace(/\[?\[http:\/\/([^\]]*?)\]\]?/gi, "[http://$1]");
str = str.replace(/\[http:\/\/([^\]]*?)\|([^\]]*?)\]/gi, "[http://$1 $2]");
return trim(str);
//fixes images
function imagefixer(str)
//remove external images
str = str.replace(/\[?\[image:http:\/\/([^\]]*?)\]\]?/gi, "[http://$1]");
//fix links within internal images
var m = str.match(/\[?\[image:[^\[\]]*?(\[?\[[^\]]*?\]*?[^\[\]]*?)*?\]+/gi);
if (m)
for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i++)
var x = m[i].toString();
var y = x;
y = y.replace(/^\[\[i/i, "I").replace(/\]\]$/, "");
y = y.replace(/(\[[^\]]*?)$/, "$1]");
y = linkfixer(y, true);
y = "[[" + y + "]]";
str = str.replace(x, y);
return trim(str);
//simplifies some links e.g. [[Dog|dog]] to [[dog]] and [[Dog|dogs]] to [[dog]]s
function linksimplifyer(str){
var m = str.match(/\[\[([^[]*?)\|([^[]*?)\]\]/g);
if (m)
for (var i = 0; i < m.length; i++)
var n_arr = m[i].toString().match(/\[\[([^[]*?)\|([^[]*?)\]\]/);
var n = n_arr[0];
var a = n_arr[1];
var b = n_arr[2];
if (b.indexOf(a) == 0 || b.indexOf(TurnFirstToLower(a)) == 0)
var k = n.replace(/\[\[([^\]\|]*?)\|(\1)([\w]*?)\]\]/i, "[[$2]]$3");
str = str.replace(n, k);
str = str.replace(/\[\[([^\]\|]+)\|([^\]\|]+)\]\]([A-Za-z\'][A-Za-z]*)([\.\,\;\:\"\!\?\s\n])/g, "[[$1|$2$3]]$4"); // ' // Help the syntax highlighter...
return str;
//trim start and end, trim spaces from the end of lines
function trim(str) {
str = str.replace(/ $/gm, "");
return str.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, "");
//turns first character to lowercase
function TurnFirstToLower(input) {
if (input != "")
var input = trim(input);
var temp = input.substr(0, 1);
return temp.toLowerCase() + input.substr(1, input.length);
return "";
//entities that should never be unicoded
function noUnicodify(str) {
str = str.replace(" & ", " & ");
str = str.replace("&", "&amp;").replace("&lt;", "&amp;lt;").replace("&gt;", "&amp;gt;").replace("&quot;", "&amp;quot;").replace("&apos;", "&amp;apos;");
str = str.replace("−", "&minus;").replace("×", "&times;");
str = str.replace(" ", "&nbsp;").replace(" ", "&thinsp;").replace("­", "&shy;");
str = str.replace("′", "&prime;");
str = str.replace(/&(#0?9[13];)/, "&$1");
str = str.replace(/&(#0?12[345];)/, "&$1");
return str;
addOnloadHook(function () {
if(document.forms.editform) {
addPortletLink('p-cactions', 'javascript:format()', 'format', 'ca-format', 'Format article', '', document.getElementById('ca-edit'));
- /
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