![]() Some Wikipedians have formed a project to better organize information on articles related to Rihanna. This page and its subpages contain their suggestions; it is hoped that this project will help to focus the efforts of other Wikipedians. If you would like to help, please see the talk page.
ScopeThe scope of the project covers articles about Rihanna and her life and work. Included are also people and things directly related to - or who have achieved a significant part of their notability through their connection to Rihanna as an individual. All of these articles should be placed in the Category:Rihanna or one of its subcategories. ParticipantsTo add yourself to the current members list, simply click and insert # {{User|YOURNAME}}
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TemplatesTemplates related to the project should be listed here. Membership templateMembers should place this userbox somewhere in their userpage to show project membership. {{Wikipedia:WikiProject Rihanna/Userbox}} Assessment templateAdd this template {{WikiProject Rihanna}} to articles related to Rihanna for it to be assessed. Don't forget to add the class and importance by adding class=B/C/GA/FA/FL.... and importance=top/mid/low.. Project templatesIt is recommended that Project members add each of the following Project pages to their watchlists.
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