Sotsiaalmeedias Ukraina allikate poolt levitatava info kohaselt eemaldas USA valitsus täna neljapäeval, 6. märtsil viited kokkulepete kohta julgeolekugarantiidest Ukrainale.
Kadunud on nii viited Budapesti memorandumile, mis sõlmiti 1994. aastal, kui Ukraina loobus tuumarelvadest, kui ka 10-aastase koostööleppe kohta, mis sõlmiti eelmise, 2024. aasta juunis.
Märgitakse, et möödunud aasta kokkulepe ei nõudnud parlamendi heakskiitu, seetõttu sai president selle tühistada.
See tähendab, et loetud päevadega on Ukraina ilma jäänud sellest, mis talle lubati.
The State Department and the White House have erased from their websites any trace of the signing of security guarantees between Ukraine and the United States. The only working official link I found led to the website of the US embassy in Italy, but I think it will be removed…
— Denis Danilov (@DenisDanilovL) March 5, 2025
The Whitehouse erased the 1994 Budapest memo from the website today
The UN has notUkraine
gave up its nuclear arsenal—in exchange for security assurances from USA
UK, Russia
Trump & Putin broke that promise
Because they have no compassion, no honor— Jake Adelstein/???? (@jakeadelstein) March 6, 2025
BREAKING: The 10 year security guarantee between the U.S. and Ukraine that was signed under the previous administration has disappeared from the White House website.
— GeoInsider (@InsiderGeo) March 6, 2025
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Postitus arhiveeritakse Reede märts 7th, 2025 kell 4:56p.l.