This is a listing of existing articles on debates within libertarianism, as well as a to-do list of others that should be created. Please keep it alphabetized. If you find an item that you think is of dubious merit, you may flag it as such by italicizing it, or even comment it out, or you can bring the matter up on the talk page.
- Libertarian perspectives on abortion
- Libertarian perspectives on affirmative action
- Libertarian perspectives on anarchism
- Libertarian perspectives on animal rights
- Libertarian perspectives on banking
- Libertarian perspectives on Barack Obama
- Libertarian perspectives on the business cycle
- Libertarian perspectives on capital punishment
- Libertarian perspectives on children
- Libertarian perspectives on civil disobedience
- Libertarian perspectives on conscription
- Libertarian perspectives on contracts
- Libertarian perspectives on corporations
- Libertarian perspectives on criminal justice
- Libertarian perspectives on currency
- Libertarian perspectives on defense
- Libertarian perspectives on democracy
- Libertarian perspectives on discrimination
- Libertarian perspectives on disposition of government property
- Libertarian perspectives on education
- Libertarian perspectives on energy
- Libertarian perspectives on the environment
- Libertarian perspectives on evolution
- Libertarian perspectives on feminism
- Libertarian perspectives on foreign intervention
- Libertarian perspectives on globalization
- Libertarian perspectives on government employment
- Libertarian perspectives on gun control
- Libertarian perspectives on health care
- Libertarian perspectives on homesteading
- Libertarian perspectives on human cloning
- Libertarian perspectives on immigration
- Libertarian perspectives on imprisonment
- Libertarian perspectives on inflation
- Libertarian perspectives on inheritance
- Libertarian perspectives on intellectual property
- Libertarian perspectives on international organizations
- Libertarian perspectives on involuntary treatment
- Libertarian perspectives on jury nullification
- Libertarian perspectives on labor
- Libertarian perspectives on LGBT rights
- Libertarian perspectives on marriage
- Libertarian perspectives on monarchism
- Libertarian perspectives on monopolies
- Libertarian perspectives on national debt
- Libertarian perspectives on natural resources
- Libertarian perspectives on natural rights
- Libertarianism and Objectivism
- Libertarian perspectives on political alliances
- Libertarian perspectives on political parties
- Libertarian perspectives on privacy
- Libertarian perspectives on privatization
- Libertarian perspectives on property
- Libertarian perspectives on prostitution
- Libertarian perspectives on public nudity
- Libertarian perspectives on psychology
- Libertarian perspectives on recreational drug use
- Libertarian perspectives on redistribution
- Libertarian perspectives on religion
- Libertarian perspectives on secession
- Libertarian perspectives on self-defense
- Libertarian perspectives on separation of powers
- Libertarian perspectives on sex
- Libertarian perspectives on Social Security
- Libertarian perspectives on socialism
- Libertarian perspectives on sovereignty
- Libertarian perspectives on speech
- Libertarian perspectives on stem cells
- Libertarian perspectives on suicide
- Libertarian perspectives on revolution
- Libertarian perspectives on taxation
- Libertarian perspectives on trade barriers
- Libertarian perspectives on transportation
- Libertarian perspectives on the United Nations
- Libertarian perspectives on the United States Constitution
- Libertarian perspectives on war
- Libertarian perspectives on welfare
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