Guild of Copy Editors March 2013 backlog elimination drive mid-drive newsletter

  • Participation: Out of 30 people signed up for this drive so far, 21 have copy-edited at least one article. If you've signed up but haven't yet copy-edited any articles, every bit helps; if you haven't signed up yet, it's not too late. Join us!
  • Progress report: We're on track to meet most of our targets for the drive. We have reduced our target group of articles—February, March, and April 2012—by more than two thirds, and 20 of the the 53 requests made in January and February 2013 have been fulfilled. We continue to stay just below the 3000 mark for total tagged articles. If you've been away for awhile, please come back and help us push that number down!
  • The February 2013 Copy Edit of the Month Contest is in the discussion and voting stage until midnight March 31 (UTC). You don't have to make a submission to vote!
  • March 2013 Copy Edit of the Month Contest is in the submissions stage until midnight March 31 (UTC), when discussion and voting begin.
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