Keep in mind that everything listed here is potentially problematic, not necessarily problematic. For instance, you could have something like Drug Therapy
listed as a 'miscapitalized' variation of Drug therapy
. The solution is to create the article if the journal passes WP:NJOURNALS, or live with the redlink being listed (not every such journal will be notable). No citation need to be updated in this case. Likewise, January Magazine matches the pattern for the month of January, which is designed to pick up things like |journal=Journal of Physics, 3 January 2013
rather than actual publications with 'January' in their titles. Use your judgement, fix actual issues these lists found, and ignore whatever false positives is contained in them.
- Invalid titles
- The invalid titles page lists citations whose name is not a valid Wikipedia page title. This means the name contains characters that are not valid if the citation name was to be linked. While there are a number of characters not supported in Wikipedia page names, one of the most common is that the citation contains a # symbol because the issue number is included with the citation name and not properly included in the
field of the citation template.
- Diacritics
- The diacritics page lists:
- citations whose names match redirects specifically tagged as {{R to diacritics}};
- citations whose names match redirects specifically tagged as {{R from diacritics}};
- citations whose names are neither articles nor redirects (i.e. red links), but differ in diacritics from an existing article
- Miscapitalisations
- The misspellings page lists:
- citations whose names match redirects specifically tagged as {{R from miscapitalisation}};
- citations whose names are neither articles nor redirects (i.e. red links), but differ in capitalization from an existing article or redirect
- Misspellings
- The misspellings page lists:
- citations whose names match redirects tagged as {{R from misspellings}};
- citations whose names match redirects tagged as {{R from incorrect name}};
- citations whose names are neither articles nor redirects (i.e. red links), and vary only in capitalization from those in 1 or 2
- Dots
- The dots page lists citations whose names are neither articles nor redirects (i.e. red links) and that differ from citations whose names are either articles or redirects (i.e. blue links) by only a period or comma.
- Brackets
- The Brackets page lists citations that end in:
- all capital letters in brackets, i.e. [ALLCAPS]
- all capital letters in parenthesis, i.e. (ALLCAPS)
- a space followed by a dash (-, –, or —), an optional space, and then all capital letters
- a semicolon or colon followed by an optional space and then all capital letters
- Potentially problematic patterns
- The patterns page lists citations who match the patterns on the configuration page.
- Invalid DOI Prefixes
- The invalid DOI prefixes page lists DOI citations whose DOI prefix is not valid.
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