This page is an archive and its contents should be preserved in their current form;
any comments regarding this page should be directed to Template talk:In the news. Thanks.
Last related Current events item from 5 May. No info on Cornelius in the Irenaios article (or anywhere in WP as far as I can tell) and, as the blurb is written, there should be a link to Metropolitan Cornelius. - BanyanTree00:41, 31 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]
The Current events link had gotten removed by vandalism. It's back now with a link to the BBC article. I've also updated this headline and added a Cornelius stub article. --A.S. Damick 02:36, May 31, 2005 (UTC)
A massive power outage produced a blackout in the Russian capital of Moscow. Authorities are still investigating the matter and working on solving the problem.
Not posted. Page with bolded link was not updated. If it's just one city affected, it's local news. -- PFHLai 23:55, 2005 May 25 (UTC)
Democrats will only filibuster judicial nominees in "extraordinary circumstances" under a compromise agreement forged in the United States Senate to avert a showdown on the Nuclear option.
Flag of North Rhine-WestphaliaFlag of North Rhine-Westphalia
Can't post this item as is. The article has no mention of the "deadly rioting" nor the "harsh criticism from governments of Afghanistan, Pakistan ..." Also, the article Guantánamo Bay Qur'an desecration allegations has a {{cleanup}} tag on it, making it a poor candidate to get featured on the MainPage. It's a good topic. Please "clean up" and beef up that article. Thanks. -- PFHLai 10:16, 2005 May 19 (UTC)
Pope Benedict XVI waives the five-year waiting period normally required before somebody's beatification process may begin and starts the process for his predecessor, John Paul II on the 24th anniversary of his assasination attempt.
We should add that both deny the accusation and have previously won libel cases when these alligations originally appeared in newspapers some years ago. Seabhcán11:58, 13 May 2005 (UTC)[reply] is a liberal POV fork website. I can't find this anywhere on the U.S. major media or on any of the news wires. If it's not newsworthy enough for any mainstream media, then how is it good enough for In The News? --Kitch11:13, 10 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]
If your a sysop you don't need to list on this page, do you? This page is just to help non-sysops edit the template (I thought). BrokenSegue04:25, 8 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]
I don't need to, but I think it's a good idea so I get some peer review before putting something on the main page.-gadfium07:32, 8 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]
It would be nice to have something about the events in Nepal - there have been mentions in Current Events for the last three days, but I have no time to write an article to link to. The most appropriate article may be Gyanendra of Nepal. I don't see anything on Wikinews either.-gadfium21:33, 3 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]
Don't know about the pic. A nukiller explosion is a lot more eye-catching than (yet another) politician in a suit, nice red tie notwithstanding. (However, if it's so decided, on this other pic, he'd be looking into the page). –Hajor22:26, 2 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]
I think the 'sparkle' on his forehead is more eye-catching. :-) -- PFHLai 00:56, 2005 May 3 (UTC)
Following Saturday's car bombings in Cairo, some 200 people have been brought in for questioning by Egytian police. 8 people were injured in the attacks. --Gkhan 05:34, May 2, 2005 (UTC)
We need to link to an article which has been updated to include the news item. Cairo is not suitable. We can't put this on ITN unless we have a Bombings in Cairo article or similar.-gadfium07:00, 2 May 2005 (UTC)[reply]
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