(When an upcoming blitz or drive's details are finalised) Update the community portal posting. Further instructions are provided at the blitz and drive pages.
(One week before the end of even-numbered months) Use {{GOCE-new-drive-page}} to create a page for the next drive.
(One week before the start of a blitz) Use {{GOCE-new-blitz-page}} to create a page for the next blitz.
(First day of the month) Add a month header (e.g. ==June 2016==) to the bottom of the Requests page
(First day of the month) Open or close the active drive or blitz, including taking a screen shot of the backlog status (at the close of a drive) and putting it on the drive page. See these instructions.
Compile totals and give out awards for all Guild events.
Delete (or request G6 speedy deletion for) old, empty monthly category pages (if a bot hasn't gotten around to it).
Prepare and update newsletters to inform members of impending or ongoing events, drive and blitz results, election notices and results, and any other relevant happenings.
Twice per year (in May–June and November–December)
Open (late May and late November), maintain, and close (end of June and December) semi-annual Elections of Coordinators (June 1–30 and December 1–31). Recruit new Coordinator candidates from among active copy editors who show good judgment and a willingness to participate constructively in discussions.
(After the February blitz:) Merge the quarterly tables in the previous year's Requests page into a single table for better sorting. Sort each column to check dates for typos.
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