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This page is related to Wikipedia:Featured pictures.
The category Featured pictures shows the thumbnails listed alphabetically.
Pontia edusa
The Sleeping Gypsy
George Washington
Mount Ngauruhoe
Radiated tortoise
Giuseppe Arcimboldo
A Negress
Galle Lighthouse
Yellow-throated miner
Press conference after "The War of the Worlds" broadcast
Bay Area Rapid Transit train
Warming stripes
St. Gilgen
Paratroopers at the Western Wall
Omer calendar
Haliotis kamtschatkana
Buddy Hield
Vernon Jordan
Desert rose
Halved raspberry
Many raspberries
Kefermarkt altarpiece, upper panel of the right wing
Kefermarkt altarpiece, upper panel of the left wing
Kefermarkt altarpiece, lower panel of the right wing
Kefermarkt altarpiece, lower panel of the left wing
San Francisco cable car
Set design for Act 2 of La bohème
The Contrabandista poster
Valerie Thomas
Nassau grouper
Svan peasant
State Fair poster
Fumarole formation of tazieffite acicular crystals
The Fortune Teller poster
Wesley Bell
Collapse of Arecibo Telescope
Himalayan salt
Acanthemblemaria spinosa
The Interior of the Palm House on the Pfaueninsel Near Potsdam
Entrance hall of the Eureka Inn
Apollo 4 launch
Size comparison of NASA spacecraft
Cliffs and coastline in the Jasmund National Park
Jacques Isnardon
Utah monolith
Simone Veil
Physalis peruviana
Hawksbill sea turtle
One-hundred mark
Five-hundred mark
One-thousand mark
Margaret Harwood
Polistes gallicus
Abhayagiri Dagoba
3D rendering of Mount Everest
Simulation of liquids with different viscosities
Keke Rosberg
Canary Wharf
Lavender waxbill
French battleship Suffren
Aeshna affinis
Clara McAdow
Granville Stuart
Kaleva Church
Pauline Kirby
Kanayi Kunhiraman
Common buzzard
Inuit harpoon
Jeanette Scissum
Katherine Johnson
Centennial Hall
Pauline Gracia Beery Mack
Frontonia sp.
Tomb of Mian Ghulam Kalhoro
Set design for Act 2 of Les Burgraves
Wrocław Town Hall
Group portrait of Giuseppe Verdi with various family and friends
Hummingbird hawk-moth
Street Musicians at the Door
Amilcare Ponchielli
Set design for Act 1 of A basso porto
Persicaria maculosa
Scarlet robin
Port Hills
Hope II
Portrait of Wally
Marie Stopes
Set design for Act 3 of Edgar
Costume design for La Wally
K. Sukumaran
Set design for Act 3 of Tannhäuser
Gabrielle Ray
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