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The frequent deletion of Home and Away-related pages and the quashing of any attempts to improve them, despite precedents being set elsewhere for pages of this type, seems less like an attempt to clean-up Wikipedia and more like a concerted campaign against a long-running and popular show.The page listed above and several others are a valuable and useful resource which I believe should be retained. Skteosk (talk) 00:02, 9 February 2008 (UTC)
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I would like to contest the deletion of the page for Dungeon Majesty. It was originally deleted in 2005 due to lack of references and poor description, but the latest entry was re-written ,more references were added as their noterity has risen, but it was victim of speedy deletion without consideration. This entry received a notice that it may provde no meaningful content or history, but that could not be farther from the truth. Dungeon Majesty was one of the first independently produced internet full length television programs to ever be on the internet. They we're part of the birth of the viral video and strived to change the way people watch programming on the internet. Their crusade led them to host several screenings and lectures across the country including "Gaming and New Media" at GenCon in 2005, major gallery shows including one at the Hammer Museum in 2007, and in addition have appeared on G4 television, as well as World of Wonder's show Ring My Bell. In 2005, MTV2 asked them to make 10 shorts which they then put into heavy rotation between music videos. Proving that the internet was now a viable source for the inspiration of television. In addition they have had gallery shows, been written about in several magazines including RES, DRAGON, and LUMPEN as well as a 5 page piece in XTREME Fashion published by Prestel books in 2005. In addition, all 6 episodes plus 10 shorts are available on DVD. To prove the verifiability of this entry I would like to present a few links to it's cultural significance. References: Hunter, Sandy "D&DIY FILM" Res Magazine May/June 2005 Campbell, Eric "Dungeon Majesty" Dragon magazine December 2004 Smith, Courtenay "Xtreme Fashion" Prestel Books 2005 4 Television Apearance 1: http://www.g4tv.com/screensavers/episodes/3953/Dungeon_Majesty_Game_Developers_Conference_Batmobile.html Geek Girls Play D&D : http://www.spike.com/search?query=Geek+Girls+play+D%26D&s=Search Headline artsts at Version Festival Chicago 2007: http://www.lumpen.com/VERSION7/index.html WIZARDS OF THE COAST hosted a contest based on a film by Dungeon Majesty: http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/alumni/20061205a SPECIAL GUESTS at Gaming conventions: http://www.kublacon.com/guests/sg_majesty.html 5 page write up in the book XTREME FASHION: http://www.amazon.com/Xtreme-Fashion-Courtenay-Smith/dp/3791331752 SCREENING AT HAMMER MUSEUM IN BILLY WILDER THEATRE-March 2007 http://www.hammer.ucla.edu/ Collaborations with Leslie Hall: http://www.willowdontcry.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK9GPTY3dM8 Contributors to Select Meia Festival: http://selectmediafestival.org/2007/ Nuggets from the Net January 8, 2008 http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/tag/138/Nuggets_From_The_Nets.html Select Reviews and Articles: HACKWRITERS.COM http://www.hackwriters.com/DM3.htm (talk) 05:00, 30 January 2008 (UTC)}}
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The page was deleted because allegedly the sources provided were not reliable, however, not only my main source www.greatworks.org.uk is 'independent of the suubject' 'second party' and 'verifyable' as requested in Wikipedia's policy, buut it is endorsed by no less than the British Library, the UK official institution that presides over all publications [2][3] [4] 'This site was selected for preservation by the British Library and is archived regularly.' What more do we want to establish reliability? This has lead people in the 'delete' party that my source was reliable, but has not been noticed by the admninistrator. Not only, no reasons are given why the spurce does not meet Wikipedia reliability policy, only that the reliability of sources is a problem, with no reference to the policy. I will point out that the British Library has put its official' (invested from the power of HM The Queen's UK Government, one will read in the chart) seal of approval on only 5 websites in the whole world so far, and my source is one of them. How can it be unreliable? There are hardly any other sources as reliable as mine. I will nott add that amongst my secondary sources there were 2 academties and the Guardian as well. I do strongly object6 to the deletion and request a review. TonyBrit (talk) 17:06, 8 February 2008 (UTC)
I would like some objective scrutiny of my these sources. 1 - http://www.greatworks.org.uk/poems/thab.html It is a very famous poetry website, has a rather comprehensive academic article written by T Harrison on A Bulla, which clearly states that A Bulla is a force in literature to be recognised. User:Paularblaster has not commented on this source at all, yet, it is thee main source fror my article. 2- http://www.greatworks.org.uk/texts.html the same website with a biography of A Bulla, which matches what is in my article. These two are have the seal of the British Library http://www.webarchive.org.uk/tep/13933.html][5] [6] 4 - http://www.scilt.stir.ac.uk/Languagesnews/TEFL/tefl200381.htm This is the Scottish Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research. It's a National and official website related to the University of Stirling. I have included this reference to prove that A Bulla has status in the academic world, and the article pertains Post-Colonial policies. State funded website! 5- http://education.guardian.co.uk/print/0,3858,4811005-108281,00.html is from The Guardian. Now, I have never said that there are articles on HIM in the Guardian, but BY him, (from my article 'He has also published in 'The Guardian). That article was the featured article of the week. It is there to prove the point that Mr Bulla has credibility as a commentator/critic, in particular with regards to hiis cvontribution to Post-Colonial studies. 6 - 'Openings' 1999, The Open University. An anthology published by the Open University where A Bulla appeared. 7- LINKS August 1998 ISSN 1366-4557, This is a poetry publication,, it is there to prove that his first publications were in the 1990s, at least that we know of. Plus of course Bulla's own books with ISBN and evidence that they are available in all major bookshops. And what is the reason for deletion? Some (vauge) problems with the reliability of the sources? Are we having a laugh? Prove that all these are unreliable or overturn this unfounded delete. TonyBrit (talk) 18:16, 8 February 2008 (UTC)
I could provide a series of articles backed up by sources that are no where near as reliable as mine, yet, mine are presumed unreliable despite being officially verified. Is grewtworks.org.uk a secondary source, verifyable, inedependent of the subject yes or no? No point arguing unless someone comes up and tells us that it is not and that the British Libriary do a very bad job at checking which websites they endores These are the policy critera for reliability. They are Wikipedia's own plolicies. Policies are policies and should not be up to me to point out that the discussion should stick to them. If the conditions for notability set by Wikipedia are met, then we should presume (Wikipedia policy) the article notable, otherwise not. It's not a matter of the individual editor's opinion. Does the endorsement of the British Library satisfy the reliability of a source? Say no if you can. This is the point. Sources reliable? Overturn. Sources unreliable? Endorse. I am a bit bored with reminding what the policy is to people that should know it better than me. Another side comment on incorrect information offered. 'Openings' is not published by students but by The Open University, and is produced by its poetry society which includes lecturers alumni, students and a professor. his was justb as ource to trace Bulla's early career, so by no means essential to my article, however, we need to stick to facts. Now, you want me to redirect you to thje policy? [[12]] [[13]] This states: 'Questionable sources Questionable sources are those with a poor reputation for fact-checking. Such sources include websites and publications that express views that are widely acknowledged as extremist, are promotional in nature, or rely heavily on rumors and personal opinions. Questionable sources should only be used in articles about themselves. (See below.) Articles about such sources should not repeat any contentious claims the source has made about third parties, unless those claims have also been published by reliable sources.' QUESTION: have my sources a por reputation for fact checking? NO. [[14]] This states: 'Reliable sources Material about living persons must be sourced very carefully. Without reliable third-party sources, it will violate the No original research and Verifiability policies, and could lead to libel claims. Material about living persons available solely in questionable sources or sources of dubious value should be handled with caution, and, if derogatory, should not be used at all in biographies of living people, either as sources or via external links (see above). Self-published books, zines, websites, and blogs should never be used as a source for material about a living person, unless written or published by the subject of the article (see below). Editors should avoid repeating gossip. Ask yourself whether the source is reliable; whether the material is being presented as true; and whether, even if true, it is relevant to an encyclopedia article about the subject. When less-than-reliable publications print material they suspect is untrue, they often include weasel phrases. Look out for these. If the original publication doesn't believe its own story, why should we? Editors should also be careful of a feedback loop in which an unsourced and speculative contention in a Wikipedia article gets picked up, with or without attribution, in an otherwise-reliable newspaper or other media story, and that story is then cited in the Wikipedia article to support the original speculative contention.' QUESTION: are my sources by any means 'Self-published books, zines, websites, and blogs'. NO. Theay are verified by official institutions. Explain how my sources are not reliable please. The reason for deletion was 'the lack of authoritative sources (as the nominator puts it) about the author is and remains a fundamental problem.' [[15]] This statement is untainable. Don't come and tell me about all minor things. Delete it on minor points and your views if you can supersede the policy. Tis statement violates the reliability and verifyability policies. Sources are reliable, veryfiable, 3rd party, independent from the subject and in a lot of cases extremely prestigious. Now, from wikipedia on reliable sources, this quote actually would put my main source (and others in my list) as highly reliable one of the very sources Wikipedia prefers....: 'Academic and peer-reviewed publications are highly valued and usually the most reliable sources in areas where they are available, such as history, medicine and science. ' Academic, it is, peer-reviewed it is and valued by the British Library as so. So, of course are my (even if less crucial to the article) likns to universities, important newspapes etc... I actually think that the quality of my sources does not only meet wikipedia's policies, but is exemplary in some respects. —Preceding unsigned comment added by TonyBrit (talk • contribs) 15:07, 9 February 2008 (UTC) The article's deletion is either a gross misjudgement or an open violation of wikipedia's policies. From wikipedia's policy, definition of consensus [[16]]: 'When consensus is referred to in Wikipedia discussion, it always means 'within the framework of established policy and practice. ' Are we maybe expecxting Mr Bulla to be published in 'The Sun'? For a very highbrow writer, that would be an outrage. He's been published in serious publications and academic ones the ones peers read and the ones that establish one's literary influence. Notable for his literary influence, A Bulla is and without the shadow of a doubt. —Preceding unsigned comment added by TonyBrit (talk • contribs) 15:12, 9 February 2008 (UTC) Can we please refer to that framework? Otherwise, things become arbitrary and a policy is in place just to prevent that. Without sounding rude, nowhere is it written that wikipedia policies can be superseded. Stick to them, thanks. TonyBrit (talk) 11:38, 9 February 2008 (UTC) (talk) 10:42, 9 February 2008 (UTC) Comment The editor of http://www.greatworks.org.uk is a lecturer at Harlow College and Westminster University [17] by the way. Ukpoetrylive (talk) 11:27, 10 February 2008 (UTC)
Your assumption contradicts the guideline on [[20]] ' Non-notability is a rebuttable presumption based only on a lack of suitable evidence of notability, which becomes moot once evidence is found. It is not possible to prove non-notability because that would require a negative proof. ' Greatworks meet the standards in [[21]] Reliability of specific source types 'Scholarship Wikipedia relies heavily upon the established literature created by scientists, scholars and researchers around the world. Items that fit this criterion are usually considered reliable. However, they may be outdated by more recent research, or controversial in the sense that there are alternative scholarly explanations. Wikipedia articles should point to all major scholarly interpretations of a topic. The material has been thoroughly vetted by the scholarly community. This means published in peer-reviewed sources, and reviewed and judged acceptable scholarship by the academic journals. Items that are recommended in scholarly bibliographies are preferred. Items that are signed are more reliable than unsigned articles because it tells whether an expert wrote it and took responsibility for it.' Unless university lectures don't count as scholarly community. It is clear that these are the sources that are not acceptable [[22]] 'self-published books, newsletters, personal websites, open wikis, blogs, forum postings, and similar sources are largely not acceptable' My sources are none of these. Your comment does not explain which reliability standards the main source - let alone the others - are not met I'll post them here and I would appreciate a comment to explain how these are not met (from [[23]] 'A topic is presumed to be notable if it has received significant coverage in reliable sources that are independent of the subject. "Presumed" means objective evidence meets the criterion, without regard for the subjective personal judgments of editors.[1] Substantive coverage in reliable sources suggests that the subject is notable.[2] "Significant coverage" means that sources address the subject directly in detail, and no original research is needed to extract the content. Significant coverage is more than trivial but may be less than exclusive.[3] "Reliable" means sources need editorial integrity to allow verifiable evaluation of notability, per the reliable source guideline. Sources may encompass published works in all forms and media. Availability of secondary sources covering the subject is a good test for notability.[4] "Sources,"[5] defined on Wikipedia as secondary sources, provide the most objective evidence of notability. The number and nature of reliable sources needed varies depending on the depth of coverage and quality of the sources. Multiple sources are generally preferred.[6] "Independent of the subject" excludes works produced by those affiliated with the subject including (but not limited to): self-publicity, advertising, self-published material by the subject, autobiographies, press releases, etc.[7] A topic for which this criterion is deemed to have been met by consensus, is usually worthy of notice, and satisfies one of the criteria for a stand-alone article in the encyclopedia. Verifiable facts and content not supported by multiple independent sources may be appropriate for inclusion within another article.' I remind you that consensus [[24]] in wikipediia is not editors' povs but adherence to policy. Demonstrate where my sources do not meet these critera, thanks. This is the policy This is what I've been asking for a long, long time with no answer. Your argument does not stand because: 1- You say The British Library archives lots of sites. So? Does it mean that all the sites are unreliable or that there are more reliable sites? 2- I provided a list that the British Library (quote) selected [25] to archive, I do not see your list of thousands of webistes, so, again, I provide evidence, you don't, but even if you did, well.... point 1 above stands. 3- You call greatworks a 'webzine'. So what? That's how you call it... I do not read 'webzine' in the list of unreliable sources (above) and I will here post Wikipedia definition of webzine: 'An online magazine is a magazine that is delivered in an electronic form.' The point is, is this 'webzine' reliable? Then we go to the reliability guidelines... 2nd party, verified (it matters llittle if it is verified with 4 others or a thousand others, it is verified by the British Library, its logo is ON the website....) Then we go to the 'preferred sources' i.e. those that have links to academic institutions. Now, greatworks is linked to 2 universities, as its edoitor (there is the peer reviwed) is on the payroll of these two universities. Other sources I provided are academies or hasve the logo of a university non them. Call it webzine, call it analyn, call it brtopelk, it does not make any change. Is it second party? (3rd legally)? Yes, is it verifyable (yes, and is verified...) is it independent from the subject of the article? Yes. Critera met for article, as stated by.... Wikipedia, not me. Your argument being, greatworks is 3rd party, edited by a university lecturer, independent from the subject, verified by the British Library, but there are others verified, so it all of a sudden becomes unreliable? And where is it written in the policy? There is an assumption of non-notability against sources that not only do we have no reason to doubt, but that are approved by institutions like the BL and published by university lkectures, while in WP it simply states that sources should be generally 'verifiable' and sources that should be discarded are those that are known for giving incorrect facts or sources that are clearly linked to the subject. The policy is there to guarantee that evidence is the basis of articles, not the editors' personal knowledge of the subject. The assumption of non-notability given relkiable sources is not acceptable acording to the links to the notes on notability above. Change policy or stick to it. I wish all sources on wikipedia were edited by a university lectures, verified by the BL.... Thanks TonyBrit (talk) 16:53, 11 February 2008 (UTC)
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The editor that nominated the article for deletion, and some of his cohorts that voted "Delete", have an obvious vendetta againt the subject of the article (based on their history outside of Wikipedia, not because of the nomination or votes themselves - for example, two of the voters belong to a rival publishing company). In addition, the article was voted "Keep" by most participants. The article proves notability on several levels, including newspaper articles written about the man, lengthy TV appearances, photography awards he's won, his photo gallery on a national tour, and the list goes on. Granted many of the "Keep" voters were from the area where Mr. Richards is on TV and radio. I realize this only further proves notability on a local level, but every little bit adds up to a whole. The accusation that somehow Mr. Richards magically has access to dozens of IP addresses to "enhance" voting is patently absurd (most of the votes appear to come from the LSU campus, but some come from far flung locations - all of which make sense when taken in context of the local fan base of a gamer). He has posted publicly on several occasions that he doesn't think anyone in the gaming industry - himself included - belongs on Wikipedia, so I doubt he is involved. To sum up: Notability was proved, through meaningful secondary sources (specifically, newspaper articles from large, legitimate newspaper companies), and the Randy Richards article was voted "Keep" by consensus, which the deleter tried to waive off as hacking by the author - something I doubt he (or myself) is capable of doing. Malakai Joe (talk) 16:00, 8 February 2008 (UTC)
Many of the conventions he is involved with are through him volunteering his time; many receive compensation via free access to the event, not pay as shown. I do the same on the west coast. If he had a level of notability he would have had an ongoing presence at Gencon, which he has not.
I see we will be stuck with this article no matter what. "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Malakai_Joe" Quode (talk) 21:21, 8 February 2008 (UTC)
Let’s review your references. Dragon con. Two visits in 8 years. No information about these appearances, no articles etc. Gencon. This link is to the current site. Not a past reference. And you were there, once, 10 years ago. The picture tells all, your badge color is wrong. Gary’s badge is yellow for quest speaker; if you were in a panel with him yours should be yellow as well. The other cons clustered around the Dreadmire book release. “Richards is active in the gaming industry, giving seminars and hosting panel discussions at conventions throughout the United States.” The local cons listed do not support this statement. Most of the rest of the links are based on your work after the storm, and Dreadmire. For a man in his early forties you do not have a long, connected record either in photography, tv or writing. The articles are just about Randy, the guy that did some stuff. Long accolades, published works spanning a decade, Gencon involvement every year for the last 10 years would have helped. Yes you have references but as a sum total, they do not match people like, say Elizabeth Donald. Your list of published works, shows two yet to be released. Youre in one local commercial and one tv interview. Two news paper articles in one year. “I decided to start writing on a regular basis” No evidence of this at all, one article, one book in 10 years. Elizabeth Donald our produced you. In fact, why try to get her to write a book, why not do it your self? Points to consider. Quode (talk) 18:25, 9 February 2008 (UTC)
"Endorse Deletion" I've been informed by numerous e-mails that this article was on Wikipedia, and that it is being deleted. I reluctantly decided to come check it out. While I appreciate the effort everyone that worked on the article has gone to (and the local "Keep" voters, which I did not ask to come here), I want to say for the record that I do not believe I am famous or celebrated enough -- either in the gaming industry OR as a photographer -- to be listed in an encyclopedia, even if there were 50 newspaper articles on me. In my opinion, Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson, TSR, Wizards of the Coast, and D&D itself all deserve entries, and not a single other person does. Now having said that, I can confirm that Quode is an ex-girlfriend of mine who became my stalker, and is now attempting to harass me on the Internet. Anything she says should be taken with a grain of salt. Yes, there are people who hate me, and yes there are people who love me. There are all types of people in the world, and not all of them are going to like me or my personaility. Some oppose me, because by doing so they gain the spotlight. Others are simply envious of my success. There is no sense in attacking them back, because thats what they want. Just let them have their say, perhaps releasing one official statement explaining the other side of the accusation, and let it go. There is no sense in arguing, as it diminishes your position by bringing you down to their level. They say the best revenge is "to do well" and I believe this wholeheartedly. I will continue to do so. In closing, I endorse deletion of this article on Wikipedia. I do not mind it being on the D&D Wiki, because thats where minor (very minor) celebrities in the gaming industry belong. Good luck to you all, and have a nice week. Randy C Richards (talk) 19:30, 10 February 2008 (UTC)
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Please restore this article and relist at AfD. The article didn't get that much attention at first, with established users like Corpx "voting" delete without really considering the thing in depth. As the nominator of the original AfD, I believed that Mark Prindle was non-notable, although the AfD was apparently linked from a 4chan post. I believe that the closing admin Coredesat made the wrong interpretation of this strange AfD (due to its unusual structure). People from 4chan (they're not all just internet trolls, you know, sometimes even /b/tards can do a good thing) who "voted" keep in the AfD actually gave me reason to believe that Prindle is genuinely notable, given the mention of him in several books, the fact that his reviews are cited widely, and his site gets many pageviews, and he's been online for over 10 years... h i s s p a c e r e s e a r c h 15:11, 8 February 2008 (UTC)
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DELETE_REASON- Lacks notability; no meaningful secondary sources available in any number; wikipedia os not a directory of all Irish athletes
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DELETE_REASON- Lacks notability; no meaningful secondary sources available in any number; wikipedia is not a directory of all Irish athletes — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)
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Discussion had
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New References
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