Dead-character costume

Hello Adenosine Triphosphate,

The article you wrote at Dead-character costume is fantastic -- engaging prose! well-referenced! a helpful gallery! With helpful captions!

Cheers and applause,

Sietse (talk) 08:01, 23 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Hey Sietse, I've only just seen your reply now! Cheers and much appreciated. I've hope you've learnt something new. I work on squibs and costume integration in my spare time, so I thought I could contribute some knowledge to this field.
I've finally found some more time and updated that and a few other pages, please feel free to check them out!
Dead character costume
Bullet hit squibs
Squib (explosive)
If you have any other suggestions, please let me know. The next thing I'd like to do is to shorten the pages by writing more concisely and removing repeated/redundant text. I think I want to make a few videos and tutorials next but they probably would better be put on a website/youtube rather than directly on Wikipedia.
Have a nice day :) Adenosine Triphosphate (talk) 16:33, 18 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Do you have a tutorial on how to create the bullet hit squibs?

I would like to know how they are done! Félix An (talk) 09:12, 28 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]

hey i've got some time in the next few months to put together some youtube tutorials and perhaps a website too (which perhaps can be more of a consultancy type model). i'm actually pretty keen to put something together. are you just looking for something short that i can just type up quickly, or something a bit more in depth and polished (like a 20 min long youtube video)? anything specific that you'd like to know that i should include? cheers. Adenosine Triphosphate (talk) 16:20, 28 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I would like to see a more in-depth video like the style you suggested. When you eventually finish it, please remind me to see it on my talk page! Thanks so much for your enthusiasm! Félix An (talk) 01:29, 29 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]
yes definitely, will keep you posted! Adenosine Triphosphate (talk) 13:44, 29 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]
hey, just a small update. i've got most things and materials more or less ready, just need to film the video and and edit it. maybe a few more months. it's a slow burn project :) Adenosine Triphosphate (talk) 16:07, 9 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

I love your new images! A question...

I love your new images on the article about the dead-man costume! I have a question though - I saw a couple of pictures of you dressed in a cycling jersey with bullet hit squibs underneath. (I have several cheap cycling jerseys and shorts too.) But I've never seen any movies where a road cyclist gets shot and killed. I'm trying to imagine a plotline where such an event could happen. Have you personally seen or worked on any productions where a cyclist gets shot and killed in the story while wearing a cycling kit?

Just for fun, I asked ChatGPT to come up with one, and here is what it came up with:

"During an early morning training ride, professional road cyclist Dylan Foster finds himself unexpectedly caught in the midst of a tense confrontation on a quiet, rural road. Unbeknownst to him, a high-stakes drug deal is taking place nearby, and he accidentally witnesses the exchange. As Dylan pedals by, one of the deal’s enforcers, spotting him as a potential witness, takes aim with a silenced pistol and shoots him in the back. Hidden beneath his tight, aerodynamic cycling kit, a carefully concealed squib triggers, simulating the violent impact as the bullet strikes. Dylan crashes, blood pooling around him, while the assailant disappears into the shadows, leaving the scene in a deadly silence."

Thanks for teaching me more about special effects in movies! I hope I can have time and resources to properly learn to make action-packed films someday! Félix An (talk) 15:10, 13 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Hi there,
Thanks for your feedback! I'm really glad to hear someone's also really interested in this topic. I've been rewriting the bullet hit squib article and have been doing a bit of reading, and I came across a few books that I think can be used for a rewrite of the dead character costume in the future. At the moment there's some overlap between the two articles and I want to improve them.
I'm really interested to hear your ideas about filming a short involving an actor portraying a cyclist and blood squibs. What do you think of the idea though, and the image itself? Did you notice the squibs straightaway? I think the idea is quite niche though, so no I haven't worked on or seen a project involving this combo yet. I think not only would I be the first to make it, but it could also turn into a great storyline. Coincidentally I've also used ChatGPT to generate a few script ideas for a short. I got similar outputs as the example you gave - isolated training ride, encounters criminals etc. A few other notable ones I got were a chase/pursuit by a motorbike/drone; dark comedy type sabotage in a race with over the top dramatic crashes and exaggerated blood effects.
I thought the picture would make a nice/appropriate illustration because the jersey itself is quite tight and thin and so you can kinda see the squibs beneath, and furthermore it doesn't need to be pre-cut because it is inherently thin. This will allow you to salvage your unused kits if you have multiples planned for a shoot. The jersey is from a real team, in fact I'm part of it, and I have about a dozen of them which I can set aside for a short. However I'm not so sure about a real team being portrayed in films of this nature 😅 Nevertheless, purely from a filming POV, if you were to film a sequence where the cyclist is shot at and falls off his bike, I think you'd need to put the bike on a stationary trainer and do a few shots close up and/or from a lowish angle to hide the trainer. And then do a few shots of falling onto the ground (at a very low speed or stationary with some camera/editing tricks) and splice all of that together. That would also make a few nice illustrations for the article with multiple jerseys used and various degrees of breakdown - hero, stunt for the squibs, and another one that's ripped from the fall and stained with blood and soil. So it would be nice to make a short for this eventually.
Admittedly I'm more into the SFX and directing rather than the script writing. There are loads of possibilities for a script, please let me know if you'd like to share some more with me! I think the key is to have multiple costumes for any project. I think first I want to make a few youtube tutorial/short film type videos that I mentioned to you earlier this year and see what kind of feedback/reactions I get. I also want to create a site/blog to go a bit more in depth on the subject. Unfortunately I had to push all that back by 6-12 months this year as I've been in an accident (I'm fine now) but that has thrown me off the timeline completely.
Finally if you wanna make some films using squibs that'd be awesome. I really believe it can never replace CGI. The aesthetics of the fabric tearing open and the bursting of blood, the interaction with ambient light, everything is tangible for the actor to react to. I strongly recommend you to get certification to use squibs/T2 fireworks before attempting to do this. You need it to purchase professional squibs in any case. I'm happy to give you tips/advice, and also with the tutorials that I've been meaning to do for a long time.
Cheers :) Adenosine Triphosphate (talk) 21:36, 13 December 2024 (UTC)[reply]
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