My name is not Alton. My favorite composers are Sergei Rachmaninoff and Sergei Bortkiewicz, but I'm partial to Franz Liszt, Moritz Moszkowski, Nikolai Kapustin, and Charles-Valentin Alkan. I also really enjoy Christopher Tin's music. On my spare time I'm usually biking somewhere, fencing whenever I can, and skiing weather permitting. Probably my most substantial contribution is the hundred or so engravings of sheet music excerpts that you can see in my gallery. I'm always open to requests or suggestions, and I usually don't have trouble finding the sheets. Although I am a staunch enforcer of a dogmatic style I've imposed upon myself which is usually apparent in articles I write, I'm almost always flexible when it comes to editing here, so if I do something that you disagree with, never hesitate to bring it up immediately on the article's or my talk page.
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