Hello! My name is Yacht, from Canton, Mainland China. I have many interests, including Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Politics, Economy, Languages etc. But I will focus on sexual orientation and gay-related topics in Chinese/Cantonese Wikipedia, in the hope of a better understanding on gay community for straight people. I am planning to translated the LGBT related entries from English Wikipedia to Chinese/Cantonese Wikipedia. Hopefully, straight community can better and correctly understand and accept gay people. I am a supporter for gay rights, including same-sex marriage and adoption. My plan is showed as below:
Thank you. Thank you. Good morning. I know it’s been a long night, but in spit of the polls. I want you all know that everyone here, everyone that supports us around the country have made the difference. Maybe bigger difference than I think any others ever could have imaged a few weeks ago. I know I surely couldn’t. We may have lost the battle. In my heart, I know one day we will win the war. We win because we’re gonna keep trying, because the people in friends, in families, in co-workers we will turn to have been put on notice that we will be not be treated like second class citizens because of who we love. And if you’re not out to all the people in your life, and maybe it’s time. ‘Cause those who think gay people are to destroy the institution of marriage don’t know us very well. We do not destroy, we renovate. We are gonna make marriage stronger, even more beautiful than ever. We not always agree with everyone in my family, but they are my family. This whole thing started because I believe everybody deserves a beautiful wedding…
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