Women of the silent film era
Welcome to WikiProject Women of the silent film era! An original idea of the user Vsuarezp and a meeting place for discuss, collaborate, and debate anything and everything relating to women in Silent film era (from the mid 1890s to 1929) .
Everyone is welcome to join!
Everyone is welcome to join!
Meet the participants
Born in 1855
- Helena Cavallier
Born in 1858
- Isabel West
Born in 1861
- Hattie Delaro
Born in 1876
- Gertrude Coghlan
- Selene Johnson
- Lettice Fairfax
- Nanine Wright
- Flavia Arcaro
- Gladys Kingsbury
- Edna Hunter [1]
- Agnes Nyrop-Christensen [2]
- Blanche Denège [3]
- Jessie Perry [4]
- Hallene Hill [5]
- Gusta Chrispijn-Mulder [6]
- Julia Cederblad [7]
- Hedvig Lindby [8]
- Peggy Remington [9]
- Evelyn Carter Carrington [10]
- Olga Andersson [11]
- Madame Bartet [12]
- Gerard Alexander (actress) [13]
- Manda Björling (actress) [14]
- Muriel Johnston [15]
- Jacqueline Royaards-Sandberg [16]
- Emily Rait [17]
- Nell Clark Keller [18]
- Ella Daincourt [19]
- Frau Lehndorf-Schöttle [20]
- Lili Marberg [21]
- Margit T. Halmi [22]
- Andrée Méry [23]
Born in 1886
Born in 1887
- Laurene Santley [25]
- Edna Foster [26]
- Carolyn Lee (silent film actress) [27]
- Grace Field (actress) [28]
- Nancy Kenyon [29]
- Valerie Germonprez [30]
- Leslie Stowe [31]
- May Hopkins [32]
- Peggy Parr [33]
- Marjorie Day [34]
- Winifred Dennis [35]
- Alice Knowland [36]
- Ilse von Tasso-Lind [37]
- Valerie Germonprez [38]
- Gloria Joy [39]
- Edith Sinclair [40]
- Helen Greene [41]
- Nan Christy [42]
- Dell Boone [43]
- Louise Lee (actress) [44]
- Edith Erastoff [45]
- Vera Doria [46]
- Mary Harald [47]
- Georgette Faraboni [48]
- Jeanne Rollette [49]
- Adeline de La Croix [50]
- Joyce Templeton [51]
- Florence Carpenter [52]
- Ruby Hoffman
- Susanne Willis [53]
- Mrs. Priestly Morrison [54]
- Mildred Havens [55]
- Edna Mae Cooper
- Virginia Foltz [56]
Born in 1888
- Esther Minciotti [57]
- Anna Appel (actress) [58]
- Kasia Orzazewski [59]
- Jane Crowley (actress) [60]
- Genevieve Hamper
- Effie Laird [61]
- Lucile Sewall [62]
- Elsie Albert [63]
- Kitty O'Neil (actress) [64]
- Natalie Lynn [65]
- Marie Brink [66]
- Rita Stanwood [67]
- Rita Kaufman [68]
- Gwen Williams (1888 actress)
- Alma Murphy [69]
- Mary Frey [70]
- Olga Celeste [71]
- Erna Nitter [72]
- Ethel Gabriel (actress) [73]
- Florence Howard [74]
- Elsie French [75]
- Florence Dye [76]
- Bess Wade [77]
- Jackeydawra Melford [78]
- Heintje Davids [79]
- Emily Massey [80]
- Berta Türk [81]
- Lady Tsen Mei [82]
- Betty Brice (actress) [83]
- Martha Colliander [84]
- Mária Sýkorová [85]
- Suzanne Dantès [86]
- René Sellõ [87]
- Aleksandra Goncharova (actress) [88]
- Bonita (actress) [89]
- Irene Howley [90]
- Marie Brink [91]
- Mária Simonyi [92]
- Anna Hadrik [93]
- Mabel Twemlow [94]
- Edna Reynolds [95]
- Mignon Le Brun [96]
- Elza Báthory [97]
- Anne-Marie Ferrières [98]
- Camilla Gerzhofer [99]
- Ellen Feldmann [100]
- Rafaela Satorrés [101]
- Amanda Alarie [102]
- Marcelle Imhof [103]
- Heintje Davids [104]
- Lucille De Nevers [105]
- Blanche Franke [106]
- Amélie Kierkegaard [107]
- Susanne Friis [108]
- Molly Hewitt [109]
- Teréz Kürti [110]
- Nitra Frazer [111]
- Jacoba Jessen [112]
- Aileen Allen (actress) [113]
- Leokadia Pancewicz-Leszczynska [114]
- Christl Giampietro [115]
- Katherine Franek [116]
- Marga Lindt [117]
- Annie Wesling [118]
- Tilly Lus [119]
- Jackeydawra Melford [120]
- Ida Anderson [121]
- Saville De Sacia [122]
- Jopie Tourniaire [123]
- Juanita Evers [124]
- Ilse Nast [125]
- Oda Alstrup [126]
- Erna Nitter [127]
- Willy Bille [128]
- Lolita Robertson [129]
- Florence Dye [130]
- Eva Rowland [131]
- May Sherman [132]
- Mabel Wiles [133]
- Elsie Albert [134]
- Margaret Whistler [135]
- Jean Shelby [136]
- Elfriede Volker [137]
- Ethel Greenwood [138]
- Lydia Mead [139]
- Maria Mirska [140]
- Lia Fein [141]
- Kitty Fielder [142]
- Gabrielle Roanne [143]
Born in 1890
Born in 1891
- Jean Calhoun
Born in 1892
Born in 1894
- Ann Kirk
Born in 1909
Unknown date
To translate
- Katherine Griffith [148]
- Victoria Strandin [149]
- Maria Wendt [150]
- Hertha von Hagen [151]
- Lily Branscombe [152]
- Vera Youreneva [153]
- Mizzi Zwerenz [154]
- Lucille Browne [155]
- Ellen Rosengren [156]
- Jean Hathaway [157]
- Wilma Malmlöf [158]
- Oda Alstrup [159]
- Grace Hayle [160]
- Maria Seidler [161]
- Thilda Fønss [162]
- Wilma Malmlöf [163]
- Lisa Holm [164]
Add a picture
- Saba Raleigh
- Rosa Valetti
- Ethel Jackson
- Emmy Wyda
- Grayce Hampton
- May Hallatt
- Grace Benham
- Antonie Jaeckel
- Jane Keckley
- Mathilde Sussin
- Marfa Dhervilly
- Yelizaveta Svilova
Improve (exists or only wikidata)
Silent films directed by women
- Fanfan la Tulipe (1907 film)
- One Touch of Nature (1910 film)
- The Sergeant's Daughter (1910 film)
- The Pawnshop (1910 film)
- 'E Scugnizze (1917)
- A Piedigotta (1920)
- 'A Santanotte (1922)
- E'Piccerella (1922)
- 'Nfama (1924)
- Napoli Terra d'Amore (1928)
- Duie Paravise (1928)
Elizaveta Svilova (assistant director)
- The First October Without Ilich (1925)
- Shagay, sovet! (1926)
- Odinnadtsatyy (1928)
- Cinema Eye (1924) Editor
- The First October Without Ilich (1925) 2nd Unit/Assistant Director
- Shagay, Sovet! (1926) 2nd Unit/Assistant Director
- Bukhara (film) (1927) Director
- The Oath of Youth (1928) Director
- The Eleventh Year (1928) 2nd Unit/Assistant Director
- Athletic American Girls (1907)
- Bargain Fiend; or, Shopping à la Mode (1907)
- Cast Up by the Sea (1907)
- The Gypsy's Warning (1907)
- An Unexpected Santa Claus (1908)
- Ex-Convict No. 900 (1908)
- Francesca di Rimini; or, The Two Brothers (1908)
- Richard III (1908)
- Romance of a War Nurse (1908)
- Saved by Love (1908)
- The Merchant of Venice (1908)
- A Daughter of the Sun (1909)
- Fuss and Feathers (1909)
- Kenilworth (1909)
- King Lear (1909)
- Launcelot and Elaine (1909)
- The Heart of a Clown (1909)
- A Dixie Mother (1910)
- A Pair of Schemers; or, My Wife and My Uncle (1910)
- Auld Robin Gray (1910)
- Back to Nature; or, The Best Man Wins (1910)
- Brother Man (1910)
- Davy Jones and Captain Bragg (1910)
- For Her Sister's Sake (1910)
- Francesca da Rimini (1910)
- Her Mother's Wedding Gown (1910)
- In the Mountains of Kentucky (1910)
- Jean Goes Fishing (1910)
- Love, Luck and Gasoline (1910)
- Over the Garden Wall (1910)
- Ranson's Folly (1910)
- Renunciation (1910)
- Rose Leaves (1910)
- Sisters (1910)
- The Winning of Miss Langdon (1910)
- Twelfth Night (1910)
- Uncle Tom's Cabin (1910)
- Wilson's Wife's Countenance (1910)
- Auld Lang Syne (1911)
- Captain Barnacle's Courtship (1911)
- Cherry Blossoms (1911)
- For His Sake; or, The Winning of the Stepchildren (1911)
- Forgotten; or, An Answered Prayer (1911)
- Hypnotizing the Hypnotist (1911)
- Intrepid Davy (1911)
- Jealousy (1911)
- Jean Rescues (1911)
- Prejudice of Pierre Marie (1911)
- Proving His Love; or, The Ruse of a Beautiful Woman (1911)
- The Answer of the Roses (1911)
- The New Stenographer (1911)
- The Sacrifice (1911)
- The Show Girl (1911)
- The Spirit of the Light; or, Love Watches on Through the Years (1911)
- The Stumbling Block (1911)
- The Thumb Print (1911)
- The Wrong Patient (1911)
- Wig Wag (1911)
- A Red Cross Martyr; or, On the Firing Lines of Tripoli (1912)
- A Vitagraph Romance (1912)
- Aunty's Romance (1912)
- Flirt or Heroine (1912)
- Her Diary (1912)
- Jean Intervenes (1912)
- Mrs. Carter's Necklace (1912)
- Susie to Susanne (1912)
- The Face or the Voice (1912)
- The Irony of Fate (1912)
- The Loyalty of Sylvia (1912)
- The Path of True Love (1912)
- The Servant Problem; or, How Mr. Bullington Ran the House (1912)
- The Signal of Distress (1912)
- Two Cinders (1912)
- Una of the Sierras (1912)
- Wanted... a Grandmother (1912)
- When Persistency and Obstinacy Meet (1912)
- While She Powdered Her Nose (1912)
- Checkmated (1913)
- Counsellor Bobby (1913)
- Cutey and the Twins (1913)
- Everybody's Doing It (1913)
- Let 'Em Quarrel (1913)
- Pumps (1913)
- Sisters All (1913)
- Stenographer's Troubles (1913)
- The Deerslayer (1913)
- The Harper Mystery (1913)
- The House in Suburbia (1913)
- The One Good Turn (1913)
- The Skull (1913)
- The Wings of a Moth (1913)
- Under the Make-Up (1913)
- Up and Down the Ladder (1913)
- What a Change of Clothes Did (1913)
- Creatures of Habit (1914)
- Flotilla the Flirt (1914)
- For Her People (1914)
- Jean's Evidence (1914)
- Rose of Surrey (1914)
- Shopgirls: or, The Great Question (1914)
- The Murdock Trial (1914)
- The Shepherd Lassie of Argyle (1914)
- The Younger Sister (1914)
- Through the Valley of Shadows (1914)
- Alone in London (1915)
- As Ye Repent (1915)
- Grim Justice (1916)
- Oh, It's E.Z. (1919)
- Blackmail (1920)
- All Dolled Up (1921)
- Passion Fruit (1921)
- The Lights o' London (1922)
- The Street Tumblers (1922)
- The Boatswain's Mate (1924)
- Never the Twain Shall Meet (1925)
- The Last Alarm (1926)
- Stranded (1927)
- The Broken Gate (1927)
- The Cancelled Debt (1927)
- The Overland Stage (1927)
- Jazzland (1928)
- The Law and the Man (1928)
- Kid's Clever (1929)
- The Rampant Age (1930)
- The Ridin' Fool (1931)
- He Couldn't Take It (1933)
Only wikidata
New images
Ruth Roland,
La revue sportive, le National -
June Elvidge,
Motion Picture Studio Directory and Trade Annual (1917) -
Helen Holmes,
Baltimore and Ohio employees magazine -
Ann Kirk,
Motion Picture Studio Directory and Trade Annual (1916) -
Hattie Delaro,
Anita Stewart Productions / Vitagraph Company of America (1919)
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