A lot of people use Wikipedia as a source of information, so it is important that Wikipedia articles be accurate, informative, and up-to-date. I mainly edit articles about or related to viruses because I find them interesting, but I am not an expert on viruses so I may make mistakes at times.
Currently working on: updating virus taxonomy, cleanup issues
Earwig's Copyvio Detector
Some cleanup stuff:
clean-up listing for VirusesOf the 5016 articles in this project 1442 or 29% are marked for cleanup, with 3075 issues in total.
citation overkill
cite IUCN errors
CS1 maintenance
CS1 errors
CS1 properties
various taxonomy cleanup categories, including:
missing taxonbar, and
taxonbars desynced from Wikidata
taxonbars requiring a Wikidata item
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