The Wikimedia Player is a tool that allows you to playback Ogg audio and video samples on the various wikimedia websites. It was created by User:Gmaxwell and it's basically PHP to do the wikimedia specific stuff, HTML, Javascript and CSS. For the actual playback it can use a JAVA player (Cortado), VLC media player, the HTML5 <video>-tag, or any other embedded player that supports Ogg.
When this versions was released I noticed some problems with VLC detection, and also so the potential for a whole lot of more features for this page. I asked Gmaxwell if I could help out, and he said he welcomed any help.
Related pages
- Try the player
- Commons video template
- en.Wikipedia video template
- Commons listen template
- en.Wikipedia listen template
- mw:Extension:Player from
My work

There were several things I wanted to fix. My primary goals were:
- player independence
- fix player detection
- add controls for the VLC plugin
You can see the primary result of this in the screenshot to the right, and you can test a demo sample on one of these links.
My current development version supports:
- in order of preference and detection: <video>-tag, VLC media player, any generic embedded player, JAVA playback trough Cortado.
- Play and Pause control for <video>
- Play/pause, full screen, time/length, position slider for VLC media player.
- Heavily refactored CSS/JS/HTML
- Uses a JS slider by Erik Arvidsson of WebFX [1] licensed under Apache SL 2.0
This development is tested and confirmed to work with:
- Safari 2.0: VLC plugin and JAVA applet
- Firefox 2.0: Mac and Windows, VLC plugin, JAVA applet
- Opera 9.2: Windows, VLC plugin, JAVA plugin
- Opera 9.2 Video demo: Windows <video>-tag support
- IE 6.0: VLC ActiveX, Java applet
I could really use someone with IE 7.0 to test the player as well. Please leave a message if you want to help. If you have another browser that you would like to help test etc, the same goes for you of course :D
More work
I'm not done by a long shot :D Some stuff I'd still like to work on
- I would love to have a genuine designed controller for the player. The currently implemented buttons will work, but a design such as the YouTube or Google Video players have would be much nicer. If you can assist in designing this, PLEASE CONTACT ME
- A volume slider (need smaller graphics for that)
- Add a special flag to the templates that tells the player to operate in audio or in video mode..
- Allow it to work with all wikimedia sites
- Add cookie/JS preferences for preferred player, preferred playback size, aspect ratio
- Add a "open in standalone player" link specific to you "preferred player". This requires PHP to set a specific content-type + mime for the file.
- Credentials and licenses page.
- Add support for more embedded players.
Some stuff I need to remember because it could be useful
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