
This user knows that there is no dark side of the moon really — matter of fact it's all dark.
teenThis user is a teenager, not a stereotype.
This user is pro-cannabis.
This user believes that the drug war is a war on personal freedom, based on political interests, and held on frightening lies and dumb sensationalism.
This user admires the nature, and he thinks that he can help make the world a better place
This user supports recycling.
File:PsychedelicsDissociativesDeliriants-small.pngThis user believes that the use and research of Psychedelic drugs should be legal
This user enjoys psychedelic rock.
This user drinks coffee.
This user is in love, and he loves it
This user supports the inclusion of sex education in school systems.
This user enjoys sex.
P2PThis user uses P2P file-sharing services unashamedly.
This user enjoys electronics or is an electronics hobbyist.
This user is a Civil Libertarian
a²+b²=c²This user is an intermediate mathematician.
This user's favorite subject is physics.
This user is interested in dualism, the belief in fundamentally distinct mental and physical worlds.
This user uses Google as a primary search engine.
This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox
This user contributes using Debian GNU/Linux.
This user uses Wikipedia as a primary point of reference.
This user contributes using GNU/Linux.
This user comes from Brazil.
This user prefers cold weather.

Well, hello. Let's have a brief introduction


My name is Patrick P. Steiger, I'm 16 year old and i live in Brazil. My life is normal, i go to school, and do normal stuff like that. I tend to question life, reality, consciousness and this 'weird' stuff, so people think I'm not SO normal after all.

And I tend to think everything around me is wrong. And they usually are. If they only knew...

Federal prohibitions

Yes, taking away our freedom seems funny, ahn?

The War on Drugs is bullshit, and i needn't argue with that. Just look for the facts. Besides being immoral, it is completely innefective and a waste of money.

Prostitution prohibition is also bullshit.

And censorship is the BIGGEST bullshit ever.


No matter how free you think you are, the only place where we are trully free is in our dreams.

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