Electronic Systems Architect, Inventor of record US Patent 5,521,583 Intelliscan - multiple target locating, walk through metal/weapons detector technology. Live Sound Engineer, Autodidact, Christian Apologist, Eclectic Reader, Herbalist, Outdoorsman, Nonesuch. Republican Precinct Delegate. Systems architect of Societism.org Avid consumer of Wikipedia content, noob Wikipedian with one self-serving article and a few edits here and there over the years, some successful.
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George N. Dafermos, Five Theses on Informational–Cognitive Capitalism http://info.interactivist.net/node/4895
Move - Ivan Strenski, "Durkheim and the Jews of France", 1997 - to criticism
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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_Anger http://www.creationbooks.com/creation-titles/SANTASUSANA.html
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