GoNet Systems is a pioneer in developing wireless smart antenna systems for various wireless outdoor applications. GoNet has developed a unique beamforming DSP engine connected to an Antenna Array and thus creating electronically a beam of radiation toward the client device while reducing interference levels from all other directions.
GoNet is focusing on the on the digital city, mesh network and surveillance applications for municipal public safety and utility markets.
- A. Adler amd M. Salhov. A carrier-grade wireless lan network implementation. IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol 19, pages 108-119, Aug. 2008.
- B. D. V. Veen and K. M. Buckley. Beamforming: A versatile approach to spatial filtering. IEEE ASSP Magazine, pages 4–24, Apr. 1988.
- H. L. Van Trees, Optimum Array Processing, Wiley, NY, 2002.
- "A Primer on Digital Beamforming" by Toby Haynes, March 26, 1998
- "What Is Beamforming?" by Greg Allen.
- "Two Decades of Array Signal Processing Research" by Hamid Krim and Mats Viberg in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, July 1996
- "Dolph-Chebyshev Weights" antenna-theory.com
- http://www.stanford.edu/group/sarg/ : Smart Antenna Research Group.
- http://www.mprg.org : Virginia Tech, Mobile and Portable & Radio research group
- Frank B. Gross, "Smart Antennas for Wireless Communications with Matlab", McGraw-Hill, 2005
- http://broadcastengineering.com/hdtv/smart_antennas/
- Handbook on Advancements in Smart Antenna Technologies for Wireless Networks, IGI 2008
- http://users.ece.utexas.edu/~bevans/courses/ee381k/lectures/13_Array_Processing/lecture13/lecture13.pdf : Array Processing Tutorial
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