Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
//<--BOT INCLUDE-->[[Category:VoA script]]
var thervbotlist = new Array();
thervbotlist["7SeriesBOT"] = 1;
thervbotlist["A4bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["AEBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["AHbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["AMbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["AP.BOT"] = 1;
thervbotlist["ARSBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["AWeenieBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["AZatBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["AccReqBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["AdambroBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Addbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Adlerbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["AdminStatsBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["AfDBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["AfDStatBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["AilurophobiaBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["AkhtaBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Aksibot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Alaibot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Albambot"] = 1;
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thervbotlist["AlexNewArtBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Alexbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["AlleborgoBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Almabot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["AlnoktaBOT"] = 1;
thervbotlist["AloysiusLiliusBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Alph Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Alphachimpbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["AlptaBot"] = 1;
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thervbotlist["Amirobot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["AmphBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Analphabot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Anchor Link Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["AndersBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["AndreasJSbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Android Mouse Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Android Mouse Bot 2"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Android Mouse Bot 3"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Android Mouse Bot 4"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Anibot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["AnomieBOT"] = 1;
thervbotlist["AntiAbuseBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Antischmitzbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["ArbComBot"] = 1;
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thervbotlist["AstaBOTh15"] = 1;
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thervbotlist["AwOcBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["AzaBot"] = 1;
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thervbotlist["BHGbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["BOT-Superzerocool"] = 1;
thervbotlist["BOTarate"] = 1;
thervbotlist["BOTijo"] = 1;
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thervbotlist["BenoniBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["BenzolBot"] = 1;
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thervbotlist["BernsteinBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["BetBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Bikabot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Blood Oath Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist[""] = 1;
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thervbotlist["BogBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["BorgardeBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["BoricuaBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Bot-Schafter"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Bot0612"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Bot523"] = 1;
thervbotlist["BotCompuGeek"] = 1;
thervbotlist["BotKung"] = 1;
thervbotlist["BotMultichill"] = 1;
thervbotlist["BotMultichillT"] = 1;
thervbotlist["BotPuppet"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Bota47"] = 1;
thervbotlist["BotanyBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["BotdeSki"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Botpankonin"] = 1;
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thervbotlist["BrownBot"] = 1;
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thervbotlist["CarsracBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["CataBotTsirel"] = 1;
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thervbotlist["Chem-awb"] = 1;
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thervbotlist["Chobot"] = 1;
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thervbotlist["Chris G Bot 3"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Chrisbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["ChzzBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Citation bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Citation bot 1"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Citation bot 2"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Citation bot 3"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Citation bot 4"] = 1;
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thervbotlist["CloudNineBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["ClueBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["ClueBot II"] = 1;
thervbotlist["ClueBot III"] = 1;
thervbotlist["ClueBot IV"] = 1;
thervbotlist["ClueBot VI"] = 1;
thervbotlist["CmdrObot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["CobraBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["CohesionBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Collabsearch"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Comics-awb"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Commander Keane bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["CommonsDelinker"] = 1;
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thervbotlist["CorenSearchBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["CountryBot"] = 1;
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thervbotlist["CwraschkeDataBot"] = 1;
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thervbotlist["D6"] = 1;
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thervbotlist["DFBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["DSisyphBot"] = 1;
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thervbotlist["DYKHousekeepingBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["DYKUpdateBot"] = 1;
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thervbotlist[""] = 1;
thervbotlist["Danumber1bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["DarioBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Dark Shikari Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Darkicebot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["DarknessBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["DavidWSBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["DcoetzeeBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["DeadBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["DeadLinkBOT"] = 1;
thervbotlist["DefaultsortBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["DeliveryBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Denbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Detroiterbot"] = 1;
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thervbotlist["DinoBot2"] = 1;
thervbotlist["DinoSizedBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["DirlBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["DixonDBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["DomBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["DorganBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["DottyQuoteBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["DrFO.Tn.Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["DragonBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["DrilBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Drinibot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["DumZiBoT"] = 1;
thervbotlist["DumbBOT"] = 1;
thervbotlist["DusterBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["DustyBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["DvyBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["DyceBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["EBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["EBot II"] = 1;
thervbotlist["EBot III"] = 1;
thervbotlist["ENewsBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["EagleAstroidBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["EarwigBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["EddieBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["EdwardsBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Egmontbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Eivindbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["El bot de la dieta"] = 1;
thervbotlist["ElMeBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["EleferenBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Elissonbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["EmausBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["EmxBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Erwin85Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Escarbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Estirabot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Eubot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["EyeEightDestroyerBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["FANSTARbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["FPBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["FairuseBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["FaleBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Fettgesicht"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Ficbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["FiriBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["FlBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["FlaBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["FlagBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Fluxbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["FoxBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["FrescoBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["FritzpollBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Full-date unlinking bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["GA bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Ganeshbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["GargoyleBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Gdrbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Geimas5Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["GeorgeMoneyBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Gerakibot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["GhalyBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Giggabot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["GimmeBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["GnawnBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["GracenotesBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Grafikbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["GrinBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["GrooveBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["GrouchoBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["GurchBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["H92Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["HBC AIV helperbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["HBC AIV helperbot 8"] = 1;
thervbotlist["HBC AIV helperbot2"] = 1;
thervbotlist["HBC AIV helperbot3"] = 1;
thervbotlist["HBC AIV helperbot4"] = 1;
thervbotlist["HBC AIV helperbot5"] = 1;
thervbotlist["HBC AIV helperbot7"] = 1;
thervbotlist["HBC Archive Indexerbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["HBC NameWatcherBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["HBC RenameClerkBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["HBC archive builderbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["HMBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["HRoestBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["HagermanBot"] = 1;
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thervbotlist["HarrivBOT"] = 1;
thervbotlist["HasharBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Heikobot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["HerculeBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Homobot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["HujiBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Hxhbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["IPTaggerBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["IcalaniseBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Idioma-bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["ImageBacklogBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["ImageRemovalBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["ImageTagBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["ImageTaggingBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["J Milburn Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["JAnDbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["JCbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["JJBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["JL-Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["JMuniBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["JVbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Janna Isabot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["JatBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["JdforresterBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["JerryBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["JhsBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Jmax-bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Jogersbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Jotterbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Jumbuck"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Kal-El-Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Kaspobot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Kbdankbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["KevinalewisBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["KhanBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Kingbotk"] = 1;
thervbotlist["KingpinBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Kisbesbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["KittyBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Kl4m-AWB"] = 1;
thervbotlist["KocjoBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Kotbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["KrimpBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Kumar Appaiah Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Kwjbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Kyle the bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["KyluBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["LDBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["LSG1-Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["LaaknorBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["LaraBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["LatitudeBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["LawBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Le Pied-bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Legobot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Legobot II"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Legobot III"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Ligulembot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["LinkFA-Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["ListGenBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["ListasBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["LivingBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Lockalbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Locobot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["LordAnubisBOT"] = 1;
thervbotlist["LostBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Lt-wiki-bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Lucasbfrbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["LucienBOT"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Luckas-bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Luuvabot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["M-Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MBisanzBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MGA73bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MPUploadBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Madhubot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MadmanBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Maelgwnbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MagnusA.Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MalafayaBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MalarzBOT"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MandelBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MartinBotII"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MartinBotIII"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MartinBotIV"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MastersBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MastiBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Mathbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MauritsBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist[""] = 1;
thervbotlist["MedcabBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MediaWiki default"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MelonBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MenasimBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MenoBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MerlLinkBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MessedRobot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MetaplasticityBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MetsBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Mgmbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MichaelBillingtonBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MichaelkourlasBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MifterBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MifterBot I"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Mihas-bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Milk's Favorite Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Milk's Favorite Bot II"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MiszaBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MiszaBot I"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MiszaBot II"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MiszaBot III"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MondalorBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MonoBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MoriBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Mr.Z-bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MrVanBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MuZebot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Mulder416sBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Muro Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["MystBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["N-Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["NVS(bot)"] = 1;
thervbotlist["NW557Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Nallimbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Naudefjbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["NedBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["NeraBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["NeuRobot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Newsletterbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["NilfaBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Nixbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["NobelBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["NolBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Nomenclaturebrowser"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Non-Free Content Compliance Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Nono le petit robot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["NrhpBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["NukeBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Numbo3-bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["O bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["OKBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Obersachsebot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Ocobot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Ohms Law Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["One bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["OrBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["OrophinBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["OrphanBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Orphaned image deletion bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Orphaned talkpage deletion bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["OverlordQBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["PDBbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["PDFbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["PNG crusade bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["PaievBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["PascalBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Pathosbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Pattonbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["PbBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Pearle"] = 1;
thervbotlist["PeerReviewBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Pfft Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Phe-bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Philosopher-Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["PhotoCatBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["PipepBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["PixelBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["PlangeBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["PlankBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Planktonbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Plasticbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["PoccilScript"] = 1;
thervbotlist["PockBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["PolarBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Polbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["PotatoBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["ProcseeBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["ProteinBoxBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["PsychAWB"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Ptbotgourou"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Purbo T"] = 1;
thervbotlist["QualiaBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["R Delivery Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["R. Hillgentleman"] = 1;
thervbotlist["RBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["RFC bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["RFC posting script"] = 1;
thervbotlist["RFRBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["RM bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["RSElectionBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Rabbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Ralbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Rambot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Rameshngbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["RebelRobot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["RedBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Reedy Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Rei-bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["ReigneBOT"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Rfambot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["RibotBOT"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Riccardobot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Rick Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Ripchip Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["RjwilmsiBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Rob110178bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Robbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Robert SkyBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["RoboMaxCyberSem"] = 1;
thervbotlist["RoboServien"] = 1;
thervbotlist["RobotG"] = 1;
thervbotlist["RobotJcb"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Robotic Garden"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Roboto de Ajvol"] = 1;
thervbotlist["RockfangBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["RonaldBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Rschen7754bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Rtz-bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Rubinbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["RussBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SDPatrolBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SDPatrolBot II"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SMS Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SPCUClerkbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SPPatrolBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SQLBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["STBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["STBotD"] = 1;
thervbotlist["STBotI"] = 1;
thervbotlist["STTWbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SVGBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SVnaGBot1"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Sagabot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SamatBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Sambot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SamuraiBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Sandbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SashatoBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SassoBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SatyrBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Scsbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Seedbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SelectionBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SelketBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Selmobot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Sgeo-BOT"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SheepBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["ShepBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SieBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SilvonenBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Simplebot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SineBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Sk8er5000Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SkiersBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Skumarlabot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SlakrBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Slobot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SmackBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Snowbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SoxBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SoxBot II"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SoxBot III"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SoxBot IV"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SoxBot V"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SoxBot VI"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SoxBot VII"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SoxBot VIII"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SoxBot X"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SpBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SpebiBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SpellCheckerBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SpillingBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Staeckerbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["StatisticianBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["StatsBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["StatusBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SteveBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["StigBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["StormBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Stwalkerbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SuggestBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Sumibot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SundarBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SusBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["SwiftBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Swimmingbot-awb"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Synthebot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["TARBOT"] = 1;
thervbotlist["TXiKiBoT"] = 1;
thervbotlist["TaBOT-zerem"] = 1;
thervbotlist["TaeBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Tangobot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Tanhabot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Tawkerbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["TechBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["TedderBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Thadius856AWB"] = 1;
thervbotlist["The Anomebot2"] = 1;
thervbotlist["The Auto-categorizing Robot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["The wubbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Thehelpfulbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Thijs!bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["TinucherianBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["TinucherianBot II"] = 1;
thervbotlist["TobeBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist[""] = 1;
thervbotlist["TottyBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Town-bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist[""] = 1;
thervbotlist["TuHan-Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["TuvicBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["TypoBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Ugur Basak Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["UltraBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["UnCatBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["UncatTemplateBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["VVVBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["VeblenBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["VeinorBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Ver-bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Vina-iwbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Vini 17bot5"] = 1;
thervbotlist["ViskonBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["VixDaemonBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["VoABot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["VolkovBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["VsBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["WASDbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["WODUPbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["WP 1.0 bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["WPArkansas Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["WaldirBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["WarddrBOT"] = 1;
thervbotlist["WatchlistBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["WebCiteBOT"] = 1;
thervbotlist["WeggeBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Werdnabot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Whobot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["WikiBotas"] = 1;
thervbotlist["WikiStatsBOT"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Wikipedia Signpost"] = 1;
thervbotlist["WildBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["WilhelmBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["WolterBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["WoodwardBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["WuBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Wybot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["XLerateBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["XZeroBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["XeBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Xenobot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Xenobot Mk V"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Xqbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["XyBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["YekratsBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Yet Another Redirect Cleanup Bot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Yobot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["YonaBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Yonidebot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["YurikBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["ZhBot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Zorglbot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Zorrobot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Zwobot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["Zxabot"] = 1;
thervbotlist["タチコマ robot"] = 1;
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