Major General Bradley A. Heithold, United States Air Force, (born February 7th, 1956), is the current Commander of the Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency (AFISRA). As Commander, General Heithold's duties include providing multi-source ISR products, applications, capabilities and resources, as well as information operations forces and expertise.[1]

Early Life

Born Bradley Allen Heithold in Arlington, Virginia to Gary Charles and Geneva Lee Johnson Heithold and grew up with two brothers and two sisters.


1981 Bachelor's degree in physics, University of Arkansas, AK
1986 Squadron Officer School, Maxwell AFB, AL.
1991 Master of Public Administration degree, Troy State University, AL.
1995 Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell AFB, AL.
1998 National Defense Fellow, Florida International University, Miami, FL
1999 Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Va.

Military Career

Major General Bradley A. Heithold began his military career in the Air Force in 1974 and spent three years at Holloman AFB, New Mexico as an F-4D avionics technician. From there, he was commissioned in 1981 as a distinguished graduate of the ROTC program at the University of Arkansas. Heithold has commanded at the squadron, group and wing levels, including the 451st Air Expeditionary Group in Southwest Asia. Staff assignments include positions on the Air Staff and a unified command staff. Prior to his current assignment, he was at Air Force Special Operations Command Headquarters, Hurlburt Field, Florida where he was Director of Plans, Programs, Requirements and Assessments. General Heithold is a master navigator with more than 3,400 flight hours in the C-130, AC-130H, MC-130P and HC-130P.[2]

Current Assignment

As Air Force ISR Agency Commander, General Heithold oversees the service cryptology component. Heithold is responsible to the Director of National Security Agency, and Chief of Central Security Service as the Air Force's sole authority for matters involving the conduct of cryptologic activities. This role includes missions directly related to both tactical warfighting and national-level operations.

Furthermore, as the Air Force Geospatial Intelligence Element Commander, General Heithold facilitates AF GEOINT federation and integration into the National System for Geospatial Intelligence. This responsibility involves orchestrating programmatic, policy and systemic requirements developed by the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance at Headquarters U.S. Air Force. Heithold also organizes, trains, equips and presents U.S. Air Force GEOINT forces.


  • [1] Air Force ISR Agency

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