Phoenician a.k.a Pheon is a randomn and sporadic contributer of Wikipedia.

Wikis I Edit (when I'm not haunting this place)


This user lives in or hails
from Phoenix.
This user's life occurs in
real time.
HSMThis user loves High School Musical!
This user supports the United Nations.
LMUAlum or Student of Loyola Marymount University.
This user prefers it ... HOT!!
This user supports public transit.
This user writes short stories.
This user is a cat lover.
H This user is a Hufflepuff.
This user likes Pixar and its films.
This user wishes that hoverboards were real.
This user has read (completely) 4 of William Shakespeare's plays.
PBSThis user pledged Zeeba Zeeba Eata.
ei8htThis user watches ei8ht KAET in PhoenixKAET
WireThis user wants to help keep the devil way down in the hole.
SEINThis user is obsessed with Seinfeld... not that there's anything wrong with that!
SPThis user killed Kenny. This user is a bastard.
HThis user believes that everybody lies.
Burn NoticeThis user has been burned and isn't going anywhere.
BrBaThis user stays out of Heisenberg's territory
@This user calls the
"@" an asperand.
Redwall This user is a fan of
the Redwall Series.
F Good news, everyone! This user is a fan of Futurama!
This user uses Google Maps.
This user ate a census taker's liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

NCThis user remembers it so you don't have to.
UBXThis user has way too many userboxes
RDNon cogito ergo usorarcam sum.
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