Photometric parameters of irregular satellites: http://nsdb.imcce.fr/multisat/parcohe.htm
Discovery circumstances
- Callirrhoe - Discovered on 6 October 1999 at Kitt Peak (691)
- Themisto - Rediscovered on 21 November 2000 at Mauna Kea (2.2-m UH; 568)
- Kalyke - Discovered on 23 November 2000 at Mauna Kea (2.2-m UH; 568)
- Iocaste - Discovered on 23 November 2000 at Mauna Kea (2.2-m UH; 568)
- Erinome - Discovered on 23 November 2000 at Mauna Kea (2.2-m UH; 568)
- Harpalyke - Discovered on 23 November 2000 at Mauna Kea (2.2-m UH; 568)
- Isonoe - Discovered on 23 November 2000 at Mauna Kea (2.2-m UH; 568)
- Praxidike - Discovered on 23 November 2000 at Mauna Kea (2.2-m UH; 568)
- Megaclite - Discovered on 25 November 2000 at Mauna Kea (2.2-m UH; 568)
- Taygete - Discovered on 25 November 2000 at Mauna Kea (2.2-m UH; 568)
- Chaldene - Discovered on 26 November 2000 at Mauna Kea (2.2-m UH; 568)
- Dia - Discovered on 5 December 2000 at Mauna Kea (2.2-m UH; 568)
- Autonoe - Discovered on 10 December 2001 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- Thyone - Discovered on 11 December 2001 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- Hermippe - Discovered on 9 December 2001 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- Eurydome - Discovered on 9 December 2001 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- Sponde - Discovered on 9 December 2001 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- Pasithee - Discovered on 11 December 2001 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- Euanthe - Discovered on 11 December 2001 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- Kale - Discovered on 9 December 2001 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- Orthosie - Discovered on 11 December 2001 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- Euporie - Discovered on 11 December 2001 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- Aitne - Discovered on 9 December 2001 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- Eukelade - Discovered on 5 February 2003 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- S/2003 J 2 - Discovered on 5 February 2003 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- Eupheme - Discovered on 5 February 2003 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- S/2003 J 4 - Discovered on 5 February 2003 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- Eirene - Discovered on 6 February 2003 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- Helike - Discovered on 6 February 2003 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- Aoede - Discovered on 8 February 2003 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- S/2003 J 9 - Discovered on 6 February 2003 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- S/2003 J 10 - Discovered on 6 February 2003 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- Kallichore - Discovered on 6 February 2003 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- S/2003 J 12 - Discovered on 8 February 2003 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- Cyllene - Discovered on 9 February 2003 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- Kore - Discovered on 8 February 2003 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- Philophrosyne - Discovered on 6 February 2003 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- S/2003 J 16 - Discovered on 6 February 2003 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- Herse - Discovered on 8 February 2003 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- S/2003 J 18 - Discovered on 6 February 2003 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- S/2003 J 19 - Discovered on 6 February 2003 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- Carpo - Discovered on 9 February 2003 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- Mneme - Discovered on 6 February 2003 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- Thelxinoe - Discovered on 9 February 2003 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- S/2003 J 23 - Discovered on 6 February 2003 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- S/2010 J 1 - Discovered on 7 September 2010 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- S/2010 J 2 - Discovered on 7 September 2010 at Mauna Kea (3.6-m CFHT; 568)
- S/2011 J 1 - Discovered on 27 September 2011 at Las Campanas (6.5-m M-B; 304)
- S/2011 J 2 - Discovered on 27 September 2011 at Las Campanas (6.5-m M-B; 304)
- S/2016 J 1 - Discovered on 8 March 2016 at Las Campanas (6.5-m M-B; 304)
- Valetudo - Discovered on 9 March 2016 at Las Campanas (6.5-m M-B; 304)
- S/2017 J 1 - Discovered on 23 March 2017 at Cerro Tololo (4.0-m DECam; 807)
- S/2017 J 2 - Discovered on 23 March 2017 at Cerro Tololo (4.0-m DECam; 807)
- S/2017 J 3 - Discovered on 23 March 2017 at Cerro Tololo (4.0-m DECam; 807)
- Pandia - Discovered on 23 March 2017 at Cerro Tololo (4.0-m DECam; 807)
- S/2017 J 5 - Discovered on 23 March 2017 at Cerro Tololo (4.0-m DECam; 807)
- S/2017 J 6 - Discovered on 23 March 2017 at Cerro Tololo (4.0-m DECam; 807)
- S/2017 J 7 - Discovered on 23 March 2017 at Cerro Tololo (4.0-m DECam; 807)
- S/2017 J 8 - Discovered on 23 March 2017 at Cerro Tololo (4.0-m DECam; 807)
- S/2017 J 9 - Discovered on 23 March 2017 at Cerro Tololo (4.0-m DECam; 807)
- Ersa - Discovered on 11 May 2018 at Cerro Tololo (4.0-m DECam; 807)
Discovery announcements
- https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/?sat_discovery Planetary Satellite Discovery Circumstances
- https://planetarynames.wr.usgs.gov/Page/Planets Planet and Satellite Names and Discoverers
- http://www.johnstonsarchive.net/astro/moonlist.html List of IAU Preliminary Designations of Natural Satellites (Updated Jan 2020)
- http://www2.ess.ucla.edu/~jewitt/irregulars.html Hawaii Irregular Satellites Survey (Archived 2008)

1999 (17 moons; +1)
- https://news.arizona.edu/story/astronomers-discover-new-moon-of-jupiter Astronomers Discover New Moon of Jupiter
- https://spacewatch.lpl.arizona.edu/news/s1999-j-1 S/1999 J 1
- http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/pressinfo/S1999J1.html New Outer Satellite of Jupiter Discovered
- https://www.eso.org/public/usa/news/eso0025/ ESO Observations of New Moon of Jupiter
- https://spaceflightnow.com/news/n0007/21jovianmoon New moon of Jupiter found (Archived)
- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/846914.stm New moon found circling Jupiter
2001 (28 moons; +11)
- Jupiter Satellite (2000 J1 = S/1975 J1) (Archived)
- IAUC 7525: S/1975 J 1 = S/2000 J 1
- Eleven New Moons for Jupiter (Archived)
- IAUC 7555: Sats OF JUPITER; 2001B; 2001C (S/2000 J 2-11)
- https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2001/01/jupiter-racks-11-new-moons Jupiter Racks Up 11 New Moons
2002 (40 moons; +12)
- The New Outer Satellites of Jupiter (Archived)
- IAUC 7900: Sats OF JUPITER; XTE J0929-314; C/2002 C1
- Arche: The New Jupiter Satellite S/2002 J1 (Archived)
- IAUC 8035: 2002jy; S/2002 J 1; V4743 Sgr
- https://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/space/01/03/jupiter.moon/ 40th moon of Jupiter spotted
2003 (61 moons; +21)
- New Satellites of Jupiter Discovered in 2003 (Archived)
- Jupiter and Saturn Have More Moons (Subaru; Apr 2003)
- IAUC 8087: Sats OF JUPITER; 2003bg; GRB 030227 (S/2003 J 1-7)
- IAUC 8088: S/2003 J 8; 2003bn; 2003bg; IGR J19140+098
- IAUC 8089: Sats OF JUPITER; 2003bo, 2003bp,, 2003bq; C/2002 V1 (S/2003 J 9-12)
- IAUC 8116: Sats OF JUPITER, SATURN; C/2003 G2 (S/2003 J 13-15 + S/2003 J 16-18)
- The following MPECs: 2003-G09 for S/2003 J 13, 2003-G10 for S/2003 J 14, and 2003-G17 for S/2003 J 15
- The following MPECs: 2003-G18 for S/2003 J 16, 2003-G19 for S/2003 J 17, and 2003-G20 for S/2003 J 18
- IAUC 8125: S/2003 J 19, S/2003 J 20; 2003dx, 2003dy, 2003dz, 2003ea, 2003eb; C/2003 H2
- Irregular Satellites of Jupiter
2004 (63 moons; +2)
- S/2003 J22 and S/2003 J23
- IAUC 8276: S/2003 J 22; 2004M, 2004N,, 2004O; C/2003 B2, C/2003 C1,, C/2003 D1
- IAUC 8281: S/2003 J 23; 2004Q; 2003lt, 2004R
2011-2012 (65 moons; +2)
- UBC researchers help unveil Jupiter's smallest known moon
- Discovery of two additional Jovian irregulars
- New Satellites of Jupiter: S/2010 J 1 AND S/2010 J 2 Bibcode
- https://www.space.com/16111-jupiter-smallest-moon-discovered.html Jupiter's Smallest Known Moon Unveiled
2012 (67 moons; +2)
- New Satellites of Jupiter: S/2011 J 1 and S/2011 J 2 Bibcode
- 2 New Satellites of Jupiter Discovered (Archived)
- https://www.universetoday.com/93473/two-new-moons-for-jupiter/ Two New Moons for Jupiter
Note: Dia was long lost and was not counted as a satellite until it was rediscovered in 2015. Therefore the counts would have been one less (66, 64, 62, etc.), though I include Dia here for simplicity purposes.
2017 (69 moons; +2)
- New Moons of Jupiter Announced in 2017 (Archived)
- https://skyandtelescope.org/astronomy-news/two-new-satellites-for-jupiter/ Two New Satellites for Jupiter
- http://www.ctio.noao.edu/noao/content/two-new-satellites-jupiter Two New Satellites for Jupiter
- https://epl.carnegiescience.edu/news/two-new-moons-jupiter-discovered Two New Moons of Jupiter Discovered
- https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/life-unbounded/jupiter-now-has-69-moons/ Jupiter Now Has 69 Moons
2018 (79 moons; +10)
- New Jupiter Moons
- A Dozen New Moons Of Jupiter Discovered, Including One “Oddball”
- https://www.noao.edu/noao/noaonews/oct18/118news.pdf
- MPEC 2018-O09 : S/2016 J 2
- MPEC 2018-O10 : S/2017 J 2
- MPEC 2018-O11 : S/2017 J 3
- MPEC 2018-O12 : S/2017 J 4
- MPEC 2018-O13 : S/2017 J 5
- MPEC 2018-O14 : S/2017 J 6
- MPEC 2018-O15 : S/2017 J 7
- MPEC 2018-O16 : S/2017 J 8
- MPEC 2018-O17 : S/2017 J 9
- MPEC 2018-O18 : S/2018 J 1

- ADS Search: https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/search/q=saturn%20irregular%20satellites&sort=date%20desc%2C%20bibcode%20desc&p_=10
- https://www.astro.ubc.ca/people/gladman/saturn.html The Saturnian Irregulars Home Page (Archived)
- The Satellites of Saturn / Les Satellites de Saturne (Archived)
2000 (30 moons; +12)
- 22 moons: Saturn Swarming with Satellites
- APOD: 2000 November 3 - New Moons For Saturn
- IAUC 7512: S/2000 S 1, S/2000 S 2
- IAUC 7513: S/2000 S 3, S/2000 S 4
- M.P.C. 41527 Preliminary orbits for S/2000 S 1-4
- IAUC 7521: S/2000 S 5, S/2000 S 6
- 28 moons (S7-10): Four additional moons discovered orbiting Saturn
- https://www.cnn.com/2000/TECH/space/12/15/saturn.moons/index.html Four new moons spotted around Saturn (Archived)
- IAUC 7538: S/2000 S 7, S/2000 S 8, S/2000 S 9
- "In the future, the Minor Planet Electronic Circulars will be used to provide the initial information more completely"
- MPEC 2000-Y14 : S/2000 S 3, S/2000 S 4, S/2000 S 5, S/2000 S 6, S/2000 S 10
- IAUC 7545: 2000fm; 2000fe; S/2000 S 11
- IAUC 7548: COMET P/1963 W1 = 2000 SO_253 (ANDERSON-LINEAR); S/2000 S 12; URSID METEORS 2000; C/2000 W2, C/2000 W3; C/1999 T1
- Press release: https://www.astro.ubc.ca/people/gladman/satpresse1.html
- Twelve New-Found Moons of Saturn Are Collisional Remnants of Larger Moons, University of Arizona (Arhcived)
- https://www.astro.ubc.ca/people/gladman/satastrom.html The Saturnian Irregulars -- ASTROMETRIC home page
2003 (31 moons; +1)
- Saturn's New Satellite S/2003 S1 (Archived)
- IAUC 8116: Sats OF JUPITER, SATURN; C/2003 G2
- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/2932691.stm Saturn's new moon
2005 (46 moons; +12)
- Twelve New Moons For Saturn (Archived)
- IAUC 8523: NEW Sats OF SATURN; 2005by; V5115 Sgr Bibcode
- New Moons for Saturn
- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4511715.stm Twelve new moons for Saturn
- https://skyandtelescope.org/astronomy-news/12-new-saturnian-moons/ 12 New Saturnian Moons
- https://astronomy.com/news/2005/05/new-saturn-moons New Saturn moons
- https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn7344-twelve-new-moons-discovered-around-saturn/ Twelve new moons discovered around Saturn
2006 (56 moons; +9)
2007 (59 moons; +3)
- IAUC 8836: S/2007 S 1, S/2007 S 2, S/2007 S 3; (4951); P/2007 C2
- MPEC 2007-G38 : S/2007 S 1
- MPEC 2007-J09 : S/2007 S 2, S/2007 S 3 (S/2007 S 3 currently lost)
2019 (82 moons; +20)
- https://carnegiescience.edu/news/saturn-surpasses-jupiter-after-discovery-20-new-moons-and-you-can-help-name-them Saturn Surpasses Jupiter After The Discovery Of 20 New Moons And You Can Help Name Them!
- MPEC 2019-T126 : S/2004 S 20
- MPEC 2019-T127 : S/2004 S 21
- MPEC 2019-T128 : S/2004 S 22
- MPEC 2019-T129 : S/2004 S 23
- MPEC 2019-T131 : S/2004 S 24
- MPEC 2019-T132 : S/2004 S 25
- MPEC 2019-T133 : S/2004 S 26
- MPEC 2019-T134 : S/2004 S 27
- MPEC 2019-T135 : S/2004 S 28
- MPEC 2019-T136 : S/2004 S 29
- MPEC 2019-T140 : S/2004 S 30
- MPEC 2019-T153 : S/2004 S 31
- MPEC 2019-T154 : S/2004 S 32
- MPEC 2019-T155 : S/2004 S 33
- MPEC 2019-T156 : S/2004 S 34
- MPEC 2019-T157 : S/2004 S 35
- MPEC 2019-T158 : S/2004 S 36
- MPEC 2019-T159 : S/2004 S 37
- MPEC 2019-T160 : S/2004 S 38
- MPEC 2019-T161 : S/2004 S 39

- https://www.astro.ubc.ca/people/gladman/uranus97.html 1997 Discovery of Two New Moons of Uranus (Archived)
- https://www.astro.ubc.ca/people/gladman/urhome.html The Uranian Irregulars Home Page (Archived)
- https://www.astro.ubc.ca/people/gladman/urbib.html Bibliographic References
- Update on New Satellites of Uranus
1997 (17 moons; +2)
- Two New Moons of Uranus Discovered (Archived)
- Discovery of Two New Uranian Moons
- Discovery and Tracking of Two New Uranian Moons
- IAUC 6764: Sats OF URANUS (Announcement)
- IAUC 6765: Sats OF URANUS (preliminary orbits)
- IAUC 6771: P/1997 V1; C/1997 V2; Sats OF URANUS
- IAUC 6780: Sats OF URANUS (Follow-up observations)
- IAUC 6833: S/1997 U 1; S/1997 U 2 (Ephemerides)
- New Uranian Satellites (Archived)
- https://news.cornell.edu/stories/1997/10/planet-uranus-has-two-more-moons-cornell-and-canadian-astronomers-find 'Irregular' satellites S/1997 U1 and S/1997 U2 discovered with Palomar Mountain's 5-meter Hale telescope (Archived)
- https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/planetary/text/uran_pr_971031.txt Two new Uranian Satellites Discovered
- https://www.sciencemag.org/news/1997/10/two-new-moons-around-uranus Two New Moons Around Uranus
1999 (21 moons; +3)
- Discovery of Three Irregular Uranian Moons
- Buzzing like a beehive: Uranus now swarming with distant moons
- Recovery observations: IAUC 7447: S/1999 U 3
- IAUC 7450: S/1999 U 1; C/1998 K16, 1998 K17, 2000 M2
- IAUC 7473: S/1999 U 2
- https://www.astro.ubc.ca/people/gladman/urtech.html Known astrometry of S/1999 U 1, U 2, and U 3
- The Discovery of Uranus XIX, XX, and XXI Gladman et al. (2000)
2002 (24 moons; +3)
- Three more minor moons for Uranus (S/2001 U 2 was lost)
- Tracking of S/2001 U 1
- IAUC 7980: S/2001 U 1; S/2002 (121) 1
- IAUC 8216: P/2003 T1; S/2001 U 3; (66063) 1998 RO_1
2003 (27 moons; +1)
- New Satellites of Uranus Discovered in 2003 (Archived)
- IAUC 8213: S/2001 U 2, S/2002 N 4; C/2003 S4
- IAUC 8217: S/2003 U 3; 157P; AG Dra

2002 (11 moons; +3)
- Discovery of 3 satellites of Neptune
- Discovery of Three Irregular Neptunian Moons
- IAUC 8047: Sats OF NEPTUNE; N IN NGC 185; 2003H
- National Research Council astronomer part of team that discovers new moons (Archived)
- UBC Professor Helps Discover New Moons of Neptune (Archived)
- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/2656959.stm New moons for Neptune
- https://spaceflightnow.com/news/n0301/14moons/ Three new moons found around Neptune
2003 (13 moons; +2)
- IAUC 8213: S/2001 U 2, S/2002 N 4; C/2003 S4
- New Satellite of Neptune S/2003 N1
- IAUC 8193: C/2002 CE_10; Sats OF NEPTUNE
Numbering and naming of irregular satellites
- IAUC 7998: P/2002 T5; Sats OF JUPITER (1975/1999-2000; Oct 2002)
- S/2000 J 11 was lost and therefore not named. It was later recovered in 2011 and given the name Dia.
- IAUC 8177: Sats OF (22); Sats OF JUPITER, SATURN, URANUS (S/2001 J 1-11; Aug 2003)
- IAUC 8502: V5115 Sgr = N Sgr 2005; 2005ay; Sats OF JUPITER (2002/2003; Mar 2005)
- Many of the 2003 satellites were lost and are thus not named: S/2003 J 2-5, S/2003 J 9-S/2003 J 10, S/2003 J 12, S/2003 J 14-19, and S/2003 J 23
- Of these 14 lost satellites, only 13 have been recovered. These satellites will later be designated as:
- Many of the 2003 satellites were lost and are thus not named: S/2003 J 2-5, S/2003 J 9-S/2003 J 10, S/2003 J 12, S/2003 J 14-19, and S/2003 J 23
- S/2003 J 2 = Jupiter LXXVIII (?)
- S/2003 J 3 = Eupheme
- S/2003 J 4 = Jupiter LXXVII (?)
- S/2003 J 5 = Eirene
- S/2003 J 9 = Jupiter LXXIV (?)
- S/2003 J 12 = Jupiter LXXVI (?)
- S/2003 J 14 = Kore
- S/2003 J 15 = Philophrosyne
- S/2003 J 16 = Jupiter LXXIII (?)
- S/2003 J 17 = Herse
- S/2003 J 18 = Jupiter LV
- S/2003 J 19 = Jupiter LXI
- S/2003 J 23 = Jupiter LXXV (?)
- IAUC 8177: Sats OF (22); Sats OF JUPITER, SATURN, URANUS (S/2000 J 1-12; Aug 2003)
- IAUC 8471: 2005O; C/2004 T8, Y5, Y6, Y7, Y8; Sats OF SATURN (S/2003 S 1; Jan 2005)
- IAUC 8826: Sats OF JUPITER, SATURN; RING OF URANUS; 2006 VV_2 (2004/2006; Apr 2007)
- IAUC 8860: 2007cr-2007cv; 189P; P/2007 N1; SATURN XLIV (HYRROKKIN) (Hyrrokkin; Jul 2007)
- IAUC 8873: P/2007 S1; Sats OF SATURN (2006/2007; Sep 2007)
- IAUC 9191: Saturn XXVIII (Erriapus) (Erriapus; Dec 2007)
- IAUC 7132: Sats OF URANUS (S/1997 U 1-2; Mar 1999)
- IAUC 7479: COMET C/2000 O3 (SOHO); C/2000 P1, C/2000 P2; Sats OF URANUS; EDITORIAL NOTICE (S/1999 U 1-3; Aug 2000)
- IAUC 8177: Sats OF (22); Sats OF JUPITER, SATURN, URANUS (S/2001 U 1; Aug 2003)
- Satellites of Uranus (2001/2003; Dec 2005)
- IAUC 8802: P/2006 XG_16; Sats OF NEPTUNE; C/2006 P1 (2002/2003; Feb 2007)
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