Antimodern Dialectical Anarchy ... Antimodern Dialectical Anarchy (ADA) is a recent worldview system developed by Nathan Page and Tyler Spaugh. It hinges on the beliefs that truth is determined by the absence of reason, revelation, and experience. To Antimodern Dialectical Anarchists, truth is a random series of absolute conclusions that cannot be studied in relation to anything else. This worldview has not yet caught on but it is estimated that it will begin catching on in third world countries within in the next 3 decades. Now we will examine Antimodern Dialectical Anarchy's specific views concerning Philosophy, Ethics, Government, Economics, Law, and History.

1.1 Philosophy The ADA Philosophy is that of Nihilist Realism. Nihilist Realism is the belief that nothing exists but everything is real. This Philosophy lays the groundwork for all of its other worldview disciplines. This Philosophy is especially beneficial when dealing with any for of hardship. When confronted with evil or suffering, ADAs simply find comfort in knowing that although their struggle may be a part of reality, it is really non-existent. Concerning Epistemology, Antimodern Dialectical Anarchists believe that knowledge may not always be correct, but as much knowledge as possible should be gathered so that one may know the maximum about reality that is possible.


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