United Air Force is a Virtual military that utilizes Microsoft Flight Simulator X to Simulator a Air Force. United Air Force is Based of the United States Air Force. United Air Force is considered a Virtual Military. A Virtual Military that uses a game to simulate Armed Forces such as Army , Air Force , Marines , Navy etc. United Air Force is dedicated to Simulation the most Realistic Virtual Experience you will ever have
To Join United Air Force you must qualify in all of these requirements
- Must be Atleast 13 or Older (By Law)
- Must be able to takeoff without Full power (also in Normal , Emergency , and severe weather conditions)
- Must be able to land in Normal , Emergency , and severe weather conditions
- Must be able to read the important flight instruments (Airspeed Indicator , Attitude Indicator , Altimeter , Turn Coordinator , Heading Indicator and Vertical Speed Indicator)
- Must have respect for all united air force members especially High Ranking Authority
- Must Be able to connect to the United Air Force's teamspeak 3 server at least once a day
- Must complete a training mission at least twice a week.
Gamey Servers
United Air Force mainly uses FS Host by chocolate software for its game server needs. United Air Force also uses game spy and also for recruiting.
External links
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