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Overview of United State Psychological Operations

The United States Department of Defense has a growing part in the United States’ communication strategy, especially as the military is engaged internationally and the War on Terror continues. This has led to an increase in the utilization of information operations and psychological operations. The increase in military input into communication strategy has led to creative and intuitive methods of communication through tactical and strategic psychological operations (PSYOP). Psychological operations, defined by Joint Publication 3-13.2, is stated as, “to influence foreign audience perceptions and subsequent behavior as part of approved programs in support of USG policy and military objectives.” The benefit of PSYOP is stated by Joint Publication Psychological Operations 3-13.2,

Employing PSYOP in conjunction with other activities to further national security goals in specific locations may prevent escalation of hostilities, shorten the duration of hostilities, or hasten a return to normalcy.

Psychological operations are engaged to contour targeted environments and stimulate relevant audiences to specific ends, such as the discouragement of violent conflict, as outlined by Joint Publication 3-13.2;

  • PSYOP are used to establish and reinforce foreign perceptions of US military, political, and economic power and resolve.
  • PSYOP are integrated to shape the security environment to promote bilateral cooperation, ease tension, and deter aggression.
  • PSYOP as a force multiplier can degrade the enemy’s relative combat power, reduce civilian interference, minimize collateral damage and maximize the local populace’s support for operations.(FN)

PSYOP professionals follow a deliberate process that aligns commander’s objectives with an

  1. analysis of the environment;
  2. select relevant target audiences (TAs);
  3. develop focused, culturally, and environmentally attuned messages and actions;
  4. employ sophisticated media delivery means and
  5. produce observable, measurable behavioral responses

The early incorporation in coordinating PSYOP with other military efforts allows the PSYOP programs to be force multipliers. Some factors to increase the receptiveness of the messages to foreign audiences are:

  • Use of indigenous resources,
  • Key communicators,
  • Dissemination platforms as soon as operationally feasible.

The War on Terror has led PSYOP to new regions and targeted audiences, in support of combat operations. These PSYOP operations to support combat operations are planned to engage influence the “perceptions, attitudes, objective reasoning, and, ultimately, the behavior of adversary, friendly, and neutral audiences … in support of US combat operations and objectives.” One of the most creative methods and medium the U.S. military has engaged the children and youth of Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries, is through the creation of comics and use of superheroes.

Introduction to Comic PSYOP

Military comic books for non-PSYOP or IO purposes Comic books and comics have found their way into PSYOP operations in the War on Terror. However, comic book PSYOP has a history of being used as tools of influence, starting predominantly in World War II. During World War II and before the U.S. became involved, private comic book publishers and later government comic publications increased and gained popularity among the populations and Allied forces. The United States would learn of the potential comic books held as World War II concluded and through the conflicts of the 20th century and into the 21st century. Private companies and the U.S. government would develop comic books to address the Korean War, Vietnam War,Cold War, humanitarian initiatives and the War on Terror.

In the War on Terror, as stability and social cohesion is pursued, comics have become a medium to achieve such goals, as referenced by Julian Chambliss of Rollins College;

The comic book genre, especially its most popular aspect, the superhero, uses visual cues to reduce individual characters into representations of cultural ideas. This process has allowed characters to become powerful representations of nationalism (Superman), or the search for societal stability (Batman), or struggles over femininity (Wonder Woman). Scholars have established the importance of heroic characterization as a means to inform societal members about collective expectations and behavioral ideas


World War II Comics

During the outbreak of World War II in Europe, the comic book industry was in its infancy. However, as the war progressed the comic book industry quickly capitalized upon the growing conflict, vilifying the Axis Powers and magnifying American patriotism. Comic books and the superheroes even alerted citizens of domestic caution and awareness, “pointing out how domestic corporations and criminals, not just foreign villains, sought to undermine American ideals.” Eventually as the war evolved, comic book publishers aligned and collaborated with the U.S. military,

Comics brought superheroes into the war effort when the United States finally entered the war. Many writers joined the War Writers Board (WWB), which was established to promote government policy as well as discourage profiteering. While a private organization, the WWB quickly joined forces with the Office of War Information (OWI). Headed by Elmer Davis, the OWI focused on coordinating all media for the war effort. The comic book creators cooperated with the prevailing attitude of supporting the war.

As soldiers were being deployed to varying theaters of battle, comics accompanied them on their journeys to Europe and Asia,[2] “and in some cases millions, of copies a month were printed” to keep up with the demand for consumption and delivery to foreigners. The American comic book themes and storylines remained consistent; "the American way was a place where science and equality prevailed over ignorance. It reinforced the idea that America was a place where people who worked hard to better themselves could become successful, while looking out for the oppressed at the same time."

In joining the government and private comic industry, they created unified messages. The common and shared purposes of the comics are;

  • to unite people behind the war effort;
  • to encourage vigilance against enemy spies;
  • to rebut Axis propaganda;
  • to portray the enemy as immoral, brutal and—especially the Japanese—sub-human;
  • to assure the population that the Allies were fighting for a just cause.

Private Corporations

Timely Comics and National Allied Publications became involved in the U.S. war effort during World War II. In propagating the collaborative wartime message of WWII, many superheroes entered the war. In exemplification, National Allied Publications, a predecessor to DC Comics, in 1938, introduced Superman in Action Comics No. 1 and by early 1941; Superman was fighting a Nazi paratrooper in the air. Through the creation and publication of comics, it illustrated the necessity to target the enemies’ vulnerabilities in character and reputation. Timely Comics, later to become Marvel Comics, created Capitan America and he entered World War II in early 1941,“Captain America dramatically leaped into action on the cover, delivering a knockout punch to Adolf Hitler’s jaw.” The co-creator of Capitan America, Joe Simon, comments on the accessibility of enemy characters and leadership in ridiculing and undermining their position and justifying U.S. involvement in World War II, stating; “Captain America was the first major comic book hero to take a political stand. . . . Hitler was a marvelous foil; a ranting maniac.”

Government Comics

The Nightmares Of Lieutenant Ichi or Juan Posong Gives Ichi The Midnight Jitters

This comic book was developed by Ben Roth and published by U.S. Office of War Information (OWI) in Brisbane, Australia during World War II in the Pacific theater.[3] The Nightmares Of Lieutenant Ichi or Juan Posong Gives Ichi The Midnight Jitters was disseminated among the Philippine islands to sustain the morale of the Filipinos and diminish the image of the occupying Japanese. The comic is centered around Juan Posong, a Filipino and his harassment of the Japanese occupying force, especially of officer Icho of the Japanese military. It portrays the reliance of Juan Posong and therefore, of the Filipino people and while drawing the Japanese as ignorant buffoons who can be easily deceived.

Korean War Comics

Korea my Home

Korea my Home was a comic book created by Al Stenzel andBill Timmins and published by Johnstone and Cushing in cooperation with the United States Department of State. The comic was an initiative by the U.S. Department of State to create an accessible medium to the average Korean citizen about the purpose of U.S. forces in Korea and the evil goals and ambitions of the communist Korean People’s Army (KPA). The comic conveyed the hardships of Koreans because of North Korea’s communist regime and the violence and policies they are inflicting upon Korean families. Leonard Rifas describing the comic in his thesis, stating; “the story presents a melodramatic interpretation of Korean history from the liberation of Korea from Japanese rule in 1945 to the Chinese intervention on the side of North Korea in 1950.” [4]


Rescued from Rape and Slavery

Rescued from Rape and Slavery is a 14 page comic published in 1984 by the Victims of International Communist Emissaries (VOICE) and written by AC Langdon. In actuality the comic is alleged to be created and published by the Central Intelligence Agency. The comic was airdropped over Grenada. The purpose of Rescued from Rape and Slavery comic is to warn the Grenadians of the imminent totalitarian danger to their rights and also demonstrate how the U.S. can help to protect them; justify the American invasion of that country, by describing the rise of communist forces there and how their presence demands military intervention and Reagan administration‘s justifications for the invasion: the oppression and torture of the local inhabitants, threats to American medical students on the island, and a potential domino effect leading to more communist regimes in the Caribbean. At the conclusion of the comic it depicts thankful Grenadians for U.S. assist in defeating communism and vilifies Castro and the Soviet Union. The very end of the comic book, the American troops are lauded as liberators and guarantors of freedom while the Grenadians are grateful for their freedom and hopeful for their future.

Nicaragua Anti-Marxist

The Freedom Fighter’s Manual was published January 28th 1985. The instructional manual comic book introduces the guerrilla to psychological operation techniques that one can utilize in the conflict with the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN). It is a comic book/ manual developed by the C.I.A. to illustrate the actions of patriotic Nicaraguans against the Marxist elements of government. It calls upon the citizens to contribute in their own way to destabilization of the FSLN government and society and also outlines sabotage techniques that are simple and require little skill and resources. Some of these techniques:

  • Delay in doing work tasks
  • Leaving lights on when you leave the room
  • Call in sick
  • Leave tap water running
  • Arrive late to work
  • Threaten the Boss by phone
  • Make false hotel reservations by phone
  • Break light bulbs and typewriters
  • Put anything but gad into gasoline tanks
  • Burn fuel with Molotov cocktail

The Nicaraguan Patriot is called to undermined and take seditious action against the communist elements within the government, as their contribution to restoring Nicaragua to freedom. The comic book states it is a; “practical guide to liberating Nicaragua from oppression and misery by paralyzing the military-industrial complex of the traitorous Marxist state without having to use special tools and with minimal risk for the combatant.” The comic also reasons the necessity and ultimate goal of guerilla warfare; “guerrilla warfare is essentially a political war. Therefore, its area of operations exceeds the territorial limits of conventional warfare, to penetrate the political entity itself: the political animal that Aristotle defined.”

Humanitarian Initiatives

In the 1990’s and the early 2000’s the United States collaborated with D.C. Comics and UNICEF to educated foreign audiences, especially children about the dangers of landmines. DC Comics has donated the usage of SupermanandWonder Woman to the Department of Defense and the United Nations in this collaborative initiative. [5] Each edition of the comic books reflected the targeted audience and region through partnership with the U.S. Army 1st PSYOP Battalion.

Superman in Deadly Legacy spearheaded the first installment of the landmine comics in 1996. It targeted the older children of the Former Yugoslavia, to educate them about the reality of unaccounted landmines and the danger they pose. It is estimated that between four and six million land mines were laid during the conflict in the Former Yugoslavia. [6] In making the comics accessible they were published in the Roman and Cyrillic alphabet. [7] To increase the comics popularity and reach of children, the comics was first distributed in orphanages, schools, refugee camps, and hospitals. Through the comic, the children are encouraged to share their education with their friends and family to spread further awareness. The message is, “children must learn how to avoid danger zones where anti-personnel mines are hidden -- and they don't need Superman to keep them safe.”[8] Superman in Deadly Legacy,

tells the story of two boys in Bosnia. They are walking along a road looking for a friend when one bends down to pick up some debris from a mortar. Quickly, Superman pulls him away, and the boy narrowly misses stepping on a mine concealed underground. As the boys continue to search for their friend, Superman teaches them how to I avoid places where land mines might be hidden: bombed-out houses, abandoned buildings, old checkpoints and lines. Even paths and bridges are sometimes littered with land mines, Superman explains.

NATO disseminated over a million comics within the first year.

Second installment of the landmine comics was a dual effort between Superman and Wonder Woman in the Hidden Killer. This comic was released through UNICEF in Latin America in 1998 and the comic was published in both Spanish and English. The distribution effort ranges from Army Special Forces to U.S. Embassies and local governments. A third installment was targeted for Angola and is in Portuguese.

Batman: Death of Innocents was published in 1996, paralleling the Superman landmine comics, DC also unveiled a graphic novel for domestic publication starring Batman and his message about landmines. The graphic novel is authored by Dennis O’Neil. This comic takes place in a fictitious land named Kravian and its goal is to highlight the overall danger of landmines and the inability of landmines to discriminate between civilian and military personnel. Batman is drawn into the conflict of Kravia when some of his employees encounter landmines are injured and killed by them.

War on Terror

In utilizing PSYOP and comics in the War on Terror the U.S. military had to alter its approach. It changed the understanding of what is and constitutes a superhero. A Stars and Stripes article by Allison Batdorff in September 2007 highlights this point,

Getting into the Iraqi male mind-set requires a shift in focus for the average American, said U.S. Army Capt. Andrew Duprey. For instance, you wouldn’t self-aggrandize when recruiting Iraqi men to join the local police force. The lone-hero-with-badge-and- gun appeal wouldn’t work here. You would talk about how joining the Iraqi Security Forces would reflect honor on their families, tribes and community.

“The concept of honor is paramount,” explained Duprey, from Ardmore, Pa., “Instead of emphasizing the individual, it’s the collective that counts.”[9]


Meet Yassin and Kaka Rawoof Comics

Meet Yassin and Kaka Rawoof are information programs by the coalition forces in Afghanistan. The comic is discussed in the Coalition Bulletin of January 2008. Camp Nathan Smith held a training workshop, in Kandahar City, for Afghani educators on new educational texts and tools for their students and fellow teachers. The educational materials included, “six comic books designed to teach children about their rights and duties as citizens of Afghanistan.”[10] The comic book series were donated by USAID and began dissemination on December 10, 2007 through January 20th 2008. During this period of distribution, parallel radio and TV programs of the same characters will air on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm. One of the participating teachers states, “These comic books are very valuable for the young generation of Afghanistan and will help them out to know how to seek their cultural rights.” [11] The education program targeted grades 1, 2, 3 and was only initially done in Kandahar City.

Afghan Commando Comic Book

The comic conveys an exemplary scenario where the Afghan Commandos apprehend the Taliban and protect the civilians from an explosive.

Afghan girl reads aloud from a comic book given to her by Afghan soldiers with 3rd Commando Kandak

The comic takes a story of a child hurt by a terrorist bomb and the commandos arrive at the village to assess what happened and inquire about the people responsible. Through the conversation, important lessons are conveyed, like the anonymity of identity of the informants, for fear of retaliation. The Commandos act upon the information gathered and captures the Taliban members and the villagers rejoice.

The Afghan Commandos, such as the 3rd Commando Kandak, travel to local schools to engage the children and provide for the community on another level than their regular duties and missions. They distribute comics to the school children and the comics are short stories about the life and purpose of the Afghan Commandos and their efforts to protect the citizens from the Taliban. [12]


Iraqi Freedom/ Nation Building Comic Books

Iraqi Freedom/ Nation Building Comic Books program originated from the Department of Defense’s Central Command. The aspiration of the comics is that they will create respect and harmony between the Iraqi forces (police and military) and the Iraqi civilians, especially the children. (FN)

Sixth Brigade 2008

Sixth Brigade is a comic book series that has been put forth by the US government in 2008, to improve their communication and support the military effort of the U.S. and newly formed Iraqi forces. [13] The purpose is to “highlight the professionalism of the Iraqi Special Operations Forces (ISOF) and to enhance the public perception of the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) as a capable, well-trained, and professional fighting force IAW Information Operations Objectives…”[14] In response to changing the format of superhero characters, the Sixth Brigade took a collective superhero approach in connecting to its audience, as outlined in a US Army training guide;

He Sixth brigade is the elite soldiers or Iraqi Special Forces. They fight insurgents and evil leaders to support Iraqi nationalism. Their superpowers are based on teamwork that conquests terrorism. They show that fighting for Iraq as a soldier defines honor and patriotism.

The Lincoln Group received the contract to produce and publish the Sixth Brigade comics with a goal of 12 issues and 60,000 copies per issue.

Iraqi Police Comic Book PSYOP

Iraqi Police Comic Book was produced as an information operation by the U.S. Army 4th PSYOP unit in 2005.[15] [16] The comic is written in Arabic and is targeted to the Iraqi youth. In targeting the youth, the comics seek to create respectability and honor for the Iraqi police. In creating respect and honor for the Iraqi police, the comics also seek to recruit the youth into the force, by making it a worthy service that engages in noble activity. Beyond recruitment, the comics, “provides the opportunity for Iraqi youth to learn lessons, develop role models and improve their education.” [17]


Barbargsa — Blood of the Honorable

Barbargsa — Blood of the Honorable is a PSYOP comic that was developed in the Philippines in response to growing radical Islam within certain sections of the country. The comic Barbargsa was conceived in 2006.[18] Major Edward Lopacienski, military information support team commander for the joint special operations task force Philippines mission and Master Sgt. Russell Snyde are responsible for the inception and development of the comic. [19]

In the development of the comic, the creators sought to pay attention to the local Tausug culture and Sulu region;

Two years ago, two Army officers decided to create one from scratch to tell the children of the [Philippines'] Sulu islands the story of what was happening in their homeland… The Philippines military are also portrayed in a positive and heroic light while the villains are the terrorists or “bandits.” The creators were careful to accurately illustrate the Sulu region, and use character names, clothing and mannerisms that reflect the culture of the Tausug ethnic group. There are versions in English and in the local dialect.


The man character is Ameer and he is a student of kuntao, a local martial art. Ameer is a citizen vigilante who vows to protect the lives of people threatened and affected by terrorism after he returns home from working abroad and witnesses the confluence of violence in his hometown. The actions of Ameer shadow the theme of the comic, good vs. evil, as highlighted by Maj. Edward Lopacienski, “In the end you see the hero and the community rising up to turn over the terrorists.”[21] Beyond placing Ameer in local culture and settings, he also deals with previous terrorist events of the Abu Sayyaf Group. Some of these events include the Sulu Co-op bombing in March 2006 and the Basilan hostage crisis were the Abu Sayyaf Group used schoolchildren as body shields from the police and Filipino military.[22]

The comic book character, Ameer has become popular and local vendors have printed unauthorized shirts with his image. Over 600,000 of the 10 issue comics have been distributed through the island and are in both English and local Filipino dialect. [23]

The 99|upright is a comics book series created by Naif Al-Mutawa and his comic book company, AK Comics in Egypt. The superheroes are based upon Islamic religion and culture, although the heroes do not identify themselves as Muslim. It premiered in 2006 but has grown so well that it is now translated into nine languages.[24] The continual theme throughout all the comics, as the superheroes battle varying evils, is diversity and tolerance., Al-Mutawa states, a “new generation of comic book heroes fight more than crime -- they smash stereotypes and battle extremism.” [25]

Sumayyah Meehan from the Muslim Media Network comments on the comics, stating; "All the characters in 'The 99' are the epitome of kindness, generosity, wisdom and honesty, which are core Islamic values. Al-Mutawa uses 'The 99' to spread a message of peace that the world really needs to hear."[26] The comic is named after the 99 attributes of Allah and each superhero has one of Allah’s attributes and the superhero exemplifies how best to embody and use such an attribute for its audience but also in defeating evil, as explained by Naif Al-Mutawa [1]. In coordination with the idea of teamwork, “Each of THE 99 possesses a certain gemstone that has imbued in it a special power. While each of our heroes has their own power, each of their powers is enhanced by working in teams of three” [27]

In 2011, The 99 teamed up with DC Comics and they had a joint comic series with the Justice League for six comics, as observed by President Obama.[28] As of March 2013, the 99 have become a television show through partnership with the Cartoon Network to air in Australia, Asia and Europe.



Magna CVN 73

[CVN 73] is a 200 page magna comic book created by the US Navy in 2007 and released in 2008.[29] The comic is in Japanese. The comic’s target is to educate Japanese teens and young adults about the USS George Washington, a nuclear powered supercarrier that is being stationed Yokosuka Naval Base in 2008. CVN 73’s main character is Damage Controlman 3rd Class Jack O’Hara. Jack serves in the United States Navy aboard the aircraft carrier George Washington, “Jack O’Hara , an American of Japanese descent, as he gets into all kinds of comic situations all over the ship. He’s mentored by Petty Officer 1st Class Elly Benton.” During his sea tour, Jack encounters many issues and scenarios of U.S. sailor, such as, “seasick, gets lost, gets chewed out for showing up late to his work center, kills his shins on the knee-knockers sickness.”

Jack O’Hara, being of Japanese descent, and a sailor aboard George Washington, is an unofficial ambassador of the U.S. Navy to the Japanese citzens. The comic was created because the Japanese citzens were anxious and apprehensive about the stationing of a nuclear aircraft carrier in Yokosuka Naval Base. Jack, through his comedic actions and aloofness is responsible for educating the Japanese about the aircraft carrier and its safety.

Magna comic book style was adopted in creating the comic, because of its popularity within the Japanese population and the ability for its people to connect to the comic and character, Jack O’Hara. O’Hara is anxious to see his Japanese grandparents for the first time and explore the home of his ancestry. The navy utilizes and references many notable geographical features within Japan, that the Japanese citizenry easily recognizes.

Al-Qaeda Response

Al-Qaeda has responded to the utilization of comics by the West with plans to develop their own recruiting comics for targeted youth. The recruitment comic and video targets the youth and glorifies the mission of Al-Qeada.[30] Al-Qaeda has turned to alternative methods to reaching possible terrorists and means of radicalization. Beyond videos and literature, they have recently created a comic and cartoon video which glorifies the work and vindicates the extremists.[31] It is specifically directed toward young Muslims and introducing them into extremist views, to create earlier pool of supporters and possible recruits. The cartoon was submitted to al-Malahim, AQAP’s media arm, for approval. [32] The comics are planned into a short cartoon film.


  1. ^ http://services.juniata.edu/jcpress/voices/pdf/2012/jv_2012_145-151.pdf
  2. ^ http://www.defensemedianetwork.com/stories/the-comic-books-go-to-war/
  3. ^ http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=4403020&fpart=6
  4. ^ http://www.psywarrior.com/PsyopComics.html. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  5. ^ http://www.unicef.org/newsline/super.htm
  6. ^ http://www.nytimes.com/1996/10/28/world/familiar-hero-to-warn-bosnian-children-about-mines.html
  7. ^ http://www.unicef.org/newsline/super.htm
  8. ^ http://www.unicef.org/newsline/super.htm
  9. ^ http://www.stripes.com/news/field-marketing-in-fallujah-1.69344
  10. ^ http://www.centcom.mil/images/multimedia/cbdec07jan08.pdf
  11. ^ http://www.centcom.mil/images/multimedia/cbdec07jan08.pdf
  12. ^ http://www.dvidshub.net/news/61731/afghan-commandos-us-soldiers-reach-out-community#.UV0D05OTiSp/
  13. ^ http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2008/02/the-latest-io-c/
  14. ^ http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2008/02/the-latest-io-c/
  15. ^ http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/iraqi-police-psyops-comic-book-1
  16. ^ http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4396351.stm
  17. ^ http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4396351.stm
  18. ^ http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2008/01/coin-comic-book/
  19. ^ http://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/ARCHIVE/2008/FEBRUARY/Pages/ComicBook2358.aspx
  20. ^ http://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/ARCHIVE/2008/FEBRUARY/Pages/ComicBook2358.aspx
  21. ^ http://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/ARCHIVE/2008/FEBRUARY/Pages/ComicBook2358.aspx
  22. ^ http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Soft+power%3A+U.S.+special+forces+target+hearts+and+minds.-a0174816922
  23. ^ http://www.nationaldefensemagazine.org/ARCHIVE/2008/FEBRUARY/Pages/ComicBook2358.aspx
  24. ^ http://www.the99.org/
  25. ^ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/11/99-muslim-superhero-comic_n_1005950.html
  26. ^ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/11/99-muslim-superhero-comic_n_1005950.html
  27. ^ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/10/11/99-muslim-superhero-comic_n_1005950.html
  28. ^ http://www.today.com/id/44861088/ns/today-books/t/islamic-superheroes-role-models-or-propaganda/#.UVz-iZOTiSp
  29. ^ http://www.letsjapan.markmode.com/index.php/2008/06/08/official-comics-cover-japan-us-armed-forces/
  30. ^ http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2011/07/car-bomb-cartoon-al-qaeda-the-animated-series/#more-52136
  31. ^ http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2011/07/19/cartoons-calling-for-jihad-al-qaeda-set-to-release-comic-aimed-at-youth/
  32. ^ http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2011/07/19/cartoons-calling-for-jihad-al-qaeda-set-to-release-comic-aimed-at-youth/
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