The organizational running of the Admiralty from 1410 till 1545 remained solely in the hands of the Lord High Admiral.[1] the Navy Board was established by Henry VIII in 1546 "to oversee the administrative and logistical affairs of the naval service" from 1546 policy direction, operational control and maritime jurisdiction was under the control of the Lord High Admiral until 1628 the new the Board of Admiralty was created by Charles I from that point on its Lord Commissioners ran the Admiralty and Navy, the board also appointed the Principle Officers and Commissioners of the Navy Board although their functions remained semi autonomous until it was abolished in 1831 and all of it's functions transferred to the Board of Admiralty. The Board of Admiralty lasted till 1964 when the Office of the Lord High Admiral was abolished (title remains an honorary bestowed by the monarch) and replaced by a new Admiralty Board the Lord Commissioners of the Admiralty still continue to function in their same capacity within the new board today.

Organization nineteenth century

'Board of the Admiralty Principal Civil and Naval Officers, and list of Admiralty Commands, Departments, Divisions, Establishments, Stations.

Royal Navy
warships in 1800-1840
Type Number of units
Ships of the Line 1st rate 30
Ships of the Line 2nd rate 43
Ships of the Line 3rd rate 108
Ships of the Line 4th rate 7
Captured ships of the line 57
Frigates 234
Schooners 387
In commission 980

Principal officers and commissioners

Principle commands, departments, fleets, offices

Flag Officer Commanding Fleets and Stations

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