Lofty-minded son of Themis who counsels straight, against my will, no less than yours, I must rivet you with brazen bonds no hand can loose to this desolate crag, where neither voice nor form of mortal man shall you perceive; but, scorched by the sun's bright beams, you shall lose the fair bloom of your flesh. And glad you shall be when spangled-robed night shall veil his brightness and when the sun shall scatter again the frost of morning. Evermore the burden of your present ill shall wear you out; for your deliverer is not yet born.
Such is the prize you have gained for your championship of man.
— Hephaestus to Prometheus, in Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound, transl. Herbert Weir Smyth.
- {{WikiProject Banner Shell|class=stub|1=
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}} - No sources demonstrating the relevance or significance of this to the mythological figure; see [[MOS:POPCULT]].
- Theoi.com: notoriously unreliable (see [1], a hallucinatory hodgepodge)
- Robert Graves' The Greek Myths: see § Reception
- Natalis Comes: see Fowler 2013, pp. 735–7
- Evelyn-White's edition of the Theogony: see the opening paragraph of Richard Janko's BMCR review (2007.03.31) of Most's edition
- MOS:INFOBOXPURPOSE (WT:CGR discussion, Infobox deity discussion)
- Automatic archiving: Help:Archiving (plain and simple); User:ClueBot III/Documentation
- Tools: XTools, Sigma, Whodunnit, Petscan
- Navigation: Navbox, Lists, Categories, Templates; WP:CGR/Popular pages
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