Hi! Fair fa' ye!Céad míle fáilte! Welcome to my user page! I'm a long time Wikipedian having made my first edit back since 21st May, 2006.
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Wikipedia editor
Committed identity: 40185aba6362263063de0d62a9437a9a88a934ec6a7987b87ddb4f7e5782f63079e6fd395928122af4bc17a3894b1f35cd92f2016fd3b9f968c5fd08ba38fb25 is a SHA-512commitment to this user's real-life identity.
Mabuska you do yourself a disservice by comparing yourself to anything the these socks stand for. You, as I know are worth more to this project than 1000 of these socks. I look forward to your intelligent input in the future. Bjmullan (talk) 00:30, 25 September 2010 (UTC)
— Factocop's talk page
The idea of exclusive national homelands is a modern fantasy... Yet once they were settled, all the peoples were keen to invent a unique pedigree for themselves. All have suffered too, from the attentions of nationalist historians in our own day, who think nothing of projecting modern identities backwards into prehistory.
Norman Davies, Europe; A History
No modern European nation can lay reasonable claim to undiluted 'ethnic purity.
Norman Davies, Europe; A History
Do mhíle fáilte a Bhanríoghain Éire, Go cathraigh éigseach chríche Uladh.
Mas fuar síon ar mhullaigh a sliabh, Is grádhach díolos croidhe a bunadh.
1000 welcomes, Oh Queen of Ireland, To the poetic city of the land of Ulster.
If cold be the wind on its mountain-tops, Its people’s hearts are warm and loyal.
McAdam's Irish motto for Queen Victoria on her visit to Belfast.
This editor is a Most Pluperfect Labutnum and is entitled to display this Book of Knowledge with Coffee Cup Stain, Cigarette Burn, Chewed Broken Pencil, Sticky Note, and Bookmark.
This user values the quality of Wikipedia articles over the quantity and thus supports the merging of related content and deletion of articles that violate policies and guidelines.
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