This user respects copyright, but sometimes it can be a major pain.
Greetings! You've reached the userpage of Krashlandon. If you would like to leave a message, please use my talk page. I probably won't see it for a while.
I've been a user here since January 2006, although I was inactive for a few years, during which I edited things I ran into while doing research. Now I'm inactive again. My specialties are technology, physics, computers, and ham radio related topics, although I will work on anything that is interesting to me at the moment.
You may notice that I have created a large number of accounts. This is due to my former involvement in account creation. They are not sockpuppets, and I don't have control over any of these accounts. Their legitimacy can be checked by any ACC tool user.
I appreciate feedback and comments, so feel free to tell me if you think I made a mistake, but please be civil about it. Everyone messes up from time to time.
The userboxes to the right tell a little about me.
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