I mainly use this account to edit articles in or near Teddington, or when I post pictures that I have uploaded on Commons. I also edit as WereSpielChequers - an account that I use to unleash my inner pedant upon the Internet and amongst other things fix loads of typos, and when working for Wikimedia UK in 2013-15 I edited as user:Jonathan Cardy (WMUK)
Some photos I've taken and uploaded on wp:commons:
My almond crop under threat
The romantic side of a Palace
Bee pollinating Blackberry
Golden raspberries
Tudor chimneys
A bank
An English village pond
A Japanese Horsechestnut
Bushy Park
Taylor Phinney in the time trials
Vani boar diadem
A toothpick
Hercules and Achelous
Griffin claw (actually a water buffalo horn)
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