About Me
Ilyanep (IPA: /ɪl.jɑː.'nep/) is a 33 year-old man currently residing in Mountain View, California. Ilyanep graduated in the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy class of 2009, and the California Institute of Technology class of 2013, where he double majored in Computer Science and Mathematics. He is now working as a software engineer at Palantir Technologies. His hometown is a suburb of Chicago, Illinois. His user page is most likely quite out of date. Ilyanep has been a Wikipedian since May 7, 2003. He became an administrator on June 17, 2003 and became a bureaucrat on June 20, 2004, but was de-bureaucratted on December 31, 2015, for inactivity. He was a member of some meta-groups, but finds those slightly less important given how little time he has to be involved on here anyway. You can find his personal webpage here. Most of his edits recently are made to fix up tone/voice/writing style issues in random articles that get less attention. Awards
The Mess of Banners
Värsked postitused
- Rikberg: meil oli sügavust, et tiitel Tartusse tagasi tuua
- Markvardt 1997. aastast: ühel hetkel käis klõps ja hüpped hakkasid tulema
- Teadlased edastasid hoiatuse naistele, kes seksivad harva
- Ungari välisminister: Euroopa soovib sõja jätkumist ja takistab rahukõnelusi
- Suur osa naistepäevalilli tuleb kaugetest maadest
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