HIS This user's favourite subject is History .
This user's favourite subject isPolitics
This user is self-educated to an advanced college level.
snuk This user says snuck .
{{user proposition:No}}
Articles I have been Influential on
I have also done editing on the following subjects:
A user of Wikipedia since February 2004 (for a research paper on The Great Depression of 1929 and FDR 's New Deal in 1932.
He has been a contributer since November of this year.
This user is interested in the history of the Cold War .
He is interested in Social studies (particularly social psychology , history and politics, national and international ), philosophy , theology , and the paranormal .
I have finally decided to get a username after reading that others could use use one's designated IP Adress (which, naturally, I am very weary of). So here I am. Thank you all.
Is socially conservative (does not like hedonism , pro-life , pro-Second Amendment , and believes in social responsibility) and political/economically liberal (socialist , demands universal healthcare and education , anti-big corporation). He would appear to be a Statist/Populist in the Political Spectrum with progressive tendancies.
This user is interested in Theism .
This user believes in the existence of a human soul or spirit .
This user is interested in Utilitarianism , the belief that a moral action is one which increases the total happiness of humanity.
This user is interested in ghosts .
This user believes that atheism makes no sense .
Political/National Issues
{{User Socialist2}}
style="width: 45px; height: 45px; background: darkred; text-align: center; font-size: 14pt; color: black;"
This user is Against the formation of the EU .
In Memoriam: 9/11 Lest we forget…
This user supports the independence of Palestine .
{{User against Saud}}
{{user independent Assyria}}
{{user Korean reunification}}
{{User Turkish occupation}}
Humanity and Social Issues
File:Pistol Browning SFS.jpg
This user opposes gun control .
{{user NRA}}
This user can see the benefit of transhumanism if handled properly.
This user is drug -free .
Personal Intersts
This user reads between the lines.
fan-2 This user likes Bjork .
fan-2 This user likes Moby .
>_< This person dislikes anime (or doesn't admit to watching it).
REALLY Personal Stuff
This user is more than happy to retain their "personality disorder (s)" and delights in telling their mental health professional to screw off.
This user's favourite colour is grey .
This user's favourite colour is red .
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