Interested in Classical History, particularly the era of the late Roman Republic (the first period of civil wars between Marius and Sulla, and the aftermath), and the Wars of the Diadochi following the death of Alexander the Great. Perdiccas, Eunus, Epaminondas, and the unfortunate pair Eumenes of Cardia and Quintus Sertorius are among my favourite historical figures, and those I have done the most research about. I like to help whenever I have time!
I have a specific interest in the defeated, those figures in history who put up a great effort but were ultimately vanquished by stronger, more numerous, or simply more lucky opponents. This is largely reflected in the articles I have, and plan to, edit. It is perhaps a quirk of historiography, or, probably more accurately, because "history loves not losers", that these defeated figures tend to have thinner scholarship in general. It is my belief that in spite of this, they deserve to be known and represented accurately all the same.
Articles I have edited extensively
- Eumenes of Cardia
- Eunus
- Perdiccas
- Antipater
- Quintus Sertorius (with a lot of help, and more work remains to be done!)
Articles I plan to edit (not necessarily in order)
Successors of Alexander the Great (and adjacent figures)
Hellenistic Kings
- Cassander
- Demetrius I Poliorcetes
- Antiochus III Megas
- Antigonus III Doson
- Ptolemy III Euergetes
- Antiochus Hierax
- Antiochus VII Sidetes
- Sertorian War
- Gaius Flavius Fimbria
- Gaius Fabius Hadrianus
- First Servile War
- Manius Acilius Glabrio (consul 191 BC)
- Quintus Poppaedius Silo
- Pontius Telesinus
- Lucius Hirtuleius
- Marcus Perperna Veiento
- Sextus Pompey
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