Hi, I'm a fellow internet user, mostly concerned about spreading fact. Especially when most sources tend to be somewhat opiniated. I try to counter that by simply refuting falsehoods. I also have way too many userboxes with opinions and jokes, but I promise to be non-biased and serious with my actual editing.
Personal Trivia
This user believes that Wikipedia IS a useful resource for reading articles.
This user wishes editing Wikipedia were a job ; that way they could procrastinate some other way!
Because of real life, this user will be editing on and off.
This user is an empiricist who believes knowledge is subject to continued revision and falsification.
This user accepts evolution as a biological fact.
This user understands Physics at a basic level.
In Memoriam: 9/11 Lest we forget…
This user believes it is every citizen's duty to vote .
This user believes that movie stars and celebrities should stick to what they're good at, not become politicians.
This user doesn't like Nazis .
This user ardently opposes all forms of RACISM .
I resist making political userboxes from now on
This user believes that Nationalism is good for culture but bad for politics.
This user recognizes that the War on Drugs is racially motivated.
This user believes the world would be a better place if everyone had access to a quality, free education .
This user trusts the EU about as far as they can throw it.
This user doesn't like school .
This user supports research for a cure to Crohn's .
This user doesn't sleep much .
This user supports People Eating Tasty Animals .
This user has a profile on MySpace .
This user edits wikis on Fandom .
This user, your obd't servant, has the honor to be obsessed with the musical Hamilton .
This user is NOT known for taking themself too seriously.
Fox News This user hates Fox News and anything connected to it.
This user is against the recent portrayal of Cassandra Cain as a villain.
This user knows that criminals are a cowardly lot, and uses fear to fight injustice and those who would prey on the fearful...
Superman This user fights for Truth, Justice and the American Way!!!!!!!
This user has been known to eat a hot dog on occasion.
This user believes that tomatoes are fruits.
This user couldn't live without bagels , but NO CREAM CHEESE!
This user loves to eat beef .
Chocolate, ice cream, cake, cookies... This user likes all desserts .
This user knows there's no such thing as too much Chocolate
This user LOVES to drink coffee and drinks at least 40 cups a month.
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