As I don't really know how to do anything other than just edit pages with words this will be quite boring to look at... The more i learn, the more magical this will become...
My Interests include Gaming (Consoles and PC), Music, football (watching and playing), and Driving. I am an iBore by admission!
I am a Swansea City fan, have been a season ticket holder for over 5 years now, and have attended more away games than I care to count!
Some time soon I also hope to start taking photographs to place in articles, and will post links to them here once I have worked out how to do it and own a camera good enough to make quality images!
Whitehead's trogon (Harpactes whiteheadi) is a species of bird in the family Trogonidae. It is endemic to the island of Borneo, where it is an uncommon resident in primary mountain forest. One of Borneo's largest trogons at 29 to 33 centimetres (11 to 13 inches) long, it is sexually dimorphic. The male is crimson on the head, nape, and underparts, with a black throat and grey chest; the rest of its upperparts are cinnamon-coloured. The female is similarly patterned, but cinnamon-brown where the male is scarlet. The species is primarily an insectivore, but also eats various plant materials, including fruits and seeds. Other than the timing of its breeding, typically between April and June, little is known about its breeding biology. It is classified as a near-threatened species, with population numbers thought to be declining and habitat loss a key threat. This male Whitehead's trogon was photographed perching on a branch on Mount Kinabalu in the Malaysian state of Sabah.Photograph credit: JJ Harrison
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