By the authority vested in me by myself it gives me great pleasure to present you with this special, very exclusive award created just for we few, we happy few, this band of brothers, who have shed sweat, tears and probably blood, in order to be able to proudly claim "I too have taken an article to Featured status". Gog the Mild, 20 November 2023
7&6=thirteen (☎) has given you a Dobos Torte to enjoy! Seven layers of fun because you deserve it.
Zen Garden Award
For persevering and getting the job done with a very thorough review at Hypericum sechmenii. Cheers, Cas Liber, 15 February 2021
I smile every time I see a new one of your Hypericum articles at GAN; a strong focus on a niche topic, especially in a deeply underappreciated area on-wiki such as botany, is always a gift to the wiki. There's only what, a few hundred more species to go? :D Generalissima27 September 2024
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