This user supports the armed struggle of the Palestinian people.
This user supports the armed struggle of the EZLN.
This user supports the armed struggle of the Colombian people.
This user supports the armed struggle of the Paraguayan people.
This user supports the armed struggle of the Basque people.
This user supports the armed struggle of the Kurds in Syria.

This user opposes the fascist project of the War on Drugs.
This user supports Black Americans in their struggle for rights.
This user opposes the fascist project of the War on Terror.
This user supports Native Americans in their struggle for rights.
This user opposes US interference in nations all around the world.

Main areas of interests: Law, policy.

I have access to Wolters Kluwer Lex, C.H. Beck Legalis for sourcing re. Polish law and EU law from a Polish POV.

Actio Pauliana
Fructus (rewrite)
Restitutio in integrum; In ancient Roman law section
Obligatio ex delicto
Other things that do not matter.

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