Michael R. Brown

This user is a member of the
Scouting WikiProject.
This user is a member of one of the 500+ world Scouting/Guiding associations and contributes articles to preserve their history.
This user is a member of one of the 500+ world Scouting or Guiding associations and collects and trades Scout memorabilia.
Wood Badge Beads - 2This user is a Wood Badger.
This user was too slack to make Eagle Scout.
This user is a Vigil Honor member of the Order of the Arrow whose name is Mvháyv En Vtchuken, which means Teacher of Raiment.
This user is a member of
WikiProject Parliamentary Procedure.
TThis user is a member of Toastmasters International.
This user enjoys geocaching.
This user enjoys comics.
This user enjoys reading science fiction.
This user enjoys the works of
J. R. R. Tolkien.
This user's got a case of the Mondays.
This user advocates the use of more cowbell.
' This user is a Libertarian.
This user is a Capitalist.
This user is a skeptic.



In case my list of infoboxes and interests doesn't give you enought information, here is more.

Born in Florida, lived here all my life. My ancestors came to Florida around 1765 as part of the New Smyrna Settlement. So most of my ancestors were Florida Crackers, and well as Conchs.

Got involved with Scouting as a Cub Scout, been involved ever since. I been/done: Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Explorer, Patrol Leader, Webelos Den Chief, ASPL, SPL, Assistant Scoutmaster, Scoutmaster, Assistant Exploring Advisor, Assitant Venturing Advisor, District Committee, Council Venturing Committee (in 2 councils), Kodiak/Kodiak X Task Force member, Life Scout, Vigil Honor, Council Venturing Leadership Award, Community Organization Award (APO Herbert G Horton Service to Youth Award), Philmont (twice + going to PTC), Sea Base (3 times), Sea Base Conference Center (twice), NOAC (7 times and counting), Indian Summer, National Jamboree (6 times and counting), World Jamboree (2007 my one and probably only), Wood Badge, Wood Badge Staff (once), Powder Horn, Sea Badge, NLS, NLATS. My main focus is OA & Venturing. Am also a scouting history nut with a large personal collection of scouting literature and historical information. For what its worth, I have never: gone to Northern Tier (maybe someday), never received a District Award of Merit (if it happens, it happens), Silver Beaver (ditto), or the like.

Got involved in APO when I went back to school. I have been/done: pledge & joined a chapter, am advisor to 2, been a sponsor, member of Section Staff, Region Staff, and 3 National Committees, past Section Chair and currently a Region Chair. Attended numerous Section & Regional Conferences, and 10 National Conventions (plan on being at the next one), and presented workshops at several. Member of APO LEADS Presenter Staff, and qualified for Launch, Explore and Discover. Developed and presented two APO IMPACT session.

I work in the IT field, having received both Bachelor and Master degrees in Computer Science. I currently work an information security consultant and vCISO. I am a member of ISSA, ISACA, Infragard, and ISC2, and used to be in Usenix/SAGE. Have CISSP, HCISPP, CISA, CISM, CGEIT, CRISC, GSLC, GSTRT certs and am an ISSA Fellow.

I am a parliamentarian (someone knowledgeable about parliamentary procedure, not someone who is a member of a parliament), member of both NAP & AIP, and study it to increase my knowledge.

Other hobbies/interests: read/collect comic books, read science fiction, read and research pulp fiction and pulp heroes, watch some science fiction movies/tv, collect PEZ, geocache, Munzee. I also have a long standing interest in Seminole and other Florida/Southeastern Native American cultural groups. I used to do re-enactments and still research into this area.

WARNING. Character flaws. I do not suffer fools easily. Do not hit my 'hot button' issues, and we'll get along fine. I seldom get into a heated arguments over matters of opinion ('which is better, x or y', etc). I will get into heated arguments on matters of fact if the other person is incorrect and I can backup what I say with facts/information, which I usually can do because of my personal collection of materials. If I am uncertain of my facts/information, I try to avoid getting into an argument.

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