In case anyone is wondering, this is a count of the number of items on the National Register that have duplicate names.
This is for entries that have 5 duplicate names or more (which includes 262 entries).
- First Presbyterian Church 102
- First Baptist Church 84
- U.S. Post Office 68
- Main Street Historic District 64
- Masonic Temple 54
- First Congregational Church 43
- Trinity Episcopal Church 43
- St. John's Episcopal Church 39
- First United Methodist Church 37
- Grace Episcopal Church 33
- St. Paul's Episcopal Church 33
- First National Bank 31
- First National Bank Building 29
- Union Station 28
- Christ Church 27
- Christ Episcopal Church 27
- US Post Office 27
- City Hall 24
- U.S. Post Office and Courthouse 23
- First Christian Church 22
- St. Mark's Episcopal Church 22
- Lincoln School 21
- Carnegie Library 20
- North Main Street Historic District 20
- St. James Episcopal Church 20
- First Church of Christ, Scientist 19 (article is for the mother church)
- St. Mary's Catholic Church 19
- Carnegie Public Library 18
- Federal Building 18
- First Methodist Church 18
- East Main Street Historic District 17
- First Methodist Episcopal Church 17
- Smith House 17
- St. Luke's Episcopal Church 17
- Trinity Church 17
- Elmwood 16
- Odd Fellows Hall 16
- Rose Hill 16
- South Main Street Historic District 16
- St. Peter's Episcopal Church 16
- Masonic Temple Building 15
- Methodist Episcopal Church 15 (article is for the establishment, not for the individual buildings)
- St. Mary's Church 15
- U.S. Customhouse 15
- Washington County Courthouse 15
- Washington School 15
- Central Fire Station 14
- Old Post Office 14
- St. Paul's Church 14
- Sunnyside 14
- Woodlawn 14
- Cedar Grove 13
- Johnson House 13
- Memorial Hall 13
- Moore House 13
- St. Mary's Episcopal Church 13
- Union Church 13
- Cedars, The 12
- Central High School 12
- Central School 12
- Church Street Historic District 12
- Liberty Hall 12 (main article points to disambiguation)
- St. John's Lutheran Church 12
- St. Joseph's Catholic Church 12
- First Church of Christ Scientist 11
- Franklin County Courthouse 11
- Jefferson County Courthouse 11
- Kress Building 11
- Locust Grove 11
- Municipal Building 11
- Oaks, The 11
- Parker House 11
- St. Andrew's Episcopal Church 11
- St. John's Church 11
- Williams House 11
- Zion Lutheran Church 11
- Clay County Courthouse 10
- Edgewood 10
- Madison County Courthouse 10
- Miller House 10
- Rock Island Depot 10
- Second Presbyterian Church 10
- St. Stephen's Episcopal Church 10
- Thompson House 10
- Union Block 10
- US Post Office and Courthouse 10
- Walker House 10
- Wilson House 10
- Bellevue 9
- Belmont 9
- Clark House 9
- East End Historic District 9
- Fairview 9
- First Universalist Church 9
- Immaculate Conception Church 9
- Lee County Courthouse 9
- Lincoln County Courthouse 9
- Mitchell House 9
- Mount Pleasant Historic District 9
- Oak Hill 9
- Oakland 9
- Octagon House 9 (not a disambig page)
- Old City Hall 9
- Old Town Historic District 9
- Paramount Theatre 9
- Riverside Cemetery 9
- Robinson House 9
- St. Thomas Episcopal Church 9
- West End Historic District 9
- White House 9 (disambig page doesn't mention all the NRHP buildings)
- Whitehall 9
- Woodside 9
- Administration Building 8
- Allen House 8
- Brown House 8
- Clifton 8
- Courthouse Square Historic District 8
- Douglas County Courthouse 8
- Emmanuel Episcopal Church 8
- First Unitarian Church 8
- Grace Church 8
- Hermitage, The 8
- Ingleside 8
- Jackson County Courthouse 8
- Jackson House 8
- Johnson County Courthouse 8
- Lewis House 8
- Monroe County Courthouse 8
- Mount Zion Baptist Church 8
- Odd Fellows Building 8
- Old Stone Church 8
- Old Stone House 8
- Palace Hotel 8
- Palace Theater 8
- President's House 8 (not a disambig page)
- Rogers House 8
- Sacred Heart Church 8
- Scottish Rite Cathedral 8
- St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church 8
- St. Peter's Church 8
- United Methodist Church 8 (links to the establishment, not buildings)
- Walnut Grove 8
- Walnut Street Historic District 8
- Washington Avenue Historic District 8
- West Main Street Historic District 8
- West Side Historic District 8
- White Hall 8
- Anderson House 7
- Bethel AME Church 7
- Broad Street Historic District 7 (not a disambig page, and intro is lacking context)
- Central Presbyterian Church 7
- Chamber of Commerce Building 7
- Commercial Hotel 7
- Elliott House 7
- Floral Hall 7
- Franklin School 7
- Harris House 7
- Hillside 7
- Jones House 7
- Main Street Bridge 7
- Martin House 7 (links to a Frank Lloyd Wright house; not a disambiguation)
- Medical Arts Building 7
- Methodist Episcopal Church, South 7 (links to the establishment, not buildings)
- Mills House 7 (not a disambig page)
- Oakwood 7
- Old Main 7
- Riverside 7
- Roosevelt School 7
- Second Baptist Church 7
- Southern Pacific Railroad Depot 7
- St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church 7
- St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church 7
- Stone House 7
- Thomas House 7
- Union Depot 7
- Union Hotel 7 (not a disambig page)
- Anchorage, The 6
- Bailey House 6
- Baker House 6 (links to MIT residence hall, not disambig)
- Beaver Creek Bridge 6
- Bell House 6
- Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church 6 (links to the establishment, not a building)
- Bridge 6 (main article about bridges - ambiguous links are Nebraska highway bridges)
- Broadway Historic District 6
- Campbell House 6
- Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception 6
- Central Square Historic District 6
- College Street Historic District 6
- Crawford House 6
- Davis House 6 (USCA co-op, not disambig)
- East Side Historic District 6
- Elms, The 6
- Emmanuel Church 6
- Evergreen Cemetery 6
- Ferguson House 6
- First Lutheran Church 6
- Flatiron Building 6
- Franklin Historic District 6
- Friends Meetinghouse 6 (not a disambiguation page)
- Fuller House 6
- Gardner House 6
- Governor's Mansion 6
- Grand Hotel 6
- Grand Opera House 6
- Grant County Courthouse 6
- Greene County Courthouse 6
- Greenwood 6
- Hart House 6 (not a dab page)
- High Street Historic District 6
- Holy Trinity Episcopal Church 6
- Homestead, The 6
- Hughes House 6
- Hunter House 6 (not a dab page)
- Illinois Central Railroad Depot 6
- Immanuel Lutheran Church 6
- Jasper County Courthouse 6
- Longfellow School 6
- Main Street Commercial Historic District 6
- Maplewood 6
- Marion County Courthouse 6
- Mason House 6
- Melrose 6
- Mill House 6 (links to a horse, not a dab page)
- Montgomery County Courthouse 6
- Montgomery House 6
- Montgomery Ward Building 6
- Morgan House 6
- Morris House 6
- Mount Pleasant 6
- Oak Grove 6
- Old Courthouse 6
- Old Town Hall 6
- Plaza Hotel 6 (about the one in New York, not a dab page)
- Polk County Courthouse 6
- Preston House 6
- Professional Building 6
- Prospect Hill Historic District 6
- Rialto Theater 6
- Rosedale 6
- Round Barn 6
- Santa Fe Depot 6 (points to Union Station (San Diego), not a dab page)
- Seattle Public Library 6 (about the system, not the buildings)
- Soo Line Depot 6
- South Street Historic District 6
- Spring Hill 6
- St. James Church 6
- St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church 6
- St. Matthew's Episcopal Church 6
- St. Nicholas Chapel 6
- St. Patrick's Catholic Church 6
- State Theater 6
- Strand Theatre 6 (redirects to the Novello Theatre in London, not a dab page)
- Taylor House 6
- Temple Beth Israel 6
- Temple Beth-El 6
- Town Hall 6
- Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church 6
- Union County Courthouse 6
- Union Hall 6 (links to an Irish village, not a dab page)
- Ward House 6 (links to the one in Washington, not a dab page)
- Washington Historic District 6
- Washington Street Historic District 6
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