Hello. I am Dexcube. I initially created a Wikipedia account because I got the insatiable urge to add a They Might Be Giants song to the legacy of the Pogo comic strip. Since, I enjoy sporadically adding information to Wikipedia, keeping it accurate and up to date, whether it be spotting a grammar mistake or inaccurate information. I also wrote the article for Goodyear High School.

I am a fan of the Star Trek franchise. I like most of them (I haven't watched Enterprise at all yet, have only watched the first few episodes of Picard, and have only watched the first three seasons (and the first episode or so of season 4) of Discovery). Other sci-fi shows I enjoy are Doctor Who, The Orville, and Infinity Train.

I use Debian Linux Testing as my daily driver operating system on an X86-64 computer. I generally prefer open source software for the freedom it provides. I can often be found writing JavaScript or Python code.


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