A quote I wanted to keep:
"I know myself I've: been hasty and superficial replying to, or reacting to, a merely poorly-worded item, or when I was just working too fast; I've been dismissive, arrogant, and maybe sometimes outright insulting; and I can exacerbate others' frustration just by being too detailed, verbose, loquatious, or circumloqutory, or by arguing a point that seems small to them (coming as they do from some different background with some different values), or by using unnecessarily complex sentences (as I am sometimes wont to do, not, of course, lately)."
I don't know who wrote it, may look it up later. I had it in my clipboard from very early this morning, pre-coffee.
Also, this userpage may be under heavy construction shortly.--Darkprincealain (talk) 19:39, 22 February 2008 (UTC)
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