Wikipedia is no place for humour.
Everything is very serious here and we are all terrifically important.
Wheatfield with Crows
Midsummer Eve Bonfire
Articles reviewed
The Featured Article Medal
By the authority vested in me by myself it gives me great pleasure to present you with this special, very exclusive award created just for we few, we happy few, this band of brothers, who have shed sweat, tears, and probably blood, in order to be able to proudly claim "I too have taken an article to Featured status". Gog the Mild (talk) 21:50, 17 March 2021 (UTC)

American Indie folk and rock

Thank you for quality articles about albums such as A Crow Looked at Me and The Glow Pt. 2, for Doctor Who episodes such as Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS, for Ozymandias (Breaking Bad), for thinking "that Wikipedia editing is an art", - you are an awesome Wikipedian!

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