My favourite way to contribute on Wikipedia is copyediting. I do create articles, but they're mostly stubs cuz I hate red links.
I'm not keen on doing a lot of initial work on articles, because the more I put into them the more emotionally attached I get to them, and that's not a good thing. Also I'm lazy.
On the other hand, I hate articles I stumble upon that people wrote off the tops of their heads, just to get something up, so I try to only include sourced info in my stubs.
The page I visit the most often is the Penis page. Isn't that an awesome picture???
My YahooIM is anchoresse. Feel free to chat me for whatever reason. I'm almost always on. :-)
I've maintained my excellent contributions, attitude and reputation over 18 months by measuring virtually every single potential action against two criteria: a) Does it improve the encyclopedia; and b) Do I feel like doing it. With almost negligible exception, all my on-Wiki activities can be assumed to meet both criteria, and any action not taken fails at least one.
This user feels that out of processdeletions subject to an administrator's whims rather than consensus damage Wikipedia more than any userbox ever could.
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