Farmer, antiwar.
First appearance:
- Shenandoah (3 June 1965).
- See Bruce Wayne below.
- Raymond Reddington
- Elizabeth Keen
- Katarina Rostova
- "Mr. Kaplan"
- Ivan Stepanov
- The Osterman Umbrella Company
- "Tom Keen"
- Berlin
- Robert Vesco
- Dembe Zuma
- Tom Connolly
- "The Decembrist"
- Ian Garvey
- Alexander Kirk
- President Robert Diaz
- Anslo Garrick
- Sutton Ross
- Susan Hargrave
- "The Capricorn Killer" [although the actual "Capricorn Killer" is one of the victims in this, killed by F. B. I. profiler Dr. Sharon Fulton]
- Bastien Moreau, a. k. a. "the Corsican"
- Luther Braxton
- "The Scimitar"
- Zarak Mosadek
- Director of the National Clandestine Service Peter Kotsiopulos
- Anna-Gracia Duerte
- Lawrence Dane Devlin
- Louis T. Steinhil ("The Illusionist" scrambled)
- Rakitin
- Dr. Bogdan Krilov
- Joe "Smokey" Putnum
- Zal Bin Hasaan
- Matias Solomon
- Dr. Hans Koehler
- Isabella Stone
- "The Cyranoid"
- "The Protean"
- Greyson Blaise
- "The Troll Farmer"
- Blair Foster
- Ogden Greeley
- The Artax Network (a defunct satellite network, not a character)
- "The Kingmaker"
- "The Djinn"
- "The Endling"
- "The Skinner"
- "The Debt Collector"
- Frederick Barnes
- "The Kilgannon Corporation" (Colin and Arthur Kilgannon)
- "The Avenging Angel"
- Arioch Cain
- Raleigh Sinclair III
- Ranko Zamani [The episode is titled "Pilot," so it's not 100% clear that Zamani is #52 on Reddington's list]
- "The Thrushes"
- Ilyas Surkov
- Karakurt
- "The Cook"
- Ruth Kipling, a. k. a. "the Judge"
- Marko Jankowics
- "The Apothecary"
- Anna McMahon
- Philomena
- Leonard Caul
- "The Invisible Hand" (group)
- The Cyprus Agency
- Miles McGrath
- Mato
- Ruslan Denisov
- Pattie Sue Edwards
- "Lady Luck"
- Dr. Laken Perillos
- The "Kenyon Family"
- Eli Matchett
- Madeline Pratt
- The Front, lead by Maddox Beck
- "The Major"
- Rebecca Thrall
- Lady Ambrosia
- "The Caretaker"
- Esteban
- Marvin Gerard
- "Gaia"
- Dr. Linus Creel
- Mako Tanida
- Wujing
- "The Courier"
- Sir Crispin Crandall
- Quon Zhang
- Harrison Lee (who'd masqueraded as a hacker named "Ivan")
- Dr. James Covington
- "The Travel Agency"
- "The Ethicist"
- "The Brockton College Killer"
- "The Deer Hunter" (formerly the husband of Tracy Solobotkin, currently Tracy Solobotkin herself)
- The King Family (including T. Earl King VI)
- Gregory Devry
- Captain Kidd
- The Longevity Initiative
- Dr. Adrian Shaw
- "Minister D"
- Abraham Stern
- "The Alchemist"
- The Harem (a heist group)
- Alistair Pitt
- Nora Mills, a. k. a. "Lord Baltimore"
- The Lindquist Concern
- "The Good Samaritan"
- "The Architect"
- Kings of the Highway (a gang)
- General Ludd
- Nicholas T. Moore
- Lipet's Seafood Company
- The Monarch Douglas Bank
- Drexel
- The Mombasa Cartel
- Olivia Olson
- General Shiro
- Vanessa Cruz
- "The Informant"
- The Pavlovich Brothers
- The Pavlovich Brothers
- The Pavlovich Brothers
- The Pavlovich Brothers
- Dr. Spalding Stark, a. k. a. "the Pharmacist"
- Hannah Hayes
- Twamie Ullulaq
- The Wellstone Agency
- Guillermo Rizal
- Balthazar "Bino" Baker
- Dr. Lewis Powell
- [The episode is titled "Alter Ego"]
- The Vehm
- Nicholas Obenrader
- Milton Bobbit
- "The Third Estate" (group)
- Victoria Fenberg
- Norman Devane
- Roanoke
- The Fribourg Confidence
- Godwin Page
- "The Conglomerate"
- "Chemical Mary"
- Newton Purcell
- "The Freelancer"
- "The Pawnbrokers"
- "The Pawnbrokers"
- Nyle Hatcher
- Roy Cain
- "Les Fleurs Du Mal" (society)
- Gina Zanetakos
- Dr. Roberta Sand, Ph.D.
- "Arcane Wireless"
- Cornelius Ruck
- The Kazanjian Brothers
- The Kazanjian Brothers
- Gordon Kemp
- Orion Relocation Services
- "The Cryptobanker"
- Stanley Kornish, a. k. a. "the Stewmaker"
- "The Hawaladar"
- Maggie Driscoll (a. k. a. "the Forecaster") [although, it makes no sense that she'd be listed here, since she is not a criminal, but rather a young girl whose hearing aid picks up a criminal's murder plans]
- Boukman Baptiste
- "The Whaler"
- "The Morgana Logistics Corporation"
- Dr. Razmik Maier
- "Caelum Bank"
- "The Chairman"
- Helen Maghi
- "The Postman"
- "Genuine Models, Inc."
- "El Conejo"
- "The SPK"
- Laszlo Jankowics
- Eva Mason
- "Wormwood"
- Benjamin T. Okara
- Natalie Luca
- Andrew Kennison
- "The Nowhere Bride"
- Dr. Michael Abani
- "The Four Guns"
- "The Hyena"
Note: Cape May and Kuwait are not blacklisters, but locations. Blacklisters 2, 123, 134, 148, 153–154, 166, 170, 174–175, 179, 186–191, and 193–197 have yet to be revealed.
First appearance:
- Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., "Harrison Bergeron," The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (October 1961).
Best appearance:
- 2081 (29 May 2009), written and directed by Chandler Tuttle, based on "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
First appearance:
- Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club (New York, N. Y.: W. W. Norton & Company, 17 August 1996).
Type of God:
First appearance:
- "A Hole in the World," Angel (S5E15, 25 February 2004), written and directed by Joss Whedon.
Becomes God.
First appearance as a human:
- Lucy (25 July 2014), written and directed by Luc Besson.
First appearance as God:
- Lucy (25 July 2014), written and directed by Luc Besson.
Type of God:
Appears in:
- Works and Days (c. 700 B. C. E.) by Hesiod.
- Theogony (c. 700 B. C. E.) by Hesiod.
- Prometheus Bound, attributed in antiquity to Æschylus.
- See translation by Joel Agee, Prometheus Bound (New York, N. Y.: New York Review Books, 2014).
Bruce Wayne, also known as Batman
First image of Batman in Action Comics #12, announcing the character's debut in the forthcoming Detective Comics #27[1]
The first published image of the Batman is a cell in Action Comics #12 advertising the character's debut in the forthcoming Detective Comics #27. All that is seen is his cowl.
The Batman appears on the cover of Detective Comics #27. One can see his full costume. The emblem on his check is a black sillhoette of a bat against the grey of his shirt. He wears blueish/blackish gloves.
Archangel, Seven Archangels, Horae, List of names for the biblical nameless, List of theological demons
Greek | Roman | Etruscan | Egyptian | Phoenician | Parthian
(Hellenistic period) |
Germanic | Functions | Days of the week | |||||
Greek | Romanized | Roman | Anglicized | Greek | Latin | Old English | English | ||||||
Ἄδωνις | Adonis | Atunis | Osiris | Adōn/Tammuz | agriculture; resurrection | ||||||||
Ἀμφιτρίτη | Amphitrite | Salacia | Hatmehit / Hatmehyt | Amphitrite was a sea goddess, wife of Poseidon, and queen of the sea; later, she was the goddess of calm seas and safe passage through storms. Salacia was consort to Neptune and the goddess of salt water who presided over the depths of the ocean. Hatmehit was a consort to Banebdjedet and was a fish goddess; she was also a goddess of life and protection. | |||||||||
Ἀνάγκη | Ananke | Necessitas | force, constraint, necessity | ||||||||||
Ἄνεμοι | Anemoi | Venti | Vayu-Vata | winds | |||||||||
Ἀφροδίτη | Aphrodite | Venus | Turan | Hathor Isis |
Astarte | Anahita | Freyja | beauty; sex; love | ἡμέρᾱ Ἀφροδῑ́της (hēmérā Aphrodī́tēs) | dies Veneris (day of Venus) | Friday | ||
Frigg (Fríge) / Frīg | Frīgedæg (Fríge's day) | ||||||||||||
Ἀπόλλων (Apollōn) / Φοῖβος (Phoibos) |
Apollo / Phoebus | Aplu / Apulu | Horus / Ra | Resheph | Mithra | light; prophecy; healing; plagues; music; poets | |||||||
Ἄρης | Ares | Mars | Laran | Anhur | Verethragna | Týr / Tíw | war | ἡμέρᾱ Ἄρεως (hēmérā Áreōs) | dies Martis (day of Mars) | Tīwesdæg (Tiw's day) | Tuesday | ||
Odin (Óðinn) / Wōden | Wōdnesdæg (Woden's day) | Wednesday | |||||||||||
Ἄρτεμις | Artemis | Diana | Artume / Artumes / Aritimi | Bast | Kotharat | Drvaspa | hunting, the hunt; wilderness, wild animals; virginity, childbirth; Diana: lit. heavenly or divine | ||||||
Ἀσκληπιός (Asklēpios) | Asclepius | Aesculapius / Vejovis | Vejove | Vetis / Veiove, Veive | Imhotep | Eshmun | healing | ||||||
Ἀθηνᾶ (Athēnā), Ἀθήνη (Athēnē) | Athena / Athene | Minerva | Menrva / Menerva | Neith | Anat | wisdom; strategy; the arts and crafts; weaving | |||||||
Ἄτλας (Átlas) | Atlas | Aril | holder of the celestial spheres | ||||||||||
Ἄτροπος | Atropos | Morta | Leinth | Atropos: lit. inflexible; death | |||||||||
Βορέας | Boreas | Aquilo | Andas | North Wind or Devouring One | |||||||||
Καλλιόπη (Kalliopē) | Calliope | "beautifully voiced"; muse of eloquence and epic poetry | |||||||||||
Χάος (Kháos) | Chaos | Nu | chasm, vast void, abyss; the formless, primordial state of existence | ||||||||||
Naunet | |||||||||||||
Χάριτες (Kharites) | Charites | Gratiae | Graces | grace; splendor; festivity; charity | |||||||||
Χάρων (Kharōn) | Charon | Charun / Charu | fierce, flashing, feverish gaze (eyes) | ||||||||||
Χλωρίς (Khlōris) | Chloris | Flora | Chloris: lit. greenish-yellow, pale green, pale, pallid, fresh; Flora: lit. flower | ||||||||||
Κλωθώ (Klōthō) | Clotho | Nona | spinning; thread | ||||||||||
Κρόνος (Kronos) | Cronus | Saturnus | Saturn | Satre | Geb | El | Time | ἡμέρᾱ Κρόνου (hēmérā Krónou) | dies Saturni (day of Saturn) | Sæturnesdæg (Saturn's day) | Saturday | ||
Χρόνος (Khronos) | Chronos | ||||||||||||
Κυβέλη (Kybelē) | Cybele | Magna Mater | Magna Mater: lit. Great Mother | ||||||||||
Δημήτηρ | Demeter | Ceres | Zerene | Isis | Ashi | grains, agricultural fertility; Demeter: lit. Earth Mother | |||||||
Διόνυσος (Dionysos) / Βάκχος (Bakkhos) |
Dionysus / Bacchus | Liber / Bacchus | Fufluns | Osiris | wine and winemaking; revelry; ecstasy; Liber: lit. the free one | ||||||||
Εἰλείθυια | Eileithyia / Ilithyia | Lucina | Ilithiia | childbirth, midwifery | |||||||||
Ἐνυώ | Enyo | Bellona | Enie | Sekhmet | war | ||||||||
Ἠώς | Eos | Aurora / Matuta | Thesan | Tefnut | dawn | ||||||||
Ἔρεβος (Érebos) | Erebus | Scotus | darkness | ||||||||||
Ἐρινύες | Erinyes | Dirae / Furiae | Furies | Furies | |||||||||
Ἔρις | Eris | Discordia | Eris | Anat | strife | ||||||||
Ἔρως | Eros | Cupido / Amor | Cupid | Erus | sexual love | ||||||||
Eὐτέρπη | Euterpe | Euturpa / Euterpe | "she who delights"; muse of music (especially flute music) and song; later, also of lyric poetry | ||||||||||
Εὖρος (Euros) | Eurus | Vulturnus | East Wind | ||||||||||
Γαῖα | Gaia / Gaea | Terra / Tellus | Cel | Zam | Jörð (jǫrð) | the earth | |||||||
ᾍδης (Hāidēs) / Πλούτων (Ploutōn) |
Hades / Pluto | Dis Pater / Pluto / Orcus | Aita / Eita | Anubis | Mot | Angra Mainyu | Hel | the underworld. Hades: lit. the unseen | |||||
Osiris | |||||||||||||
Ἥβη (Hēbē) | Hebe | Iuventas | Juventas | Renpet | youth | ||||||||
Ἑκάτη (Hekatē) | Hecate | Trivia | Heqet | will; Hecate: trans. she who has power far off [2] | |||||||||
Ἥλιος | Helios | Sol | Usil | Ra | Sól | sun | ἡμέρᾱ Ἡλίου (hēmérā Hēlíou) | dies solis (day of Sol) | Sunnandæg (sun's day) | Sunday | |||
Ἡμέρα | Hemera | Dies | Dagr | day | |||||||||
Ἥφαιστος (Hḗphaistos) | Hephaestus | Vulcanus | Vulcan | Sethlans | Ptah | Atar | metalwork, forges; fire, lava | ||||||
Ἥρα | Hera | Iuno | Juno | Uni | Mut, Hathor | Armaiti | marriage, family | ||||||
Ἡρακλής (Hēraklē̂s) | Heracles | Hercules | Hercle / Heracle | Heryshaf | Melqart | Rostam (Heracles) | Heracles: lit. glory of Hera | ||||||
Ἑρμῆς | Hermes | Mercurius | Mercury | Turms / Turmś | Anubis, Thoth | Shamash | Hermóðr (anglicized as Hermod) | transitions; boundaries; thieves; travelers; commerce; Hermes: poss. "interpreter"; Mercurius: related to Latin "merx" (merchandise), "mercari" (to trade), and "merces" (wages) | ἡμέρᾱ Ἑρμοῦ (hēmérā Hermoû) | dies Mercurii (day of Mercury) | Hermoday | ||
Odin (Óðinn) / Wōden | Wōdnesdæg (Woden's day) | Wednesday | |||||||||||
Ἕσπερος (Hesperos) | Hesperus | Vesper | evening, supper, evening star, west[3] | ||||||||||
Ἕστία | Hestia | Vesta | hearth, fireplace, domesticity | ||||||||||
Ὑγίεια | Hygeia | Salus | health; cleanliness | ||||||||||
Ὕπνος | Hypnos | Somnus | sleep | ||||||||||
Εἰρήνη (Eirēnē) | Irene | Pax | peace | ||||||||||
Ἶρις | Iris | Arcus / Iris | Nut | rainbow | |||||||||
Ἰανός | Ianus | Janus | Culsans | beginnings; transitions; motion; doorways | |||||||||
Λάχεσις (Lakhesis) | Lachesis | Decima | Lachesis: lit. disposer of lots; luck | ||||||||||
Λητώ | Leto | Latona | Demureness; mothers | ||||||||||
Μοῖραι (Moirai) | Moirai / Moerae | Parcae / Fatae | Fates | Norns (nornir) | Apportioners | ||||||||
Μορφέας | Morpheus | Dreams | |||||||||||
Μοῦσαι (Mousai) | Musae | Camenae | Mus | Music; inspiration | |||||||||
Νίκη | Nike | Victoria | Mean / Meanpe | victory | |||||||||
Νότος (Notos) | Notus | Auster | South Wind | ||||||||||
Νύξ (Nyx) | Nyx | Nox | Nephthys | Nótt | night | ||||||||
Ὀδυσσεύς | Odysseus | Ulixes / Ulysses | Ulysses | Uthste | hero | ||||||||
Παλαίμων (Palaimōn) | Palaemon | Portunus | keys, doors; ports, harbors | ||||||||||
Πᾶν | Pan | Faunus | Min | nature, the wild | |||||||||
Περσεφόνη | Persephone | Proserpina | Proserpine | Persipnei / Phersipnai | poss. "to emerge" | ||||||||
Φάων | Phaon | Phaun / Faun / Phamu | mortal boatman given youth and beauty by Aphrodite | ||||||||||
Φήμη | Pheme | Fama | fame; rumor | ||||||||||
Φωσφόρος (Phōsphoros) | Phosphorus | Lucifer | Attar | lit. light bearer | |||||||||
Ποσειδῶν | Poseidon | Neptunus | Neptune | Nethuns | Apam Napat | sea; water; horses; earthquakes | |||||||
Πρίαπος (Priapos) | Priapus | Mutunus Tutunus / Mutinus Titinus | fertility; livestock; gardens; male genitalia | ||||||||||
Προμηθεύς | Prometheus | Prumathe | forethought | ||||||||||
Ῥέα | Rhea | Opis / Magna Mater (See Cybele, above) |
Ops | Nut | Asherah | Rhea: lit. flowing. Ops: lit. wealth, abundance, resources. | |||||||
Σελήνη | Selene | Luna | Losna | Isis | Mah | Máni | moon | ἡμέρᾱ Σελήνης (hēmérā Selḗnēs) | dies lunæ (day of Luna) | Mōnandæg (moon's day) | Monday | ||
Tiur / Tivr / Tiv | |||||||||||||
Σειληνός | Silenos | Silvanus | Selvans | Silvanus: lit. of the woods | |||||||||
Θάνατος | Thanatos | Mors | Leinth | Anubis | Mot | death | |||||||
Charun | |||||||||||||
Θέμις | Themis | Iustitia | Justitia / Justice | law of nature | |||||||||
Τύχη (Tykhē) | Tyche | Fortuna | Fortune | Nortia | luck, fortune | ||||||||
Τυφῶν ("Typhon") | Typhoeus | Typh | Set | "whirlwinds, storms, chaos, darkness" | |||||||||
Οὐρανός (Ouranos) | Uranus | Caelus | Asman | sky | |||||||||
Vertumnus | Voltumna / Veltha | the seasons; change | |||||||||||
Ζέφυρος (Zephyros) | Zephyrus / Zephyr | Favonius | West Wind; Favonius: lit. favorable | ||||||||||
Ζεύς | Zeus | Iuppiter / Iovis | Jupiter / Jove | Tinia / Tina / Tin | Amun | Baʿal Ḥammon Dagon Hadad |
Ohrmazd / Ahura Mazda | Thor (Þórr) | Zeus and Jupiter were sky and thunder gods; they were sky fathers and kings of the gods. Thor, too, was a thunder god; he was also a god of lightning, storms, sacred groves and trees, strength, the protection of mankind, and also hallowing and fertility—but it was his father, Odin, who was king. Tinia, a sky god, was the highest Etruscan god. Amun-Ra was the chief deity of the Egyptian Empire; as Zeus Ammon, he came to be identified with Zeus. Horus, meanwhile, was god of kingship and the sky. Baʿal Ḥammon was a weather god and king of the gods; Hadad was also a storm and rain god; Dagon (mentioned in the Hebrew Bible him as the national god of the Philistines) was a grain god associated with fertility and agriculture, called Zeus Arotrios after he discovered grain and the plough, although he is often falsely assumed to be a fish god due to his name. Finally, Ahura Mazda (literally "lord wisdom") was the creator and Zoroastrianism's highest deity. | ἡμέρᾱ Διός (hēmérā Diós) | dies Iovis (day of Jove) | Þūnresdæg (Thor's day) | Thursday |
Horus |
English | Old English | French | Greek | Irish | Italian | Latin | Old Norse | Spanish | German | |
Chaos (Chaos*) |
Chaos | Χάος (Kháos) |
Caos | Chaos | Ginnungagap | Caos | Chaos | |||
Darkness (Darkness) |
Sceadu | Oscurité | Ἔρεβος (Erebus) |
Dorchadas | Oscurità | Tenebrae | Myrkri | Oscuridad | Dunkelheit | |
Death (Death/Grim reaper*) |
Dēaþ | Mort | Θάνατος (Thanatos) |
Bás | Morte | Mors (Mors) |
Dauði | Muerte | Tod | |
Earth (Mother Earth/Mother Nature*) |
Eorþe | Terre | Γαῖα (Gaia) |
Domhan | Danu (Danu) |
Terra | Terra (Terra) |
Jörð | Tierra | Erde |
Justice (Lady Justice) |
Rihtwīsness | Justice | Θέμις (Themis or Dike) |
Ceart | Giustizia | Iustitia (Iustitia) |
Justicia | Gerechtigkeit | ||
Liberty (Liberty) |
Frēodōm | Liberté | Ἐλευθερία (Eleutheria) |
Saoirse | Libertà | Libertas (Libertas) |
Frelsi | Libertad | Freiheit | |
Night (Night*) |
Niht | Nuit | Νύξ (Nyx) |
Oidhche | Notte | Nox (Nox) |
Nótt | Noche | Nacht | |
Sleep (Sleep/The Sandman) |
Slǣp | Sommeil | Ὕπνος (Hypnos) |
Codladh | Sonno | Somnus (Somnus) |
Svefn | Sueño | Schlaf | |
Truth (Truth/Verity) |
Trēowþ | Vérité | ἀλήθεια (Aletheia) |
Fírinne | Verità | Veritas (Veritas) |
Sannleikr or Sannleik | Verdad | Wahrheit |
- ^ "Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon, ἕκα^τος". Retrieved 2013-01-24.
- ^ Collins Latin Dictionary plus Grammar, p. 231. ISBN 0-06-053690-X)
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